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Posts posted by gul_nodrog

  1. DS9 special features rock... I love all those hidden files! Section 31 baby, woohoo!


    TNG's were also very good.


    The special edition Kahn and Voyage Home DVDs we bought seemed to have plenty of extras.


    (Personally, I HATE audio commentary, so I never even noticed it wasn't offered.)


    I really didn't expect to have the amount of features that you get on those Lord of the Rings special edition DVDs ... good God! Peter Jackson may have spoiled us all a bit and now we think we're going to get the same treatment from everything we buy.

  2. I wasn't thrilled with DS9's ending (most definitely because I didn't want it to end!)


    But, we DO know what is happening to all the characters ...


    -Sisko's communing with the Prophets who engineered his birth


    -Jake's a writer


    -Kasidy is pregnant with the Emissary's child and will wait for Sisko


    -Odo went home to his people


    -Bashir finally got his Dax


    -Worf is the Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire(I'm going to completely ignore the demasculation of Worf that occurred in Nemesis)


    -Martok is the Klingon Chancellor


    -Kira's in command of DS9 and may or may not wait for Odo to return. Let's face it, that chick gets around.


    -Garak got to go back home to Cardassia and is helping to rebuild it


    -O'Brien and family are on Earth with Miles teaching at the Academy


    -Quark is running his bar where he's always been with each DS9/Terok Noir change of hand


    -Rom's the Nagus


    -Nog's in Starfleet


    -Winn is dead (hallelujah)


    -Dukat is dead (how sad really)


    -I think that it is pretty cool that Bajor never joined the Federation. Bajor is so spiritual, they would be hard-pressed to fit in with the secular Federation.


    Obviously there was going to be no final resolution to any of the characters ... I prefer to think that their lives have gone on, we just don't have a bird's eye view anymore.


    Geez, I really miss this crazy show.


    I tried to watch Babylon 5 .... sorry, big yawn for me. Never heard of that other one. Basically, I think that DS9 more or less ruined me for any other Trek, because I couldn't even sit through an episode of Enterprise. I'm sure it was a perfectly acceptable program, my heart just was not in it.

  3. am i the only one who doesn't like harry potter? *prepares to be pelted* i read the first ones, cept the last one was really bad.



    It's all a matter of taste, cassidy. I'm trying to figure out which of the books that you have actually read. It sounds like only the Sorcerer's Stone and Order of the Phoenix, but maybe I am misreading you.


    The Potter books are very engaging, great story, exciting ... but really not the best-written books and I don't know what happened to her editor for Phoenix.


    If you can plow through Chamber of Secrets and get to Prisoner of Azkaban, you'll probably find that you like HP a little better. Then of course Goblet of Fire is amazing. Phoenix was a bit tedious, but Half-Blood Prince was AWESOME.


    And if I knew exactly HOW to post a picture of myself with my HBP, I certainly would. But I don't have a scanner or a digital camera, so there you are.

  4. Ed Harris was in Apollo 13 and The Right Stuff.



    And everything else in between. He was in "A Beautiful Mind," "The Truman Show," "Places in the Heart," .... superb character actor and very hard to pigeonhole.


    Dennis Quaid is really experience a renaissance .... splitting with Meg Ryan did wonders for his career! I loved him in "Frequency" and "The Rookie." I could definitely see him as an ST captain.


    Not so big on the Hercules dude though.

  5. Like I said before once, if they REALLY wanted another Dax character to appear, I would have written it so that the new Host wasn't a Starfleet officer but just visited the station in one episode only to bring the Dax character's story to a final end.


    The twist?


    The new Host would be a man.



    Now that would have put Worf's panties in a twist! Of course, Sisko wouldn't have cared he always thought of Dax as a man anyway.


    We already had the eye-candy in Leeta, so Farrell's departure didn't leave a void in that department.


    And Farrell left for "Becker," not the big screen. I really don't blame her, but I was sorry to see her go.

  6. DAX should have died when Jadzia did. That would have been very interesting to see what happens on Trill when a SYMBIONT died.


    And, of course, had that happened there would have been no EZRI. ick.


    I hated Kai Winn, too, but I'm with the King. She was necessary and certainly someone who gave us a character to hate.

  7. I got a GREAT idea for a new Trek show ..... ooooohhh we should have a contest/reality show. Folks from anywhere in the world could sign up to compete in the "So You Wanna be the Next Trek Captain" show.


    We could all vote for our favorite after watching them imitate Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway or Archer. There could be categories for best stance with a tri-corder, best performance of withstanding hits to the nacelles, best delivery of the "shields down to 15% line," best working that uniform ... limitless possibilities for something like this, don't you think?


