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Posts posted by LadyNarana

  1. Netflix is da bomb!  For me, they're the only way to rent.  Besides, I LOVE movies circa pre-1960, and no video store carries them!


    I have to watch something before I buy it.  The only exception is DS9 - Season Five is coming to my house next week!

    So far I've only rented TNG, DS9 and From the Earth to the Moon from Netflix but I love their service, it is SO much better then driving to a video store (for me). Sure I wish it worked a little faster like a download would but I can live with this until the downloads take hold.


    I can't wait for season 6 in a couple weeks!


    "I'm so excited, I just can't hide it - I'm about to lose control, and I think I like it!"


    Now lets not start THAT again! :) :)

    Season 6?? A couple of WEEKS?? Grumble, grumble, gripe, gripe...I just sold a bunch of stuff on EBay so I could afford a cheaper Season 5! Whew...looking around...more stuff's gotta go..... :)


    Signed - a lifelong, hereditary pack-rat

  2. This has always been my problem. When TNG rolled around, I was already a Trekkie, and they wrote Romulan honor into the Klingon race. It was always jarring to see Romulans as the deceitful race of the universe.


    Hands down, my apologies to Mr. Alaimo and the others, but Mark Leonard has always been the ultimate Romulan to me.

  3. As for my dream job, I'd like to make enough money from my crocheting so I wouldn't have to have a "real" job. :) [/size][/color][/font]

    Oh, I had my answer all set until I read that! Oh man, oh man, I'm with you! Except I do all sorts of handiwork, and I'd love to be part of stocking a shop. The only thing I'd be worried about is that then it would turn into work, and not just something I love to do.


    Other than that, I'd love to write professionally. But the same drawback as above.

  4. This is a tough one ----


    Captain - Sisko

    First Officer - Spock

    Science Officer - Jadzia Dax

    Helmsman - Data

    Weapons/Security - Worf

    Chief Engineer - LaForge, with Miles as his backup

    Doctor - McCoy, with Bashir as his backup

    Communications - Uhura


    Most of these people are qualified or overqualified for these positions, plus others. I would just like to have them along!


    Besides, Dax could flirt with Spock (those EYES!) and still be with her mate, Miles and Geordi already work well together, and I'd love to see Spock really work with Data and/or Sisko.

  5. I'm with you on the Miles/Nerys feelings at the end of the episode - I thought the shuttlecraft scene was great - especially when she is describing her getaway house. It's a good reminder that, even if you're in a committed relationship, you can still feel attraction. I also thought it was good to make the point that you don't have to do anything about it!!


    I think it's interesting that Miles and Keiko are really the only couple to ever last any significant period of time in ST. Dax and Worf would have, I think, but Dukat took care of that.

  6. The only redeeming quality that I can think of is that Cardassians love their children - that was mentioned in a couple of different episodes.

    And yet they leave behind the war orphans and kill the half-bloods. I wonder how they rectify that.

  7. I can't list everything I have. But I have cassettes, CDs and vinyl - I haven't had 8-tracks in years. :clap:


    Elvis, The Beach Boys, The Righteous Brothers, Toby Keith, The Statler Brothers, Cher, movie and Broadway soundtracks up the ole wazoo, composer compilation albums (Berlin, Warren, Oscar and Hammerstein, etc.), Classic Country, Symphonic Star Trek (awesome album), Classical Thunder (Just about the only classical music I listen to), Classic Country - there's no way to list it all. Mostly, I'm partial to musicals and oldies.

  8. I don't know as I fully agree with the statement that Dukat was a poor leader. He made poor decisions, yes, but one doesn't necessarily follow the other. I have to think about that...


    I love Cardassians. It's no secret that Marc Alaimo and Andy Robinson are two of my favorite ST actors of all time because of Dukat and Garak. I've seen the TNG episodes, and you're right, they seem to have no sympathetic qualities at all. (Although MA gets his first Cardie role on TNG.) I don't know as they had the time or story space to show too much else. Too, if I'm thinking correctly, the TNG episodes are taking place during the withdrawal from Bajor. I don't know as anyone in the Cardassian Union was too happy during that time. (I know - that's Monday morning quarterbacking - but it fits!)


