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Posts posted by Theunicornhunter

  1. The most important thing about my car is that it is paid for. I plan to keep it until it flips over it's back and waves its tires in the air (**that's how cockroaches die**). It is a 92 Civic . Considering my long daily commute it's been pretty good to me.

  2. For you California residents. I thought they were trying to pass a law there that only certified teachers could homeschool. I think that is outrageous but clearly a political ploy.


    I look at this all from a different perspective. I do not have children but I am working on my teaching certificate. While it's something I always wanted I am not sure I want to work in the public school system. (Even though I don't have children I have some great nieces and nephews that I worry about).


    If I had children and couldn't afford private schools I would homeschool and look for other homeschoolers to share activites with.


    I don't know what it will take before TPTB realize we need some major reform in our education system. I could really go on about this topic.

  3. "The good of the many outweighs the needs of the few..or the one" A little paraphrasing but I will never forget that scene. It was powerfully emotional.


    Second place to me is one you didn't actually see. It was the TNG episode about the new ensigns and the young Bajoran who was trying to make up for a past mistake. Picard sent her on an undercover mission. The scene on the bridge when Picard told them to scan the debris for Bajoran dna and the sense of loss you could see the crew experienced was very touching


    Also, Ambassador K'Ehlyer when she places Alexander's hand into Worf's.

  4. I would make it less sexist. No catsuits. I would make both male and female characters equally competent and equally interesting.


    I would also include more married couples. I read this is something NASA has considered in long range planning for extended space flights - makes sense; five years could be a long time otherwise. I think most ST characters have been single for the ratings - not for realism.


    I would include more science.


    For the Star Trek version of Utopia and the exploring social issues aspects of Star Trek - I think the show leaps from SciFi to fantasy in some of its conclusions; such as being able to survive without money. Ever wonder how they pay for those Raisa vacations? I would also acknowledge that many humans are religious - and not expect faith to disappear in a couple of centuries.


    The key to making it successful would be powerfully written scripts and compelling stories. I think Law and Order has shown how that is done.

  5. I think the writer's need to be creative and come up with their own stories and aliens, villains etc. The only way I could handle a Q episode is if he came back with a TNG character to an event in the past for a specific reason. Captain Archer of course could not mention a visit from the future because it would mess up the timeline - which would explain why no Q reference before Picard.

  6. - Jim Carrey has no talent for characterization; he can only play one, and that's all he's ever been able to do - i think he's made enough money of the one joke, ya know? and, to be frank, he's spending it all on his nose - not cool - a thumbs down from me for Ace Ventura part 16

    I liked The Majestic...I thought he did a pretty decent job.


    After reading these reviews I still don't know exactly what the movie is about. Though I admit the television previews give the impression of being sacrilegious.

  7. Other, I liked Planet of the Apes, the original one; that has the best ending.


    I also like Charly, based on Flowers for Algernon, which may not be considered Science Fiction but it involved a scientific experiment with intelligence.


    I also liked Contact - actually liked the movie better than the book.


    Maybe I'll rent Minority Report - I've never seen it.

  8. Do any of you collect action figures? How do I get a list of what has been released? Does anyone know if they didn't make the 7" figures for Commander Tucker..I've found most of the other cast but somewhere I read they didn't make one.

  9. I agree that we do not necessarily know where Trips family members would live now.  Just because he went to school in Panama City does not mean that his family all stayed living there when they grew up.  A lot of people relocate when they become adults, and we have no way of knowing how big his family is.

    True regarding adults, but during his conversation with Malcolm he said "over there is the movie theatre we went as kids." So in one episode he's a kid in Panama City and in this he's a kid in South Florida.

  10. I guess I'm a pessimist but I worry the new guys will take screen time from the original cast. In one of the interviews Berman indicating they were adding several new cast members and would watch the "cream rise to the top" as to which ones get highlighted. I always thought that VOY became the Seven of Nine show and tell hour after that character joined the cast.


    Does anyone know how big this commando unit is?


    thayln Posted on May 26 2003, 08:32 AM

    My question is who are they going to answer too? Will Reed be their commanding officer or will they report directly to Archer? If Reed were in charge, I could see that as the beginning of the Security Department of Starfleet. It would also be interesting to see how Reed handles them, and if they would accept his authority without a fight, so to speak. 