    And they could haul Denise Crosby out of the abyss to host and judge the candidates. Other Trek celebrities could include the where are they now contingent ... Roxanne Dawes, that Hoshi chick, Lt. Barclay or that guy who played Nog.


    Unfortunately in the current television climate, that would be the only type of show we could expect right now. Trek may have gotten too big for its britches for syndication, the major networks don't want to do anything intelligent, and cable channels ... well I don't see how they could come up with enough cash to produce the special effects required for a new Trek show.

  8. Star Trek in its current form should die. I completely agree with Levar Burton on this. He, like so many of us, feel that ST has been run into the ground by people who really don't understand it. Unfortunately, it is the people who don't "get" Star Trek who are in control.


    Perhaps if they wait 10 years or so to do another series, all the people who have really screwed this franchise up with be retired or no longer at Paramount. Who knows, maybe someone posting on these boards will be in charge .... what a victory that would be for the fans.

  9. ^^Spoken like a true Potterfile.


    I like Potter almost as much as I like Deep Space Nine .... almost. When do you think that we'll have the final book? My money says summer of 2007. I read in some article/interview that she plans to start writing in earnest at the end of this year. That she'd already begun some of Book 7's preliminary work.


    The movies will help us make it through .... I wasn't so much on PoA (the movie), too much left out and changed. I didn't mind the new cinematography so much, but the layout of Hogwarts was so different it was like they were in a different place. I wonder why they just couldn't have left the grounds as they were and simply gone with the new "coloring?"


    Oh, well. Party on, tinadoll. Or should I say "Potter on?"

  10. I've never really liked, the movies, I felt they missed out so much and moved the story along to quickly, and were perhaps more childish than I would have liked. .. plus I have always been incredibly dissapointed that Johnny Depp did not play Sirius, as he was so supposed to be a sexy Character, and now whenever I watch the third one, I always get this guilty feeling that I don't like him lol!  but naturally I am going to watch it anyway!



    Johnny Depp is yummy, but with the supposed British cast restrictions not eligible.


    I think Gary Oldman will look much more "Sirius-like" once he's cleaned up a bit for Goblet of Fire.


    I wish they could find a place in these movies for Sean Bean. :cheers::tear: I got a real thing for him.

  11. Redneck is  relative term, chances are there are still those that would call you one just because of where you live.  I get annoyed with the redneck jokes btw. 



    Oh, yes, I may live within spitting distance of Cincinnati, but my address is Kentucky. I'm just a barefoot hilljack to anyone living outside this area. And I completely understand why they think that. I don't wear shoes much and I use the word "ain't" with regularity. You'd be surprised at how far a little eccentricity will get you with the city slickers ... they think I'm quite amusing. :tear:


    Interesting note: I was reading a few months back where the University of Kentucky (my alma mater) conducted a research study that proved it was all right to marry and have children with your first cousin. Now, why in the world would the folks at U.K. do a study like that? It's just embarrassing, but not surprising. It's almost like the research faculty got together and said, "Wouldn't it be hilarious if we ...."



  12. ^^Rednecks defy logic ... Spock's eyebrow would have become stuck halfway up his forehead if he'd spent much time in Hazzard.


    Why weld the doors shut? One might as well ask "Why mullets? Why double-wides? Why monster trucks? Why trampolines? Why those huge satellite dishes with the words 'NO ZONEING' written in red spray paint? Why appliances on the porch? Why? Why? Why?"


    For definitions of these and other terms, please feel free to PM me!



    :devil2: (singing)


    This here's the queen of my double-wide trailer

    Polyester curtains and a red-wood deck.


    She tries to run and I gotta trail her

    Dang her black heart and her pretty red neck!



    Hey, I dwell with these folks. I used to be one with the redneck people until rescue arrived in the shape of my city slicker husband!

  13. This is gonna to be an awesome movie! I love the 'Lee', and Sean William Scott, Johnny Knoxville, Jessica Simpsons, and Willie Nelson, plus Burt Renolds... All awesome actors, and better put together!


    :P :lol: :P :P


    I'm sorry, (getting breath back now) but the words "awesome actors" being used in the same sentence with Jessica Simpson and that list of other "also-rans" took me off guard.


    Now I won't go so far as to call Jessica Simpson a whore since I don't know her personally. I will put her in the category of "also ran" 'cuz 5 years from now she'll be the "remember that chick .....?" girl.


