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The full moon waxing in the sky, as stars appear one by one over the Ocean, Jeanway goes below to dress. Nearing their destination in the Carribean. She gets out her dress blues and undresses. Brushes her long hair and partially affixes it up on the sides of her head, the rest falls down her back, to her waist.

Shes pulls a small guilded box from her trunk and opens it. She looks at the gift she had made for Fenriz back in Boston. A small, gold lapel pin, her own hair fashioned in a beautiful, tight, flower pattern under a small crystal dome. She also pulls out a larger box, another gift for him. An smart looking, hand -woven linen suit a light Ivory color with navy blue pipeing, she also had made for him. A long sleeved white puffy shirt as well. She opened her cabin door, went out into the passageway, down to his door and set down the box containing the suit, just outside his cabin on the wooden floor, then she knocked and quickly went back to her cabin. On top of the box was a hand written note to him, folded in half. He opened the door and looked down and saw the box and note, picked it up , then went back inside and closed the door. The note said " Please do me the honour and pleasure of wearing this suit this evening." He smiled, opened the box, and proceded to dress.


Both now ready for their evening on the "PAX", they stood on deck, eyes peering out over the horizon, anxious to see the spectacle of lights they had seen on the evening of their last visit with the good Captain nik. As they stood waiting, Jeanway turned to Captain Fenriz and with her palm outstretched in front of him she said " I have something for you". He looked at her hand and saw the small guilded box she was offering him. Without a word he took it out of her hand and opened the top. His eyes squinted a bit at first, trying to make out exactly what it was. Then he took the pin out of the box, and examined it between his fingers, before the lit lantern hanging from the ratlines above them. " Ahhh" he said softly to her. " Your hair" he said with a smile. " Me Mum gave one of these to me Dad, I remember it well ". He pulled her close and kissed her, she did not resist. " Such a gift, makes me heart sing" he whispered in her ear. They stood there for a few moments, holding each other and looking out upon the calm Ocean. " Let me pin it on you" she said. " With the utmost of pleasure, me fine Lady" He replied. Again they kissed and stood arm in arm at the ballistrade as they moved closer to their destination.

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Dozing in his cabin Fenriz wakes when someone knocks on his door. Rising to his feet he walks quietly to the door, expecting retaliation from Worf for today's earlier prank he opens the door cautiously. Surprised he sees a box sitting on the deck at his feet, picking it up he closes the door to his cabin behind him. Setting the box down Fenriz opens it warily expecting some manner of Klingon deviousness, but is pleasantly surprised to find that it contains a finely woven linen suit, ivory in color and with blue piping. Removing it from the box Fenriz strips out of his uniform and dresses, then he inspects himself in a small looking glass. Whistling to himself he remarks " I look almost respectable now" Smiling he sits down on the edge of his bunk and begins to polish his boots " So I wasn't the only one who made a small foray into the shops of Boston when in port." Thinking back he remembers the hectic few days when the Admiral took command of the Elusive and the manic frenzy that followed getting the ship ready to sail. In the confusion he was able to slip away and search the shops of Boston. After some hours searching he recalls finally finding what he was looking for in a small dark shop off of an alleyway "Not very impressive an establishment but then you sometimes find treasures in unexpected place." he thinks. Slipping on his boots he goes over to the small chest in the corner of his cabin and opens the small lock on it's latch. Taking a small package wrapped in blue silk from inside he closes it and puts the package in his jacket pocket. Patting it with his hand he opens the door of his cabin and steps into the passageway. Closing the door behind him he turns and takes the rises up to the deck where he meets Jeanway. Admiring her in her dress blues he takes his place beside her, after a moment she turns to him and gives him her second gift.

After their second kiss he reaches into his jacket and draws out the silked wrapped package. " I have a gift for you as well Love" Taking the package from him she unwraps the silk to reveal a silver box with leaping dolphins inlaid on the lid in gold, opening the box her eyes light up, inside are two intricately carved ivory combs. Taking them combs out of the box she admires them " They're beautiful" she says. Taking the combs from the box Fenriz gently places them in her hair and admires her for a moment before he kisses her again. Standing next to her on the deck of the Elusive he ponders his love for her and laughs quietly to himself " Love is certainly a mysterious force, warms the coldest heart and makes a pirate buy from a slippery Ferengi shopkeeper without even haggling." Taking the Admiral's hand in his they stand together on the deck of the Elusive as it draws near the Pax and the Enterprize.