    Good question...I think some conflict between Star Fleet and the military is inevitable.

  11. TransporterMalfunction Posted on May 26 2003, 10:42 AM

    Plus, with the case of Joan of Arc, it claimed that the organisation of a military campaign,under God's name,which involved the deaths of many people on both sides is hardly defending one's self and hardly follows the example set out by Christ. Where as WW2 prevented the deaths of millions of people in the long term, to use a term from Star Trek, the good of the few outweighed the good of the many


    I've always been fascinated by Joan of Arc - although my knowledge of French history is limited - so I'll have to defer to you on those point. I coudn't say whether her "voices" were real or not; though I tend to think not. I do not mean to offend Catholic readers - I simply have a different belief about things. However, whether they were real or not is irrelevant to my main thesis on religious war which is: I think in most "religious" wars - the politicians simply appeal to the religious beliefs of the people to serve their own agenda.


    However, the Bible of the New Testament shows the occupation of other countries by the Roman Empire, yet we do not see Jesus take up arms against the Roman Empire directly as Joan of Arc did against the British. Joan of Arc claimed to be receiving visions from God and took up arms, but that would seem to be in direct violation of what Jesus and the bible teaches.


    You are correct, He did not take up arms - but that wasn't His purpose. He came to offer a different kind of freedom - something only He could do. Others could serve as political or military leaders. IMO, I don't think this means we don't have the right to defend ourselves from oppression.

  12. TransporterMalfunction Posted on May 25 2003, 02:46 PM

    You also have to look at the ten commandments i.e. Thou shalt not kill, hence the question, is it right to kill if you believe you are told so by God? And would God actually tell us and let us carry out such an act?



    Believe it or not, this is a question I have actually thought about before. The "vision" aspect of your question is inconsistent with my beliefs.


    As for it being acceptable to kill. I know many faiths interpret the Bible differently - which leads some to be conscientious objectors and others to enlist. It is interesting to note certain passages like proverbs 6:17 that God depises the shedding of innocent blood. What constitutes innocent blood? I guess I'd have to define that as not being the first offender.


    If I understand what you're agree that it is okay to kill in defense of life; but not okay to kill in defense of freedom. I am really not familiar with the examples you refer to as God freeing people without war or violence. From what I've read the Old Testament records many wars, episodes of captivity, violence etc.


    I believe that a person has the right to defend their own life, the lifes of family or others that can't defend themselves and to defend and protect freedom.


    Would God tell us to kill? An individual vision wouldn't be necessary for anyone that already knows they have a right to defend themselves.


    When discussing freedom I think it is important to remember that part of that freedom is the freedom to "worship God according to the dictates of your own conscience". If you want to expand your question...ask yourself..."would it be acceptable to take human life in order to preserve the right - the freedom - to teach your faith to your children?" particularly if you believed their eternal souls would be lost if you didn't.

  13. Rene Auberjonois was also in the sitcom Benson; and was a recurring guest star in the Bionic Woman.


    The actress who played Min in an episode of TNG also starred in Spenser (along with Avery Brooks) and Law & Order.


    Diana Muldaur starred in the series McCloud.


    I was also flipping chanels one day and saw I young Jeri Ryan in some trauma of the week movie on one of those "women's" channels.

  14. It seems to me as if they are setting Trip up to be the protagonist for this arc. That his struggle to grow beyond vengance, to become "a better man" as Picard says in Nemesis, will be a metaphor for the growth of humanity into what they are in Picard's time


    I sure hope that's what they have in mind. :) Connor would evoke such sympathy playing out this process. If TPTB turn his character into someone so one dimensional that he does something too terrible for him to be redeemed than they deserve to get cancelled. They really do. Why else did they set the character up this way? He could end up as the most sympathetic hero/anti-hero in all of Trek or they could make a rednecked goat out of him. What will they do?


    Interesting. Is the situation with the Xindi more like WWII-- the "good war" as it's called? The only reason I think it draws a parallel to Iraq is that they're seeming to assume on very little evidence that it's true that the Xindi (Iraq) are responsible. Maybe they are; maybe FG is totally manipulating things. There was pretty much no doubt that Hitler was responsible.