    Did love the show, though, however we didn't have much choice in television back then .... no cable, you see. So basically you were stuck with the general craparama. Notable exceptions -- The Waltons, Little House on the Prairie, Dallas (early years), and of course all those good sitcoms buried under so much other junk it was sometimes hard to ferret them out. All in the Family, The Jeffersons, M*A*S*H, and Happy Days while Fonzie was still the local hood.

  14. It's the best of the HP books, by light years.


    It will make a very good movie.


    My only concern is Ralph Fiennes who I don't really like.



    Really? I think Fiennes is a pretty good actor --- I never saw The English Patient (just not my bag, baby), but when you watch Schindler's List and then Quiz Show, I think it certainly shows the dude's got some range.


    He'll make a good Voldemort IMO.


    I think it's kind of funny that people talk about "spoilers" for these movies ... don't we all know where this is headed? There are no surprises in these flicks, there can't be, not really. It's not like they can truly alter the plot since the books are not all finished. They have to stick to all major plot points. (Take that Hermione/Harry shippers.)


    I'm looking forward to seeing Brendan Gleeson as Mad-Eye Moody. He was excellent in Gangs of New York.


    I'm definitely looking forward to this movie. It was an amazing book, my second favorite now after HBP.

  15. Hillary Clinton will realise to her horror how much she has helped RockStar Games when the NEXT Grand Theft Auto is released and the sales are astronomical.


    :dude:  :flowers:  :lol:



    Hil and Bill did more to contribute to the general deterioration of our (U.S.) society than any video game! Somebody should have slapped a rating on Bill's butt before they put him in the Oval Office.


    But I guess progress dictates that elementary-school aged students needed to be exposed to graphic sexual information courtesy of our President. Now those children have taken that info and ran with it ... my teacher husband confiscates daily those stupid beads off the wrists of these pint-size nymphomaniacs advertising what they will or won't do sexually through the use of various colored beads.


    Personally, I'd rather that my son was playing Grand Theft Auto than hanging around with the sluts in training at his local elementary school or even surfing the web. One is not real and the other is all too real and dangerous. A little fantasy never hurt anyone.


    I think I'll go out and buy that game right now!

  16. ^^Isn't that the truth?


    One of the things that annoys me most about posting on HP boards is the complete MISUNDERSTANDING of half the material in the books! Harry and Hermione as a couple ????? Ridikulus! I'm so glad that they've all been slapped down in this very public and satisfying way .... both by the contents of HBP and by the post-HBP interviews with Rowling herself.

  17. I'd like to split off this topic, I think. I'm going to make an outrageous comment that I'm sure will be quite inflammatory.


    I love HP. This last book is the best of the six. That being said:


    I don't think that Rowling is all that great a shake as a writer.


    I think that J.K. Rowling is the George Lucas of the literary world. She has a great story and her initial forays into that story were quite original, very meaty, and promised a great deal to come. HBP was a very easy, enjoyable read ... it could have been more, and I've seen some fan fiction that quite frankly blows it out of the water.


    Unlike a lot of people, I guess, I was totally SHOCKED by the identity of the HBP and the identity of the killer. I've been finished with this book for over two days and I still cannot stop thinking about it. This is her strength.


    Has anyone read the interviews with her? I really don't understand her lack of humility, her seeming lack of respect for other writers of this genre, and her apparent (or feined) ignorance of the fact that so much of HP is "borrowed" from so many other sources. At least when Stephen King writes a book and starts using other writer's themes and devices, he'll give credit to those folks in interviews, forewords, sometimes right in the TEXT of the book.


    I also find it grating that she makes these statements like, "I never could finish Lord of the Rings or C.S. Lewis work" like that is something to be proud of. Granted, that stuff is a little hard to read, but it is certainly worth the trip.


    Can you imagine what Harry's story could have been had it been written by a really awesome writer?


    :lol: Now, burn me in effigy, if you must. I'm 40 years old .... I can take it.

  18. Click For Spoiler


    Well JK herself said not to like Snape so much when OotP was released, and thus she knew this was happening.


    Can I ask, is it Snape you like or Alan Rickman? :lol:


    DD pleads with Snape.


    He has revulsion and hatred etched in his face.




    Because DD knew all along about the unbreakable vow.  He and Snape we in communication about everything.


    He had to see the possibility of this and he told Snape to keep his cover so that OotP could still gain info on Voldy.


    I'm sorry you're so revulsed.