Edited by fenriz275

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Out of the blue, the EEvil EYE appears and begins to fire at Fenriz...



However, Solarwind will not prevail as they had gained powers to cease the rotation of the earth, destroying winds..

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Unaffected by Captain WAB's feeble attempts at controlling everything and everyone with his swath of EEvil and destruction, SolarWind again conjures up a massive water-spout over his Bucket of Metal he calls a ship. Spinning wildly, WAB screaming, the ship again is sucked up from the surface of the Ocean and now deposited in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Again his memory is erased as he lies face down on his deck. Sits up, rubs his face with both hands and yells " WHERE AM I??" A large hand magically appears from a cloud and points at WAB. " You Behave yourself young man" The voice boomed from the cloud. He looked up dumbfounded and said " HUH?" :wub:

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But unaware of WAB's powers, Solar wind had actually attacked the illusion that was conjured by the ghost crew...

The real ship had just startedd attacking jeanway...

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In the waning twilight, Hannibal stands at the end of the gangplank awaiting the arrival of the Ambassador. On the starboard side of the Pax, the centurion stands beside Nik watching the painfully slow arrival of the majestic Elusive. Two hands stand by with gold ropes and the cedar gangplank. Nik strokes his parrot, and occassionally glances about nervously. The elaborate table set aboard the Pax is heaped with fresh flavored viandes of the old world, delicious fruits of the new continent, spices of India, and delicious bread of the colonies. Golden goblets stand by gold flagons of fine vintages, exotic liquers, sweet whiskies, and rich rice wines of the orient.


As the Elusive draws closer on the still waters, the centurion speaks quietly to Nik in ancient Aramaic.


"The hour of our freedom draws close, m'lord. The pieces are in place. M'Lord's descendants rise from Neptune's keep to bring salvation to the Pax. I believe they will not fail."


Nik smiles weakly as he stares at the lights of the Elusive. His gold breastplate and the gold beads in his dark locks flicker in the dancing torchlight. His luminescent emerald cape flaps lightly in the night breeze. The centurion's jaw muscles work as he watches with Nik.


The crew of the Pax waits silently, hopefully............

Edited by nik

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until the EEvi EYe again rises to fire on the Pax and shortly disappears...

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As The Lighthouse of Alexandria, the distant glow of the PAX slowly becomes visible from the bow of the Elusive. From the crow's nest a man's voice yells to the Captain and the rest of the crew " There she is"" and points his arm in that direction. Jeanway looks up at Fenriz and they both smile and turn their gaze onto the fast approaching vision of welcome. From the distance they can see the crew of the PAX running to and fro. Obviously spotting them at the same time. Jeanway begins to wave as does Fenriz. A flock of white doves is released from a cage on deck to herald their arrival. The crew begins to lighten the sail to slow their speed and then pull astern of the Pax and slow to a stop in the water along side.


Almost immediately a purple ganglank is put down between the two ships, to the gate of the ballistrade. Jeanway and Fenriz see at the opposite end Captain nik, Hannibal and the Centurian, standing side by side, all smiling back at them. They procede across and Jeanway upon reaching the end takes Captain nik's hand and says " So we meet again, my friend." Fenriz also takes Captain nik's hand in a hearty handshake and says " Good to see you again". Captain nik had an obvious look of relief on his face. Hannibal announces " Please come to our table, the meal is waiting". Jeanway asks Hannibal " The message said Tina was to be here also yet I do not see her ship. Do you still expect her?". Hannibal replied " Yes Captain, she is also expect to arrive soon" They all sat at the table and the wine was poured, now they only waited for Tina. The flock of white doves Jeanway had released perched on the railings around them.

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soon the EEvil EYe showed up again...

Cannons fired at the lighthouse, putting out the light forever...

Soon an armada of ghost ships appeared off shore....

The lead vessel began a quick assault on Jeanway and the others....

Lightning stuck the mast of the pax and the enterprise...

The EEvil EYe and the armada began their assault...

Greek fire was hurled and cannnons shot...

Nothing could save the ships..

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The sky opens up and hoards of warriors decend upon all the EEvil deeds purpetrated by this scoudrel. Backed up by bolts of lightning. The ocean then opens up and swallows his ship, and all the EEvil he has created. Down to the depths of Haites. May you BURN!!!!!!!!!

