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Posts posted by gul_nodrog

  1. I have a Bachelor of Communications degree from the University of Kentucky and my husband holds a B.A. and an M.A. in music education from Northern Kentucky University.


    If I could write a letter to my 18 year old self about college, I would stress the importance of really focusing on how you plan to make a living once college is over. I would have been much more specific in choosing my degree so that when I was finally out I was actually QUALIFIED to do something specific. Liberal arts degrees are a waste of time IMO if your goal is to provide an income for yourself once you are out.


    Of course, some people think (and rightly so for them) that you need to find something you are passionate about and do THAT. I'm passionate about making myself comfortable and financially stress free, so specificity would have been a better way to go!

  2. I can't read all that ... she lost me around the fourth paragraph or so.


    Look, I can only speak for myself, but DS9 was the BEST of all Trek series bar none. I preferred it's indepth exploration of all the characters, both main and secondary AND I really enjoyed the fact that you had to have at least a little intellect to get the show. Did a good job of eliminating the casual viewer, though, but I really don't care about that (or them). It gave me what I wanted out of Trek and now that I have all seven seasons on DVD, I can watch a seven season story arc any time I want too!

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode and Jellico was one of the reasons for that. He was an awesome leader, the perfect dose of reality for Riker & Co. Picard's fine, too, but Jellico was way more professional and demanded more professionalism from the crew. Just get it done (and shut up).


    I loved LOVED the entire interchange with Deanna when he told her to go put on a regulation uniform. Priceless.

  4. My Name is Earl is the best "reality" television show ever made. The funniest thing about Earl is that IT IS NOT EXAGGERATING. I've never seen a sitcom with more realistic character depiction than this one. Jason Lee must have spent some extended time researching this role in Monticello, Kentucky ... he is completely dead-on the Wal-Mart crowd.


    Now, I shop at Wal-Mart, too, but you people know who I am talking about.


    Example: I recall an incident in Monticello, Kentucky involving the removal of support beams and pillars to make more room for "line dancing" ... naturally, the first heavy snow showed them what was wrong with doing that. They spent the remainder of the winter "boot-scootin'" and "electric sliding" out in the parking lot.

  5. I would say that I have an eastern Kentucky/eastern Tennessee accent. It's quite strong, but not really "southern" ... much more harsh than that and nasally.


    Very much like Loretta Lynn, I think. If you've ever seen Coal Miner's Daughter, that will give you a pretty good idea of what I sound like.


    It's funny because I never lived in Eastern Kentucky, but my mom's family is from there. I grew up immersed in that accent from the time I was an infant what with my grandparents and aunts/uncles. I find that it really comes to the front when I'm riled up about something.


    I hold a B.A. but nothing get's your point across like a good old-fashioned and well-placed "ain't."

  6. What an awsome guy. I love reading interviews with Siddig and I'm so happy for him that he is working on the big screen with some high quality actors, writers, and directors.


    It's good for him and it's good for Trek. Siddig is identified with Star Trek ... people who see him in other things may be encouraged to check him out on DS9. It doesn't hurt that he is out there "flying the flag" for Trek so to speak by continuing to go to conventions and talking about Star Trek in a good way during interviews.


    A hundred years from now when no one cares about oil anymore and lunatics are not controlling our planet's destiny, hopefully we'll see Trek's vision come to fruition. Then folks like Siddig won't be straddling two worlds, because people will understand we're all from the same world.

  7. I like plain old Metal Gear best ... mainly because I have a thing for nerds and I think Otacon was way sexy in that first one. Even though he did wet himself ... well, considering what was going on, I probably would have had to change my depends too!


    I liked the story best, too.



    You mean Metal Gear sOLID FOR TE pLAYSTATION RIGHT, pLAIN OLD mETAL GEAR WAS FOR THE 8-BIT nes AND Octacon wasnt in it


    Yes, yes, sorry ... it's Metal Gear Solid I'm talking about. I'd never heard of the game series "Metal Gear" existing prior to that one and simply think of it as the first. What is 8-BIT nes, anyway? Is that Nintendo or something else?

  8. Voyager hit its stride when it got rid of Kes ... I didn't much like Seven of Nine, though. It's just that Neelix was so much less annoying when Kes was out of the picture. I never really bought their relationship anyway and it was excruciating to watch Neelix being Johnny One Note during just about every episode .... "Are YOU looking at Kes, Paris? Huh? Huh?" Dumb.

  9. All right, Christmas arrived and so did our TOS DVDs .... They look absolutely marvelous on my shelf.


    Special features are all right, but really with everyone aged as much as they have (the series is coming up on 40 years old after all), the special features lack the energy of the TNG and DS9 special features. Still it is always nice to hear from Leonard Nimoy :) .