    That's a good point but I guess because all the press releases etc kept saying the Xindi attacked that I never stopped to think in terms of the Enterprise crew. You're right - that didn't have all of these spoilers - they only have the word of FG - a real trustworthy character.


    As for Trip - there is option three. They could just drop the ball and let it roll under the table so to speak - like the follow up on Cogenitor. Next season it may just be Trip as usual? But I want to see him apologize to Malcolm. Malcolm deserves that.

  15. thayln Posted on May 25 2003, 02:36 AM

    Do we not wish that our current situation was more clear cut? Do we not all long for proof that we are doing the right thing in the world?


    You're right there...


    I hope you're right about Trip too.

  16. Yes, if they let Trip work through his need for revenge (and do it quickly) then it could be a developmental opportunity. I think anger is part of the grieving process but he should be moving beyond that point by now. And I agree, I don't think anyone short of a saint could immediately forgive someone who had murdered a loved one. But people that don't ever work through it are the ones that suffer. The truth is - if the Xindi acted because they thought they would be destroyed then they are just defending their families as well. Oh, I so hate being open minded - now I can't feel good about blowing them all to pieces.


    Well, one thing for sure it will be an interesting third season.


    As for the Iraq war...I think there is much more the administration could do to reduce our dependence on foreign oil but that's another topic .

  17. That's interesting. I'm glad that niether Bakula or Blalock seem to think an Archer/T'Pol romance would be very helpful to the show. I wonder in what all ways season 3 will mirror the after math of 9/11. Will it be a sweet patiotic revenge story? A cold bitter and ugly revenge story? or will it be a learning experience in which everyone puts aside their differences and makes peace. This should prove interesting...

    A sweet, patriotic revenge story? I think maybe that is an oxymoron. I think we all know the Enterprise is out to prevent the destruction of Earth - not seek revenge (except for maybe Trip). But I've wondered too how TPTB will treat this issue. It would be nice if all conflict could be resolved by chatting around the negotiating table - but ask someone who has been through a nasty divorce how easy it is to make peace with an un-cooperative enemy.


    I had to adjust my thinking and accept that some of those that opposed the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq truly believed there was another way to resolve the conflict. Maybe I am a cynic but I also believe many of the movers and shakers in Hollywood were motivated by their political agenda - not sincerity and I am concerned that agenda will show up in Enterprise.


    Revenge is a cancer; all it is capable of doing is destroying the host. I am very troubled with what they are doing with Trip. More importantly I think it would be unfair to characterize our men and women in uniform as "revenge seekers". Most of them genuinely believed they were preserving the lives and freedom of their families and fellow countrymen. They deserve to be treated with respect - not with the condescension of the Hollywood elite. Just as I had to open my views to the anti-war people- they need to realize that those who supported the war were also sincere. If TPTB don't get that then we're a very long way from ST uptopia.


  18. Books...though most of my books are textbooks(and College textbooks can cost up to and over $100 a piece!), then there are my Trek novels(I actually don't have very many, but still...), and magazines(Trek and Astronomy related). Then there is my car, which has the habit of being pretty dumb....most recent repair that is needed: a new headlight bulb, and figure out why the radiator hose came off, and then there is the little issue of discovering teh source of the oil leak....(I usually do the repairs myself, or get my mom to help because I get the same thing over and over at any mechanic...."Get A new Car"...then I ask them to fork over money so I can get a new used car, which they will never do! :))

    This is followed supplies, the new Michaels stor just recently opened and now I can get all my art supplies at one place. Darn, if only I had won that shopping spree! :)

    I heard some "professional" advice that if you average less than a hundred dollars a month on repairs you're better off keeping your car. I wish I could do my own reparis but I am grateful I found a decent mechanic. That's one thing I miss about living in DC/VA I could take the bus/train and spend that time reading. I also miss the library system there. I love libraries - they cut my book expenses. I am also a sucker for those 3 Books 3 Bucks no commitments adds. Gotto read carefully but if there's no commitment to buy more - it's a great deal.


    FYI, you probably know this already, but if not, I bought my last textbook from Walmart online - some but not a lot cheaper but they also participate in UPromise so you can get a credit towards your college fund. You can also purchase used text books through the MarketPlace at and sell them as well.