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In Boston Harbor, the captain of the moored HMS Yorktown sees an apparently lost pirate vessel enter the harbor and begin shooting. His mouth hanging open and a look of confused disgust on his face, he watches as the EEvil Eye open fire in the most populated military harbor in the western hemisphere. His first officer joins him at the stern with the same look. He speaks with a thick Hackney accent.


"By God! What is that?" He asks his captain.


"Neville... fetch me the lens if you would, please. Thank you!" A deckhand gives the captain the telescope, and he watches the Eevil Eye as her cannons shoot at nothing.


"That must be the worst pirate I've ever seen!" He exclaims as he lowers the telescope. "He's either incredibly stupid, incredibly brave, or incredibly lost!"


"Do you think he's gone daft?" the first officer asks.


"Oh most certainly! I presume he's spent too much time at sea without the proper rations and drink." The Captain replies.






The two officers stare at the smoking vessel for a few more minutes and the first officer speaks.


"Shall I order the Yorktown about, sir, so we can unload our 18-pounders on her?"


"Oh, heavens, no! You'll destroy every other ship in the area. Just use the deck gun like I assume every other vessel in here is. Should be short work!"


In mere minutes, the Eevil Eye is perforated and sinking. Her crew abandons the ship, and begins swimming to shore. Aboard the Yorktown, a deck hand fishes WAB from the water with a long hook. He is brought wimpering before the Captain.


"What a PATHETIC pirate!" The captain exclaims.


"Shall I throw him in the brig, captain."


"Actually, I've a much better idea! You know that large male gorilla we captured in Africa? It just occured to me that he's not known a female of his species in quite some time......"


The first officer grins mischeviously. "I'll get right on it, sir!" He salutes and rushes off.



A half-hour later, WAB is dressed in a very realistic female gorilla suit and thrown into the cage with the very lonely male gorillla.....


Nature ensues........

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SolarWind looks down upon Qualside at Boston. Smiles and thinks to herself "This is a good day" and seeing the last vestige of imagry of WAB's illusion of power, struggeling to stay afloat, she drops a " Fireball " onto it, sinking it, yet again. Banishing all his powers of illusion. She then watches the show in the gorrilla's cage. :wub: When will he EVER learn? :wub:

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WearBorg. If you can't ADD anything to the story but destruction, don't ADD anything at all. I've asked you repeatedly to stop all this destruction. I've PMed you. Other people hve PMed you about this. Now Please stop it. You are capable of so much more than this. If you don't stop I'd advise the other participants to just ignore anymore of his Story Bashing. Just skip right over any replie he makes and continue with the story. We are subject to new rules now here in RPG and your upsetting to us, now stop it! This is not funny anymore. Understand?

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When Jeanway suddenly notices something. There is a ship, alongside the PAX. It is on the port side, just a few leagues off. That side of the PAX is not illuminated at all, so she had't noticed it before. She gets up from the table and walks over to that side of the ship. Stands there for a minute, then realizes it's the ENTERPRIZE. But where is Tina? She thinks to herself. There must be a reason for this, but what is is? Jeanway puts her hand on her pistol that is hanging from her side, just to make sure it's still there.

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SolarWind wofts through the evening air. Keeping an eye out for anymore mischevious behaviors that my endanger the lives and crews of these good ships. Such actions will not be tolerated and will be dealt with swiftly and surely. She is the Guardian of Good.


Taking earthly form, her ship " The Tinkerbelle" will act as a Surety.

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Wine is poured for Jeanway and Fenriz as they await the arrival of the Ambassador. Nik stands at the gangplank with Hannibal as the centurion entertains the Admiral and the Captain by juggling torches, then swords, and finally axes. Hannibal whispers something to Nik, who looks at the moon and nods to Hannibal. They rejoin the table.


“I apologize. The Ambassador is late,” Hannibal says to the Admiral and the Captain. “I trust she will appear, but busies herself with her adornment.”


Nik glances at the Admiral’s hand on her pistol. The Centurion speaks in Aramaic. “Do not worry for your safety Admiral. We are quite safe here on the Pax. No blood will spill this evening.”


