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Posts posted by Theunicornhunter

  1. master_q,May 16 2003, 07:24 PM

    It seems everyone here likes to label all ST as “great” and “wonderful”. ... It just seems like some of you are just cheerleaders for this great show called Star Trek and nothing more.


    Master Q

    That is a bit of an over-generalization. A lot of "us" recognize the sexploitation in which this show revels- and a lot of "us" have complained about it. But for some us even bad Star Trek is better than the full blown idiocy on the other networks.

  2.'ve totally creeped me out..I guess I'll be staying up all night. 

    I'm sorry, I didn't mean to creep anybody out. hug.gif

    I just meant certain stories aren't the best things to read when you're alone at 1:00 am. Thank goodness I have all these episodes of Star Trek I can watch


    I know exactly what you mean about that uncomfortable feeling. I got the same feeling whenever I went to my grandparents house. I have no doubt that there are demons in that house. Whenever I was there I would just pray and pray for protection from them. My mom has told me that growing up she would lay in bed and watch "people" that she didn't know walking in her bedroom.'ve totally creeped me out..I guess I'll be staying up all night.


    I said I don't believe in "ghosts" per se - which I don't. I believe that each of us has a spirit within us and that when we die our spirit leaves our body and goes to the spirit world to await the resurrection. I believe that demons such as those referenced in the New Testament are spirits of the one third host of heaven that was cast out in the war in heaven. They were cast out before they came to Earth to get a body - which is try to take other bodies - such as the herd of swine.


    I believe people may have on occasion seen a deceased ancestor - if there was a pressing need but we probably don't hear about it. (some anecdotal evidence suggests a deceased loved one appears to people when they die to escort them on - I'm not in a hurry to find out however.)


    This is a really personal story and I don't know why I'm telling it but I had a experience once - different than some of yours. I believe it was a dream but even at that I think it was real. It was during an extremely difficult time in my life - I felt frustrated and overwhelmed. I just wanted to toss it in. A beautiful young woman in a white dress appeared to me one night- I remember she had long red hair. As I sat on the side of the bed and cried she put her arm around me and held me and somehow let me know it would be alright. I felt very strongly that this "woman" was going to be my daughter at some future time in my life. My life didn't go as planned and I never had children but I still think about Mary sometimes - which is what I felt her name was. I wonder what lucky person had the chance to be her mother and how old she is now. Anyway that's my experience with the other world. Fortunately mine was better than some of yours.

  4. To quote Dr. Phlox....Optimism.

    I never complained about the theme music although several of my friends have. However, I did listen to the alternate intro and I really liked it. I have no idea what they have planned fpr season three so I can't say whether I will like it or not.

  5. I've never been outside the continental US although I looked across the river to Canada when I was at Niagara Falls. One of our group didn't have ID so we didn't go across.


    Places I would like to go:

    Mayan ruins in Central America




    Someone suggested the US is so large that is like several countries in one. Here's my sad confession. I've seen the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, the Sequioas in California - but I've never been to the Everglades (yes born in Florida)

  6. Okay, now for how the friend of mine handled ths situation.  She had been told by her soon to be husband that she had to make the choice.  The reason that the ultimatum was given was because he wanted to go out and do the whole partying with friends thing more often, and she preferred to stay home and watch Trek and only go out occasionally.  She answered the demand by stating that she would give up Trek if he would give up parting, then they could both sit down and find something that they both enjoyed doing. 


    Well, he did not like the idea of not partying, so the two ended up parting ways.

    Maybe your friend knew it wasn't right and the star trek issue just brought it all to the surface. It may seem sad but a divorce a couple of years from now would be much sadder.


    I never had someone I dated tell me to give up star trek - in fact I've found more often it was something we could share. I even went to a convention on a date. However, when I was younger getting ready to go away to college, I once had a guy tell me "my place was to be a wife and mother and I didn't need a college education for that." I really enjoyed my time at college.

  7. I never complained about the theme - I thought the words to the song were appropriate. However, I have had a lot of acquantainces complain to me about it - so apparently it is a big deal to some.


    It could be that they did some test marketing to see how the music affects people. While I never paid much attention to the intro I know from watchng the alternate it actually imparts a better "feel" to me.

  8. I liked this episode.


    Click for Spoiler:

    One thing that I noticed was in the beginning, the conversation with Tripp and Archer, it proves that even after the Cogenitor situation it has not damaged their friendship.


    I was glad to see that.


    Click for Spoiler:

    I also like seeing Trip on the bridge so I enjoyed this episode. So how much does the rest of the crew know about what went on with T'Pol. Malcolm and Trip obviously knew something was wrong. Also, she made it clear - that she's aware of Malcolm looking at her, which we already knew he did. I wonder if that will come up again. Overall I think B'lana's Ponn Farr was better - this seemed a little contrived.

  9. I really enjoyed this episode too.  I'd give it an 8.


    Click for Spoiler:

    I loved that look on Archer's face when T'Pol suggested naming the nebula after Robinson.  Wonderful.  I really like the special effects of the nebula after the last charges went off.  That was beautiful. 


    I agree with everyone in finally finding out the story to Trip's nickname and see the first meeting between the two. 

    I'd give it an 8.5


    Click for Spoiler:

    I agree that last scene about naming the nebula was very rich.

  10. cptwright Posted on May 14 2003, 01:02 AM

    i dont look at it as imposing so much as just what is universally considered right, or wrong by OUR, HUMAN STANDARDS.


    My whole point is there is no universal human standard. We have so many conflicting views about right and wrong in this country much less the planet. Call me a cynic but IMO all human interactions boil down to one side imposing on the other

  11. he did the right thing, and yes im a man that has nothing to do with this. things would always be sooo different between "our" human morality, and ethics, compared to an alien race. no one here has brought up the facts that none of us can fully appreciate the vissian situation from one episode, and the whole forced prostitution thing, or mutilation, come on this is a "show" and its a completely different beast altogether. how do you know that the cogenitor is included in the actual "sex act" we dont, we know they have an enzime needed for the actual conception. that can come after or something. they do have sex without the cogenitor any other time. we all need to look at the big picture, and that is not available to us. also id like to see any of you as CO of a vessel at sea, or in space, especially in his situation, of course hes going to go through changes in attitude and style of command as he goes, learning from mistakes, or any other means, if his views didnt change throughout the show, that would bother me more than them not changing. give the guy a break. not to mention those things you brought up happening here on EARTH, are entirely different than another race of beings in space. what we do to our own humanity is ours, taking that kind of thinking to another race is just absurd. thus why the prime directive will come to say, NO INTERFERENCE. think about it rationally before you get us destroyed by some peved alien race.


    You assert that its okay for humans to impose their values on other humans but not on aliens? Why is it okay to impose on the cultures of other humans? They could retaliate too. The whole point of Star Trek was for us to take an introspective look at ourselves through the medium of the fictional ST universe. So the situations here on Earth are very relevant because that is what we're really supposed to think about.


    In your last response are you saying Archer did the right thing because Enterprise could have been in danger. Does that mean if Archer was certain there would be no retaliation he would be okay in granting asylum to the cogenitor? That is a distinction the poll did not make.


    And it's not that Archer has changed his mind that bothers people. It is that he didn't admit that he's been inconsistent to that point and he got mad at Trip for not discerning his "policy" from the nebulous and erratic example he(Archer) had previously set. I can forgive the guy for making a mistake in the past; it's the hypocrisy of the present that bothers me. All he had to do was recognize that maybe he hadn't been clear with his policy in the past.