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Posts posted by LadyNarana
My best friend just called AOL and tried to cancel her service, and they talked her into staying on. HOWEVER, she has never paid one red cent to them for anything - they keep extending her free trial. They're trying to hook her - there's no doubt of that. But she's too sensible - as soon as the free ride ends, she's outta there!
I got extremely fed up with AOL, just using their services. (They don't have a local dialup number for my area, so I had to switch to a different service - I only had email, news, and buddy list.) It was more of a pain than it was worth, so I cancelled completely. That many people quit with no new customers? I'm not surprised!
"Training wheels for the internet."
That's hilarious!
Alterego - very interesting take on the embryo scene.
I enjoy Lawrence of Arabia, and Bridge, and Citizen Kane, for that matter. I grew up watching older movies. Probably on the big screen, those shots were/are great! It loses punch in the translation to the small screen, I'm sure.
The evolution part wasn't hard to grasp; it was pretty obvious right from the apes scene, although near the end it was more vague - at least until the embryo showed up. <_< The long shots that were visually and cinematically breathtaking were fine, but did nothing to further the solid part of the plot - I admit, like UH, I'm used to a tighter movie. I can somewhat see why it's so highly rated, but I have absolutely no desire to see this movie ever again. Different strokes and all.
Thanks, TM and UH. I appreciate your feedback!
OK, I consider myself a relatively intelligent person. I don't match some of the minds on this board, but generally, I understand what people are saying (except those detailed physics a while ago - that's over my head.). I've seen a fair number of movies, good and bad. Read a fair bit of scifi outside of Trek and Wars.
What's the deal with this movie? The HAL part (ultimate computer, etc.) I understood. That was about it, and that's only half the movie. Please, please, someone - give me a twenty second synopsis of what ELSE happened? Yes, I watched the whole thing. (I did, however, skip some of the music.)
I'm sure once someone says "Look, LN, you missed the point. This is it...." I'll kick myself. Thanks. <_<
Feeling-Like-An-Idiotic-Dunsel -
NOW they show it! Now that the DVD's are coming out - why couldn't they have started a few years ago??
TNN is the Network for Men - I watch it way more than Lifetime, Television For Women. :unsure:
"Occurance," is, indeed, required reading in many English courses. It's not one of my favorite stories, but very well-written, and highly effective.
Click for Spoiler:
It reminds me of the song "The Green, Green Grass of Home."Think I'll have to see that ep now...
"Garak!!...The Spy!!":unsure:
I loved that.
What, plain, simple Garak? I don't understand - you mean he's NOT just a simple tailor?
I just bought season 1 DVD's - already have 2 and 3. I've turned someone else on to DS9, and she's thinking of buying her own DVD's - a new convert!
Mine is Dr. Leonard McCoy. He was the voice of humanity in TOS. Flawed, emotional, searching, loyal, skilled, opinionated, and strong. He wore his heart on his sleeve, and that heart was pretty filled with the crew of the Enterprise. The Empath can still make me cry, as can the end of The Search for Spock - when, as the human who has arguably suffered the most during the movie, and who has faced death for Spock above and beyond what the others did (with the possible exception of Kirk), he is pretty much ignored by his friends and crewmates.
Bones pushed those around him to solidify their opinions, hold themselves accountable for their actions, and remember that logic works its best when balanced by emotion. (and vice versa)
Mr. Kelley, rest in peace.
Another Good DS9 Episode you might like..well...episodes"In Purgatory's Shadow"
"By Inferno's Light"
Not Giving away Plot Details, but just Trust Me
I thoroughly agree, Sam - they're also among the best of the best.
Thanks so much for posting the url. I watched it like 20 times last night. It gives me chills. I can't wait for December.Have you seen this picture, yet?
The Two Towers will be released on DVD this month, but the extended version doesn't come out till November. I made the mistake of buying the original release of The Fellowship, and then later having to spend more money on the extended version. I'm waiting this time. I'll rent the short version.
I'll spend more renting it than I will buying it! So I'll buy the DVD, watch it innumerable times, waiting for the extended to come out, then sell the original - that plan worked all right for me last year!
Hate to say it, but as a rule I enjoyed the female characters far less than I did the males. TOS's women were, many times, merely token gestures, but revolutionary for their time. (Take Nichelle Nichols' famous conversaton with Martin Luther King. It was about race, but still can relate to gender.) It's the books that really bring them out, but they're not considered as canon.
I'm not into TNG as much as most of you, so maybe I can't say. Ditto VOY and ENT. But DS9's women, I think, were tremendously strong characters. Very intelligent, seldom weak, able and willling to fight alongside the men, and stronger than some of the male characters.