    I've always hated Snape.  Hated L. Malfoy too until I saw Jason Isaacs in that blonde wig of his!!! :lol:



    Click For Spoiler
    I've always loved the BOOK character Snape. I wish they'd never even made the movies ... they pretty much suck. I was just saying that about Alan Rickman because that is going to be one hell of a scene .... he is an awesome actor. I just hate to see that Snape really is just the one- or two-dimensional character that he's turned out to be. There's no real backstory (and none coming), no in-depth character development there. He's been bad from the beginning and all the info was right there in front of us. We as adults reading these books have begun to expect more, but in the end, these books are children's literature. Nothing is going to be very in-depth and nothing ever really has been ... it's just a good story.


    Same with Petunia (big reveal in OotP DD has been communicating with her. There'll be no more info on that front in spite of all the really good and sometimes wild theories floating around out there on the HP boards).


    Same with Kreacher, Dobby, Winky and the rest of the house elves ... we've got all the info we're going to get on them as well.


    The Centaurs are done ... Firenze will be able to go back home to the forest now. I doubt we'll hear about it.


    The Giants, too, will get a sentence or two in Book 7 "They've all decided that the Dark Lord is crazy, so they're sitting this one out."


    We may get more story on the Maurauders and Lupin and Pettigrew may yet meet again ... I wouldn't count on it though.

    Click For Spoiler


    Click For Spoiler
    That's why I asked, there are numerous threads on HP sites with women drooling over Rickman, and completely forgetting what he really is.


    So, think he's part vampire? :lol:



    No, I don't think Snape is part vampire ... :lol: She doesn't have time to get into much more about him and honestly, what would be the point of making Snape a vampire?


    Again, hats off to you on that Horcrux theory. I do think/hope that Regulus Black is "R.A.B." (it's probably just wishful thinking that she won't keep introducing new one- or two-dimensional characters just for the sake of having a new name in the book.) It makes the most sense, brings Grimmauld Place back into it, cool if Reggie wasn't really dead just hiding somewhere and not such a bad guy after all. It won't happen that way, though.


    I thought we were supposed to find out something big about Lily in this book? Did we? Other than she was a "dab hand" at potions and a member of the Slug Club? And was the significance of Harry's eyes just that Sluggy couldn't resist them when Harry was trying to ferret out the memory from him? If that was the "big thing" we were supposed to find out about the eye-color and Lily herself .... :dude:

    Click For Spoiler


    I'm sorry, I know that it sounds like I don't like these books. Nothing could be further from the truth. I think I just need to stop trying to read so much into them. It really is just a simple child's fable presented in a more or less original way.

  19. I finished the book last night.


    My first impression, was thank the lord this book was so much easier to read than Order of the Phoenix.  In that regard, I think it was as flowing as Prisoner of Azkaban.


    Obviously the wizarding world is at war but it isn't as dark as people were predicting.


    Thoughts about what things mean. 


    Click For Spoiler
    Are you sure you want to do this?











    Click For Spoiler

    Horcruxes.  As soon as I finished this chapter I felt that Harry's scar may be one.  Especially since Dumbledore said not all 7 had been made at the time Harry's parents were married.  I think this adds to the prophecy and she's made a way for him to survive in book 7.  His "death" at battle with Voldemort will really be Voldy killing a part of himself and Harry will live.


    Also, isn't it obvious that one of them is at Grimwald place?  From Lexicon, an inventory of things they found there in book 6.


    The Drawing Room

    The curtains of the drawing room were infested with Doxies and the writing desk had a Boggart in it. A nest of dead Puffskeins was found in the sofa. A tapestry hangs on the wall showing the Black family tree. There are dirty, glass-fronted cabinets on either side of the mantlepiece which contain a variety of sinister and Dark Magic items which didn't seem to want to leave their shelves. These include:


    rusty daggers




    coiled snakeskin


    tarnished silver boxes engraved in unknown languages


    a fancy crystal bottle with a opal stopper filled with blood


    biting silver snuffbox, which holds Wartcap Powder


    many-legged tweezer-like instrument which scuttles like a spider


    music box that makes everyone fall asleep


    locket that no one can open


    ancient seals


    dusty box containing an Order of Merlin First Class given to Sirius' grandfather for Services to the Ministry


    large golden ring with a Black family crest


    family photos in silver frames






    Snape: Big deal, he's the half blood prince.  It means nothing really.  You knew that once that book was found, that it was Snapes and therefore it was him.


    However, I don't believe that he's evil.


    I'm positive Dumbledore knew exactly how he was protecting Draco, and all the conversations between them.  I think the look of hate on his face was more the hate that he was put into such a situation. 


    Snape will return in year 7, he will die, and he will die vindicating himself and showing why Dumbledore trusted him.