    It's when you move into DS9 and their species role is fleshed out that you see more of the other sides to them. Tain, as I see him, had no redeeming qualities, really, other than a good wit. Garak you're never sure (and you love trying to figure it out). Dukat - well, the best description of him I can think of is "every villain is the hero of his own story." That's the way MA played him, IMO, and it complicated and broadened what started out as just another bad guy. Ghemor - you could sympathize with him. He was a great view into the softer side of Cardie. Ziyal, too.


    Good Cardie Skin. Ties of Blood and Water. The Wire. The two when Garak rejoins Tain (The Die is Cast and the other one. :clap: ). The two in the POW camp...good insight into Garak. Indiscretion and Return to Grace have always been two I enjoyed. Have to think about others...

  9. The only languages that haven't changed are now dead languages. Middle English and Olde English are good examples. Medieval French and High German, as well. If we actually could speak with Richard the Lionhearted or Charlemagne, they probably wouldn't understand us very well. What I wonder is how Hoshi (and Starfleet) got their hands on medieval Klingon. It's not like the two empires are at peace in this time period. And the Klingons they WOULD meet (POW's, diplomats, emissaries, etc.) wouldn't exactly be speaking old versions of their language. Someone steal some Klingon literature along the way? Find old abandoned Klingon colonial library? :clap:

  10. "Oh Pine Tree State, your woods, fields, and hills,

    Your lakes, streams, and rock-bound coast will ever fill our hearts with thrills.

    And though we seek far and wide, our search will be in vain

    To find a fairer spot on Earth than

    Maine, Maine, Maine!"

  11. It's my sister's favorite British show. My parents love "As Time Goes By," and my fave is "The Avengers." I think it's hilarious - but I can only take it in small doses. B) Inman is HILARIOUS. They have a book about the behind the scenes stuff...I can't remember what the title is off the top of my head, but you can find it on EBay. (I got it for my sister for her last birthday.) They also made a movie, which is going to be her next birthday. B) Have you seen the one with Inman in a tutu yet? B)

  12. Another question -


    Click for Spoiler:

    When he pretended to be Archer, he told Hoshi that Travis would understand if she didn't say goodbye - then corrected to Travis and all her friends. Has there been something going on between them, or is that a new development? She said she had just been thinking about Travis - is that portentious, or am I reading too much into this?

  13. Also - a question about tonight's episode -


    Click for Spoiler:

    His "den" or whatever you want to call it, reminded me in a way of the main room in "Squire of Gothos."  Maybe it was the fireplace.  Anyway - his attitude of getting what he wanted reminded me of the dear Squire, as well.  As did his powerful abilities, and his sabotage of the Enterprise.  Anyone else see it this way??

    It's funny you say this I said the same thing in a post on STARTREK.COM about 20 minutes ago lol

    Brilliant minds, VBG. :bow::bow:

  14. Ok, I'm the manager of a cash office and I live close enough to the Canadian border that we get Canadian cash...anything under $1 is taken just like our coinage. Question for you Canadians near the border - do the provinces take American coinage? Loonies and Toonies (sorry, but I still hear Bugs Bunny music when I say those two together) are treated like bills - that is, we have to call for the current exchange rate. Any thoughts from North of the Border?


    Debit cards are accepted pretty universally here, except for restaurants. In that case, ATM's also abound. (Boy, do they ever!)


    I kind of like the pix of the new $20's. I haven't been to work in a couple of days - I'll reserve judgment until I actually see one. (And, as for me, I agree - colored money looks funny to me - but I grew up with the green!)

  15. Wow - that's way too intellectual for me. I enjoy Star Trek for those reasons, but they're secondary. Primarily, I love the characters. Escapism figures prominently into it, as well. A whole other universe in which to play, at least for an hour or so...

  16. I really enjoyed this episode - first one I've been able to see in full in a couple of weeks. Question - I've been on the road all day, and maybe I'm a little confused...did they mean that the season premiere is going to reair next week?


    Also - a question about tonight's episode -


    Click for Spoiler:

    His "den" or whatever you want to call it, reminded me in a way of the main room in "Squire of Gothos." Maybe it was the fireplace. Anyway - his attitude of getting what he wanted reminded me of the dear Squire, as well. As did his powerful abilities, and his sabotage of the Enterprise. Anyone else see it this way??