Nik whistles a quick note, and the parrot leaves it’s golden platter of fruit and nuts, landing on Nik’s shoulder. It plays lightly with a gold bead in Nik’s hair. The Centurion hands Nik a piece of parchment, a brush, and an inkstone. Nik brushes out a quick message on the parchment, and hands the items back to the Centurion. Pulling a gold thread from his belt, the Centurion ties the message to the parrot, who promptly flies to the Ambassador’s port on the Enterprize.


The parrot sits outside the ambassador’s port, and taps lightly on the glass with it’s beak – the message tied to it’s leg.

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The 'Tinkerbelle' sits quietly in the water. Within sight of three ships tethered together. Surveying the horizon, she stands guard. Blessed are the Peacemakers.

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Soon Captain WEAREBORG looked over the stern into the deep blue waters...

He thought of the idea.. He was about to turn into a goo ghost..


Sailing on toward the horizon, he saw the Enterprise and the pax...


The bosun cried to jeanway to talk...



WEAREBORG crossed the pplank onto Jeanway's ship


WEAREBORG offered to join jeanway on their voyage

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As Jeanway sat at Captain nik's table she began to think about her difficulties with the ' EEVIL EYE ' . A meeting that had taken place on the ELUSIVE just after she left Boston Harbour. The ship appeared as if out of nowhere and Captain Weareborg begged audience with her. She allowed Captain WeareBorg to board, but with much trepidation. Sentrys stood at the ready, muskets and pistols trained on him she met him on the quarterdeck and allowed him to speak. " You have something you'd like to discuss?" she asked him.

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"Yes," replied WEAREBORG. Forgive me, I have fired at you for it was the command of my master, one who is shrouded in appearance and mystery.... I did not realize that I had been firing on an innocent ship....

Let me join you on whatever journey you are on."

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Sitting at the elaborate table onboard the Pax, Fenriz and Jeanway pass the time waiting for the Ambassador to arrive talking with Hannibal and nibbling at the food in front of them. Popping grapes into his mouth one at a time Fenriz lets his gaze fall on the Enterprize floating silently next to the Pax, the Elusive still in the water on the starboard side. Little movement can be seen on board the Ambassador's ship except for a few of the crew pacing about on it's deck. Turning his attention back to the table Fenriz notices Jeanway's hand go to her belt and touch the pistol there, understanding her unease he is reassured by the weight of the pistol tucked into his own belt under his jacket. Suddenly once again he is conscious of his fine clothing presented to him by the Admiral and looks at her sitting next to him, radiant in her dress blues. Letting his eyes linger on her and with the small talk of the evening washing over him unheard he suddenly spots the dark shape of a large vessel fast approaching the Pax. Recognizing it's profile Fenriz cries out and leaps to his feet followed by Jeanway who reaches for her pistol. Rising to his feet Hannibal raises his hands towards them and reassures them " Peace, be calm. No harm can come to you aboard this vessel." Uncertain Fenriz and Jeanway remain standing ready for the worst, Hannibal stands beside Jeanway while nik seems unconcerned. The Centurion gives some silent order to his crew and walks over to the rail watching the Eevil Eye make it's approach. Coming to a stop a few feet from the Pax a voice calls out from the dark metal ship. " The Captain of the Eevil Eye would like to come aboard., he has a matter he would discuss with Admiral Jeanway." Before any answer could be made a gangplank extends from the Eevil Eye and across it strides WEAREBORG, the black caped Captain of the Eevil Eye.

Stepping forward to place himself between WEAREBORG and Jeanway, Fenriz reaches for the pistol in his belt. Holding up his hand the captain of the Eevil Eye makes his offer to join Jeanway on her journey. Taken aback by this unexpected turn of events Fenriz looks at Jeanway and sees an equal amount of shock on her face. Recovering quickly Jeanway pulls Fenriz aside while Hannibal stands immovable his gaze fixed on WEAREBORG, nik and the Centurion are unreadable, their expressions blank. His voice dropping to a whisper Fenriz asks Jeanway "What do you think? I don't trust him." Looking at him Jeanway assures him "Neither do I, he may indeed be powerful but to have such a being on my ship. What assurances do I have that he would obey my orders?" Agreeing with her Fenriz adds " None, just his word but what option are we left with?"

