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Gummy's Two Cents

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Sounds like there could be a Trek Film Festival happening tomorrow. Plus, while I am at work, he can watch all of the episodes of Enterprise that I have on my TiVO for him.


Thats the way to bring those kids up right, Gummy!... :hug:

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My youngest one told me of something today that I wasn't aware of. Apparently, 1.0 and 2.0 had a chat before 2.0 hit the road. According to my son, 2.0 told 1.0 that I was the most miserable man that she's ever known. Like 1.0 didn't already know that. I was also told that 2.0 sent "farewell e-mails" to all of the members of my family that have email capability. From what I can gather, it wasn't very flattering towards me. But sticks and stones may break my bones.....

So, I'm not sweating it.

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According to my son, 2.0 told 1.0 that I was the most miserable man that she's ever known. Like 1.0 didn't already know that.


You're agreeing with this assessment of you???... :hug:

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According to my son, 2.0 told 1.0 that I was the most miserable man that she's ever known. Like 1.0 didn't already know that.


You're agreeing with this assessment of you???... :hug:

In this case, she's right. I have been miserable. But it wasn't by my own doing. I have had people screw with me so often that it isn't funny. She thinks that I think that everyone's out to screw me. And there are times when it certainly seems like it. I bust my hump trying to do right by everybody. I decided to just do right by my kids. I couldn't care less what others think of me. 2.0 used to whine about "when will I be Number One in your life?" I told her (at that time) that the best she could hope for is a tie for First Place. My kids' mother cares only about her boyfriend. She doesn't care about our kids. Her priorities are all wrong. Parents need to put their kids first, then everything else gets put on the back burner. That's what I am doing with my kids. They've always been my first and foremost priority. The next woman that I meet, if she can't understand that, then she won't be around for very long.

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"my cats (currently engaged in "Kitty Wrestling")"


So, Gummy, what can you tell us about your cats, other than that they wrestle?

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"my cats (currently engaged in "Kitty Wrestling")"


So, Gummy, what can you tell us about your cats, other than that they wrestle?

They're mixed. Both have claws but, only one of them loves to claw my new furniture.

They both love me and my kids. One is Jada, the other is Darryl (named after Dimebag Darryl, from Pantera).

They're funny as hell to watch when they wrestle. They always make me laugh.

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Another beautiful day weather-wise. The boys and I got the grocery shopping done today. It's amazing what two teenage boys can consume. I can't remember eating half of what they can eat. I call them my Grocery Destroyers. There's no such thing as leftovers with them here. 2.0 has not communicated with me in the week that she's been gone. It is believed that her mother is gravely ill. I am awaiting confirmation on this.

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Just this week I saw a piece on television on how food prices are going up. It mentioned the price of many things including milk. I also recently saw a similar piece talking about how the demand for corn, influenced by ethanol prices, etc., is causing more farmers to switch to growing corn. This switch, the article suggested, may result in shortages in the crops not being planted as much, including soybeans, etc. Back when my Dad farmed, the price of corn was usually low. That figures. :hug: But this price rise for food bothers me, as far as it affects those who have less resources than others.


P.S. I hate shopping, including grocery shopping (although at least I can eat what I buy - :hug: )

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I don't mind doing the grocery shopping. I've been doing it since I was a kid and my mother used to send me to the store with a list. I taught 1.0 how to shop. She never knew how. She thought a bag of Doritos and a gallon of milk was a full load. I know how to comparison shop, how to use coupons, all that stuff. Besides, when you're paying for it, you would like to have a say on what gets into the cart. We usually do most of our shopping at BJ's Wholesale Club and Wegmans' (Supermarket). Dropping $500 a month on groceries is not out of the question when both of my kids are over 6'4" and either near or over 300 lbs. They're growing boys and they need to eat.

Oh, BOY! Do they need to eat. :hug:

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1.0 and I had to appear at the Family Court Office today to sign papers that will alter the child support. Since my oldest has been living with me (almost two months), I have still had to pay her the full support. Which I understand from her standpoint, having to feed and buy cigarettes for her bum boyfriend isn't cheap. But now, I'm moving closer to not having to write her another check every again. Now if the judge will get moving on his end, this nonsense will be over with.