Ohmigosh. This is like asking me to choose between two children. Or which parent I love more.
Ok - which one is bigger? In what sense? LOTR has more of its backhistory written, but as nearly as I can tell, it never truly ends. You have the end of the age of the Elves, but no true ending of "history." And Tolkein hits major points, just like any "history book". You can add at will, as long as it doesn't disturb the canon.
ST is on a far bigger scale of course, with much more room to grow. I LOVE how fans can play "What if", write their own scenarios - there are so many threads that, by necessity, aren't completed. So many places, so little time!!!!!!
If I had to choose....the glory that is LOTR, the grandeur that is ST? J/K. Hm. Prob ST. More flexible, and more room.
Ok, I haven't seen In The Pale Moonlight yet, but I love The Visitor (can't convince my sister to watch it, though.
) I haven't seen many eps but once, but a couple of my favorites are Starship Down and The Ship. Sorry, MQ, but my requirements for a good show are the characters, not the scifi (that's secondary), and those two eps ROCK as far as characters go. I also enjoy The Siege of AR-whatever-the-number-is.
Season 4 next week, and I just got 3! Anyone have any extra gold-pressed-latinum? I want it soon!!! :lol:
I like it so far, VBG - very cool!
I voted "Last Crusade." I like Raiders very much, don't really care for most of "Temple." Y'all looking forward to the fourth one, if it ever gets made? (Yes, I know there's talk -- )
Stardate:213570.6I would do it.After all its the logical solution."The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one"
I have an issue with that "logic," but I agree with the general principal. I don't know if I could - I'd like to think so, but I don't know unless I'm in the situation. Best friend or no, I think I'd have a tough time sending anyone to their death.
i voted for Curzon, he seemed to know how to have a good time. was he ever shown on ds9? i don't remember seeing him.Depends on what you mean by "Seeing Curzon." You see his personality in Odo during Jadzia's zhin'tara, or however you spell it. And you see him during another episode when the symbiont is being transferred to Jadzia.
I voted Jadzia, but I'd love to meet Curzon (although I think he'd wear me out) and Emony, 'cause she could tell me about McCoy.
Welcome to the siblinghood of DS9! (That solves all brother sister issues...lol). I just received my Season 3 DVD's today. Just watched the first two discs in order, and there's so much I've forgotten! I only taped sporadically then, and have regretted it ever since.
DS9 is extremely character driven, and that's a big reason I love it. So much more can be done when you really are involved with the people, and not just the events.
Well, Bysty, glad to see you're converted. Long live DS9!!
Interesting idea, but I can tell you one thing. I will NEVER willingly have anything hardwired into my head. (Unless it's to save my life. And then I'd have to think about it.) Look what happened to poor Garak! :(
But you're right - some brainiac will come up with something like that and become the "smartest" guy since...well, since someone figured out people needed their communications ALL the time. (Even in theaters and church - AUGH! SHUT THEM OFF!! :( )
Saw another slam last night on the 200 Greatest Pop Icons on VH-1. They made an icon out of William Shatner and proceeded to slam Trek fans after that - only live in a corner of their mother's basement, etc. I was too tired to be angry last night, but I DO NOT APPRECIATE THE "HUMOR." I know, we've been receiving it since day one, but what's the sense of ticking off the largest fan base in the world? Now THAT I don't understand. Name me something that, in all, has a bigger fan following!!
VABG, you are so talented! I haven't seen this episode yet, and now I can't wait since you're in it! :( And the cowboy hat with the suit...now that's class! :( :(
Does Gene Simmons know about this? After all, according to rumor, he has a cow's tongue in his mouth!!
TOS will always be my sentimental favorite; but if all five were on at the same time and I could only watch one, it would be DS9.
I have one goldfish, Lamont, named for my favorite radio show character. (Lamont Cranston, AKA The Shadow, of course.)
I also have two cats. Gunsmoke - Gun for short - named so because I knew someone who named her cat "Miss Kitty," which I thought was too cutesy to be true. I always said I'd name it something more mature, like Gunsmoke. Get it?
My other cat is really still a kitten. Her name is Brightspot-to-Srallansre, named for a character in Uhura's Song. She's Bright, or Brat, for short. Gets into everything!
Best Cliffhanger
in Ten Forward
I didn't see WOK in the theater, but caught it on tv over a year later. I wasn't a diehard Trekkie then, hadn't stayed caught up, and Spock's death caught me off-guard. I had heard Nimoy didn't want to be Spock anymore, but I had gotten wrapped up in the movie without thinking of the end. I was at my gparents and totally embarrassed myself by crying at the end of the movie.
That said, I love WOK and think it's a great cliffhanger. I enjoy almost every episode on that list. I hate waiting three months to find out what happens!