    Dumbledore:  Oh I hate to say this, especially since those silly girls who posted those threads, "sirius isn't dead" all over Harry Potter websites of OotP.


    That said, there's a small part of me that wonders if this potion that DD took while in the cave may be able to save him, kind of like in "The Mummy" movies.  Oh how ridiculous I feel for saying that.


    I don't think that's the end of DD though.  His portrait is still hanging in Hogwarts, though Harry swears he isn't returning.  Did he choose to be a ghost?  Will Fawkes return to Harry, showing some sort of help from DD from beyond? 


    It seems Harry swearing NOT to go back to Hogwarts is a very good opening for his obtaining Grimwald Place and spending time there in year 7.


    Over all, the best book since Azkaban.



    Click For Spoiler
    Excellent theory regarding Harry's scar! I hadn't thought of that, but what an excellent tie-in. Did you notice that there was only one mention of the scar in this entire book? I really like this theory.


    As to DD dying ... not surprised. I more or less expected it in the last book, but then Sirius bit the dust. You know, in OotP I was so exhausted by the time Jo finally killed off Sirius, I just didn't care.


    This time around I actually cried .... more for Snape being the one to kill him than for DD actually dying.


    And I'm sorry, I think you are wrong about Snape. If he were truly on DD's side and killed him because DD asked him to do it and understood he was only protecting Draco, then why did Snape stupefy Professor Flitwick? Why did Snape not simply hide Draco somewhere in the castle after DD was killed and then join the other Order members in fighting off the Death Eaters? I don't think that a "good" Snape would have allowed a group of Death Eaters to penetrate Hogwarts in the company of a WEREWOLF who particularly likes to bite children.


    And DD had a solution for saving all of the Malfoys ... If he and Snape were really on the same page, I would have thought that option would have been decided upon as a course of action when things came to a head. Not "kill me when Draco fails to do so and then run off with those nutters."


    Rowling thinks she is writing a children's book (even though I'd bet most of her fans are over the age of 20). I think this particular plotline has resolved itself in a very straightforward manner. She has misdirected us for 6 books over Snape's allegiance ... unfortunately, I think that this was the big "reveal" for this book, Snape's swan song if you will. Oh, we'll see him again and Harry is going to kick his rear in Book 7, but there is no redemption nor explanation for Snape's behavior other than he has been evil the entire time.


    This, of course, is just my opinion. I am still reeling from that fact that Snape was the trigger man ... sickened really. He has always been one of my favorite characters ... it's going to suck to see Alan Rickman offing Michael Gambon on screen.


    I'm going to go back to wailing and gnashing my teeth now .... :(

  20. Hey, I'm the biggest schmuck around here ... we pre-ordered the book from and it will arrive this morning. However, such is our Potter mania that my husband went up to Kroger last night at 12:04 and bought a copy. So now all together we will have paid nearly $40 for our Harry, but at least we'll both have our own copy and I won't have to SHARE! Thank God!


    And, no, Madame Butterfly, I do not think that Neville is the Half-Blood Prince. It's either going to be a brand new character or my money is on Dumbledore himself for the title.


    I guess I'll find out soon enough now!!! YAY!

  21. I wasn't planning on getting this one. I was just going to read the summary on Wikipedia because I just couldn't be bothered reading it.


    But alas as the day of release draws near, I just can't resist and I'll be getting my copy tomorrow morning.


    :P  :P



    I'm so glad you've decided to give this next book a chance ... I know that you were disappointed with Phoenix. Honestly, though, I don't know how we expected her to live up to Goblet of Fire anyway ... I thought that book was the best of all five. The climactic scene in the graveyard had me sitting on the edge of my seat!


    Phoenix got better each time I read it (3 times total). Initially, it was a big let-down IMO, but I've come to appreciate it. You'll be glad to know that Jo's editor has put his/her foot down and pared off about 200 pages (600 or so instead of 800 or so this time around). She was a bit long-winded the last time, don't you think?


    In about 16 hours, I'll be kicking back in my rocking chair with a cuppa joe and reading about Dumbledore finally getting his butt in gear and spending some quality time with our intrepid little hero .... apparently DD himself is headed for Privet Drive according to the back cover of the Bloomsbury edition!!! (Info courtesy of

  22. I find it extremely nuts that my copy of Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince is languishing in a UPS warehouse not 5 miles from my home and I can't just go over there and pick it up!


    This whole release date thing is so annoying ... just sell me the dang book! It's hard to believe that by this time tomorrow I will have the HBP in my grimy little hands and I will finally be getting some answers.