2.0 emailed me last night. She said that she would like to see how things go before we make any decisions on our future. I'm not in any hurry so I can wait. I have too much going on to be out looking for 3.0.

The weather turned out fantastic today. Considering how cold it was this morning. But there's a Frost Warning for tonight.

My Yankees finally won a game. Tonight, they play the Red Sox in Yankee Stadium. It will be hard to watch the game with my hands covering my eyes. :hug:

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I had a pretty restless night last night. I tossed and turned most of it. Went to bed around 3am, was up at 6:30AM. I can not sleep when someone accuses me to betraying their trust that they've placed in me. A friend told me that he wouldn't trust me if I let on about something that was shared with me. While I may not have directly let on that I was privy to information, I still would never divulge my sources. Nor would I ever betray a trust. I am often told of things that I can never divulge to anyone else. I possess secrets that I must take to my grave. It is a burden that I do not take lightly. The fact that the individuals trust me that implicitly, speaks volumes. In short, I CAN be trusted.

It's supposed to be a fantastic day weatherwise. Highs near 75. My kind of weather. I have much to do today and sitting here won't get it done.

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I did a whole lot of nothing today. Mainly just household chores. Laundry, cooking, cleaning. You know, fun things. :hug: Being a Housekeeper isn't very much fun, but it' stuff that if I don't do it, it doesn't get done.

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Today only has one appointment on the calendar. Brake Job for the Gummymobile. Other than that, not a thing except maybe trying to get my TiVO cleaned up. I have a ton of stuff to watch and make room for more.

That and we're waiting on 2.0's mother's bloodwork results. She may have Liver Cancer. We don't know anything yet.

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Once again, I have brakes to stop the Gummymobile. No more Fred Flintstone braking system (dragging feet). It only cost $178 and change. So, it's reasonable. I envy Kor for have the mechanical knowledge to be able to fix his own vehicles. I am mechanically retarded, so fixing my own car is out of the question.

It's gotten very warm out today. It's 81 and painfully sunny. I just wish that my local baseball team was playing. They're a "short-season" Class A team that doesn't start their season until after college lets out. Let's Go Auburn Doubledays!!!

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Things keep getting worse and worse. While my wait continues for the Family Court Judge to sign the child support revision order, I still have to shell out money to 1.0. The overtime at work has dried up and right now, cash is extremely tight. Plus, it seems like there is no relief in sight for the rising gas prices. My salary continues to stay where it is and my bills continue to pile up. Every day, something new comes up and that stuff continues to drain my wallet. I have to find a second job. I really have no choice any more.

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Yet another fun day. Work was rather uneventful, for which I am always grateful. My son's g/f is cooking tonight, which gets me off of K.P (Kitchen Patrol) Duty. It's unGodly hot here today. It's 92 right now and there's a series of thunderstorms rolling into my area. Oh, in case I forget, Happy Memorial Day everyone! Be safe this weekend.

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Another brilliantly sunny and warm day. Work was busy but not too busy. My son and I washed my Patrol Car this morning because the other lazy cops feel that it's beneath them to perform manual labor.

2.0 and I have been doing a dialog via e-mail. She seems happy to be out of here, but she denies that she is. Her sister has invited me to their family reunion in July. I am pretty sure that I have to work that weekend and won't be able to attend. I should try to get the time off just to see the looks on their faces. It would be a Kodak Moment, for sure. :hug:

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Well, the thunderstorms that they said we would be getting finally rolled in.

And it didn't last very long. But the temp dropped ten degrees since.

I got a letter from Family Court yesterday. I have to appear on June 18th at 10:30 am. I also have to fill out a Financial Statement for the Judge. When he sees mine, he'll cry with me. I'm the only person that I know that could have my identity stolen and have my credit rating go up. But as soon as the judge signs the revision, my financial situation will be fixed. I know that my union is currently negotiating the next Collective Bargaining Agreement. I know that the boss has said that they will be no raises, but an increase in our health insurance co-pays and premiums. Well, this time, it had better not go to Binding Arbitration. I want to vote this pig down.