    Anyway, I just wanted to comment on how well worth the money it was to buy all three seasons in the box set. I am enjoying the heck out of them and have already seen five episodes that I HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE. Honestly, I was a little too young to watch when the show was first aired, then only ever caught it in reruns which aired sporadically. I've seen the movies many times, but there are dozens of TOS episodes that are brand new to me. What a treat!


    If you have the means, definitely go the DVD route. I've got three whole series now ... we'll never have to depend on cable to rerun Star Trek ever again.

  10. 14. Damar


    :blink: :) :) B)


    I can't believe I forgot about him when discussing attractive characters on DS9. Yes, I agree ... Damar really melts my butter during the entirety of Season 7. Isn't it funny how Klingons and Cardassians look sexy to us in spite of that make-up? I guess we all just got used to seeing it and it just looked normal to us.

  11. The cease of production/development of Klingon ships that could fire under cloak could possibly have been one of the tenets of the Kittimer Accords (I know I butchered that spelling!) Perhaps they were allowed to use technology already commonly used, but could not further cloaking technology beyond its current use.


    As far as Kronos becoming uninhabitable, I always assumed that once the Klingons and the Federation were no longer at war or hostile to each other, the Klingons would have a lot more time and resource to devote to saving Kronos. Since they weren't going to need such a focus on their military anymore, you know.


    That's always what I thought.

  12. Troi looked much better after they put her in the Starfleet uniform. I LOVE that episode "Chain of Command" when Captain Jellico basically told her to start acting like a professional and wear her regulation SF uniform like all the other officers. That was a killer ep and I thought that acting captain was just AWESOME. I often wondered why Picard put up with Troi overstepping her place and parading about in civilian clothing (which did indeed show her ever-fluctuating weight!)


    Gates McFadden looks incredible! What is her secret? I can't believe she is 56!

  13. Gone with the Wind (as stated several times previously). No woman living or dead could replace Vivien Leigh or Olivia DeHaviland ... it would be sacrilege.




    "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner"

    "The Music Man"


    Oops, too late! I love Matthew Broderick, but there are some things you shouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole ... trying to fill Robert Preston's shoes was just plain nuts.


    Ashton Kucher making a mockery of a movie that originally starred KATHERINE HEPBURN .... SPENCER TRACY .... SIDNEY FLIPPIN' POITIER? Hollywood has officially given up and is completely catering to the great unwashed.

  14. You are not crazy. I, too, noticed the same things.


    Perhaps we are to assume that Picard and Guinan shared an intimate relationship that did not involve any sort of physical love, but more of a soul-to-soul connection. Who knows.


    I thought it was kind of weird, too. TNG was forever dropping the ball on Picard's relationships ... nothing ever got resolved in any of the major ones -- from Beverly to Vash and all the women in between.

  15. O.k., my question is why didn't Dr. Bashir grow a beard on DS9? Siddig is smokin' hot with that facial hair he's sporting for Syriana! Who knew he was that good looking?


    I can't wait to see Syriana ... I'm so proud of our little Star Trek alumnus. In a round about way, this could be good for the franchise. A lot of face time on the big screen in a major movie like this could generate interest in what Siddig did before (ahem ... DS9).


    The episode on DS9 where I thought he did exceptionally well was the two parter "In Purgatory's Shadow" and "By Inferno's Light." When you go back and watch those episodes knowing what you know now, he's amazing.


    I'm just glad that ol' Sid has not forgotten the uber-important "dance with the one that brung ya!"


    And for the record, Oliver Stone is a complete pinko (fill in the blanks). I've hated just about everything he's ever done and if his name is attached to something, I just won't see it. A highly overrated Hollywood persona, if you ask me.

  16. :( I thought you disliked ENT Gul Nodrog, good to hear otherwise. ^_^


    I think many did the samething Dark Reality, I too had preconceptions dashed but I have allot of practice at adapting to new & different kinds of Trek.


    Anyway sorry for going off topic... *looks at topic* Oh, I already responded.


    No, no ... I didn't actively dislike ENT. I just had a hard time getting into it because of its premise (prequels are generally not my cup of tea) and because it was on at a terrible time of the evening around here. I'm so bad about taping shows ... I mean to, but I can never remember to do it.


    Too many people out here like ENT for it to be all that bad. I'm certainly not militant in my opinion on ENT (unlike some who shall remain nameless in this post!). Now, I do detest that Bragga guy and Rick Berman is pretty much Satan in my book ... Satan started out good, too, remember.


    Now I'm sure you could dig up some of my more hostile commentary on this particular subject, but anything that came out really nasty was undoubtedly prior to my first cup of joe that morning. Sorry.


    On the original topic -- I believe that I have only seen STV:TFF once all the way through. Maybe twice. We bought TOS seasons 1-3 on DVD for Christmas and my plan is to watch those, then all six TOS movies ... this time I'll force my husband to watch TFF with me even though he always wants to skip it!


    I'll have more to say about TFF after we've done that.