During this discussion a sudden thick fog envelopes the Pax and the three ships surrounding it, all onboard are alarmed and peer into the mist trying to see in the darkness. Off to in the distance behind the Elusive a light begins to glow like the rising sun when it's just below the horizon. Growing brighter a ship can be seen through the fog nearing the Pax, it is the source of the light and when it stops just a small distance away from the Pax the fog has been burned of and the ships all float in the water in a circle of light that turns the night into day. Standing on the deck is a woman with suntanned skin and hair a blaze of red. She steps of the side of her ship, a pure white vessel that almost seems to float above the water, and floats in midair. Hanging above the water she moves towards the Pax and lightly steps onto the deck. Surveying all around her she finally turns to WEAREBORG and begins to speak " WEAREBORG, I have been watching you and you indeed have great power but you are untrained and your power unfocused. There is great potential in you and great challenges ahead. I am Solarwind and I will teach that which you must know to face the coming trial if you will let me. Our path will lead us to the same destination as their's but we must take a different course, one they cannot travel. What say you?"

Edited by fenriz275

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WEAREBORG responds to Solarwind "I will travel with you as long as I can sail with these ships help their journey. Will you join me?"

He waits for her reply.

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The White glowing ship appeared out of the mist. A voice was heard saying:


" SolarWind sails as her masters dictacte. You cannot chart the course. You have done much EEVil and have not the right. Your pennance will be to do as your told, never to use your EEvil powers again to hurt anyone. Destruction only leads to pain and more destruction. You must mend your ways! Do you agree to this? What say you, Captain Weareborg? Are you up for the challenge of righteousness or will you continue on your previous path? You can only benefit."


WeareBorg stood silent for a moment, a miracle in itself. He tried to speak but only utterances of gibberish and the like were heard coming from his mouth.


I'll take that as a "YES" she said to him. SolarWind then swept him up in a flurry of mist and plunked him down on the deck of her Majestic, White, Glowing Ship. She then also floated to it and the ship and Weareborg and her swirled up into the night sky by an enourmous waterspout, a flash of light and a crack of thunder and they were gone. Out of the night sky a booming female voice was heard saying. " I always get my man" Then laughter.

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Shes Late




and that tailer is a dead man!


::when the tailer comes in with her dress she is about ready to shoot him,but then she sees what has tooken him so long..On his hands were cuts deep where the crew had tourtured him..He was extra carfull not to spill of soil anything on her dress because he adored her::


Her First officer is alseep in full uniform on her couch and her hair and make yup are already done


The dress a deep shade of purple is exquisit and the diamonds on her top .She slips her shoes on her feet as she prodes Drago to action


"Grab the maps and lets go to join the party"


They quickly cross the gangplank over to the Pax where the people await..She also notices that Jeanway has FINALLY ARRIVED


(sorry guys been real busy...)

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Jeanway, Fenriz and nik, hear a commotion coming from the portside of the ship. They all turn and watch as Ambassador Tinadoll, Dragon and a few of the PAX crewmen escort them to the table. Fenriz rises from his chair with his hand on his pistol, so does Jeanway. Captain nik, looking alarmed gives Hannibal a sharp look and Hannibal says to everyone " This is a meeting of friendship and mutual aid, no pistols Please." Fenriz and Jeanway sit back down as does Captain nik. Silently, The Ambassador is shown to her seat at the table as is Dragon. Jeanway looks at Dragon, inquisitively and whispers to Fenriz, " What's HE doing here, he has nothing to do with this, does he?" She turns to Captain nik. Who at this time seems to have fallen asleep in his chair.

Edited by Jeanway

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She turns to address the table before she sits down


"Thank you all for inviting me here. This is my first officer Drago LeMoon,He is political liason.He also is here to protect me as heknows several hand to hand combat styles.We are not armed except for his uniform sword. i trsut noone will make any threaning moves..besidesEnterprize will outrun and outgun you.S thank you Captian nik for my dress it is lovley.So where is the fun at and why ar we here?"


She sits

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Jeanway places a small leather pouch on the table in front of her. In it is her half of the map. Captain nik, looks at Tina and nods, Tina then places her half on the table as well. Hannibal, speaks. " I have asked you to come, the both of you, tonight, for a very good reason. Both you and the other cannot read this map without the other being present." Jeanway looked down the table at Tina as Tina also looked up it, at Jeanway. They both now understood and sat back in their chairs and listened to Hannibal intently.




::leans in and whispers from the side of the screen:: " nik, psst, nik, where are you? It's your turn" :P " Come on Man, we're all waiting on you." ::turns and looks at YOU:: "Anyone seen nik? :blink: :P

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