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Good luck with that revision, Gummy. That would be like getting a raise!..

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Good luck with that revision, Gummy. That would be like getting a raise!..

Essentially, it will be a raise. An $800 a month raise. My oldest needs new clothes since 1.0 hardly ever bought him any. But she'll buy the bum boyfriend clothes without batting an eye. I wonder how much of his wardrobe I paid for????? :hug:

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Today was fairly uneventful. For which I am always grateful. I did see a flyover by two Fighter Jets from the 174th Air Tactical Wing ("The Boys from Syracuse") while I was having lunch. I know that they were doing flyovers for the various parades that were being held today. I love watching the jets fly overhead. I never get tired of it. Except once. It was 9/11/01, and the airspace over this country was closed after the attacks. Some local idiot was up in his plane (a Cessna Single Prop). My son heard it and said, "Is there supposed to be anyone flying now?" I told him no. Not ten seconds later, two fighter jets that were scrambled out of Syracuse flew overhead in pursuit. They established radio contact and ordered him to land. Needless to say, that scared the crap out of us. We thought that we were being attacked again. For a moment, I thought they were going to shoot him down. Those Fighter Pilots have my utmost respect. They did before. They did then. And they do now.

I am so glad that I am off the next two days. It's supposed to be fantastic weather-wise. I would love to get some work done outdoors.

If I can get off of this computer, that is....

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Today was a rather unproductive day for me. Which is a rarity. I did get to see the remastered "Shore Leave" episode of TOS this afternoon. And I have four episodes of ENT on my TiVO that I haven't seen yet. Those are the ones with Brent Spiner as Dr. Arik Soong, the creator of the Augments.

I did call my mechanic to see how much that new Turn Signal Switch will be costing me. He hasn't gotten back to me yet.

Nothing new to report on the 2.0 situation. All is quiet. But the day is young yet.....

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I have to laugh sometimes. As a Staff Member on another message board, I try to read as many posts as I possibly can each day. Now, mind you, some of the posts have little or no thought put into them. Others are well thought out and quite articulate. Some rant and rave (like it's going to do anything but show others what an imbecile they can be), and other express views and opinions of someone who "does their homework". I often ask myself why I actually applied for a Staff Position to begin with. Today is one of those days.

The Yankees are having a miserable season. Fans are unhappy about it and that's understandable. I'm not happy about it either, but what can you do? It's not US losing the games, it's not the manager, or the coaches losing the games for them. It is the players on the field (with the exception of a few) that are stinking up the joint. But, what do the kids (and they are kids, for the most part as I am the third oldest poster there) want everyone (General Manager, Field Manager, Coaches, Batboys, etc...) to be fired. I can't wait for them to get jobs and when they screw up, have someone start screaming for their heads on a platter and see how they like it.

Kids these days.... :bow:


Now onto other business....Which there is none because I've been off for the last two days. Although the weather has been nothing short of spectacular. Bright, brilliant sunshine, warm temperatures, how could anyone complain about the weather in my area? But tomorrow it's back to fighting crime. Or the lack thereof.... :laugh:

Oh, I did watch the Season Finale of "Boston Legal" this morning. Shatner's "Denny Crane" had a line that made me laugh out loud. As he was coming out of the courtroom, a sea of reporters were trying to get a sound bite or two from Denny, who was shamelessly plugging his website, amongst other things. One of his quotes was "I'm representing two murder defendants and I am a successful attorney and I was Captain of my own spaceship. I'm multi-tasking!" Great stuff. :look:

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ARRRRRGH!...I completely forgot to record Boston Legal last night! DAMMIT!

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ARRRRRGH!...I completely forgot to record Boston Legal last night! DAMMIT!

You missed the best episode of the season.

But watch for it in reruns.


ARRRRRGH!...I completely forgot to record Boston Legal last night! DAMMIT!

You missed the best episode of the season.

But watch for it in reruns.

BTW: Denny was plugging his website ( repeatedly. So, I decided to pay it a visit.

I do recommend it. It's quite humorous.

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