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Posts posted by Theunicornhunter

  1. TOS - Spock/McCoy/Scott

    TNG - Data/Troi/Picard

    DS9 - Kira/Bashir/Garak

    VOY - Paris/Janeway/The Doctor

    ENT - Tucker/Reed/Archer


    Stargate - I can't pick 3 out of 4. They're all terrific

  2. Where I was born we didn't use the word "country"- in fact we still refer to it as the "woods" - (except my sister who called it the "sticks"). When I was six we moved to "town" - as in small town. I figured there had to be more to life - so I tried city life. I've lived in two state capitols and the VA suburbs of our nation's capital. During the times I was there - it was exactly where I wanted to be.


    Anyway, after twenty years of swearing I'd rather die than move back to my hometown - yep here I am. And right now there is no place I'd rather be. But who knows where I'll be in ten years.

  3. From the Trek Today website


    Click for Spoiler:

    After contracting a virus on an away mission, T'Pol begins to prematurely experience severe symptoms of Pon Farr, the Vulcan mating cycle in which she has to mate or else die. She begins to make advances on Phlox as well as Reed in her burning desire to mate, forcing the crew to find a solution. Meanwhile, Archer is kidnapped by a bounty hunter who has been hired by the Klingons to bring him back to their planet where a bounty has been put on his head for escaping from their prison (from the "Judgment" episode).


    .."Can't wait to see that scene with Reed".. :o

  4. gdog243 Posted on May 7 2003, 09:41 PM

    I saw a post below talking about favorite pilots and I thought they were talking first episodes.  What was the best First episode and if you can why?


    I thought the same thing. I voted Caretaker,



    Broken Bow

    Where No Man Has Gone Before

    Encounter At Farpoint

    The Emissary

    The Cage

  5. Spoiler for Regeneration and 3rd Season:


    Click for Spoiler:

    Ok, guys I got it figured out.  Jon has to comfort Trip when the Xindi hit.  It will help them heal their friendship.  Malcolm can have the next time.  :devil:







    "Free your mind..."  7 days and counting

    More speculation on the expanse:


    Click for Spoiler:

    I am sure it will be Jon that has to break the news to him. That should make for some good suffering on both their parts. I agree it would be a good opportunity for rebuilding the friendship. Sad to say that's often how it works in real life.


    They seemed to be on reasonable terms tonight - considering the circumstances except I didn't get the scene around the display table when everyone but Trip left. Was Archer ignoring him or just uptight?



    This was a great episode, but I think it would have made a better two parter


    Click for Spoiler:

    I do have to wonder though about the Borg technology that was left behind.  Did the Borg use all of it to modify the ship, or was some left on earth?  If it was left on earth, would our scientists not analyze it further?  The part of Phlox hearing the message was great.  It kind of brings the Borg full circle.  The Borg getting the message in the 24th century, explains how the Borg would find out about humanity.

    Click for Spoiler:

    I agree the part about Phlox hearing the message was a good touch. That's also a very good question about the technology they left behind - surely there had to be something if just hull plating. Wasn't it supposed to be Q - that introduced humanity to the Borg or did VOY alter that with Seven of Nine?

  7. You went to the right place for the chat, I just forgot to announce the Chat this week, and was to "into" the episode to look at my computer, sorry guys.

    What time are you scheduling your chats - if you're having a second shift for the West Coast I could join in? The Fox network carries UPN after hours so I don't get it at 11:00 p.m. EDT - I guess that's about the same "real" time as UPN carries it out West.


    Re: the episode

    Click for Spoiler:

    One of my favorite scenes was when the drone was attacking Reed and Archer just jumped on it and started pulling out cables. I don't think I had seen that technique before.


    All in all I enjoyed the episode but the Arctic scene annoyed me. When did humans stop being suspicious of everything? If we found something like that today they'd be surrounded by so much security.


    Either my hearing or my reception was bad. What did Trip say to Archer when they were looking over the display panel?

  8. Oh my!  Is it just me or did it suddenly get really hot in here.


    Don't you love a character that can suffer so beautifully, and this cast is chock full of 'em.  Bring on the angst, baby!







    "A flicker, a shimmer, a passing thought in the endless silent ruminations of the universe." Diane Duane

    MoulinRouge Posted on May 7 2003, 03:09 PM


    I'm with you, Thayln. Bring on the angst, baby. They've got to find a way to get Jon into the mix here with Trip and Malcolm.  Those are three evocative men. Trip becomes more militaristic like Malcolm and Jon is left wondering, "where did my young friend go?" 






    big sigh

  9. I know there is a thread going on re: whether star fleet is military. Now here's a silly question - but if that were so could they get away with messy quarters? If you're in the military aren't you supposed to be able to bounce a dime on your bed - or is that just in basic training? We've seen a few episodes with messy crewman. Just another something to think about.

  10. One thing I learned from these programs that I hadn't realized is that the pyramids and other monuments lay for for centuries in the sand visited only by looters. The rest of the "world" only became aware of them in the 1800's - I think because of Napoleon. I think I read (someone please correct me) that they used to burn mummies for fuel when building the railroad. Makes me cringe.


    Another fascinating discovery was the presence of cocaine in mummies. They investigated all possible explanations but are left with the explanation that there must have been some type of commercial contact with South America during that time. Peru is another area famous for "ancient astronaut" research. One thing for sure - there are some tantalizing mysteries to pursue.

  11. Unicorn Hunter, sweetie, calm down.  Don't be upset. B)  I read that spoiler and I thought to myself, "Unicorn Hunter is going to flip." B) I've read the spoilers of which you speak.  I'm familiar with  exactly the quote that has upset you. That quote to TV Guide came from an "Enterprise publicist."  That means a Paramount flunkie.  These are the same people who advertised "Cogenitor" as a sex romp in order to draw "the masses."


    This article in TV Guide is written to serve the same purpose, so they're playing up the machismo element of Trip's character change..  Mark momma Moulin's words.  This is a Paramount employee being quoted. He's using the most provocative language possible to attract the teenaged demographic prized by that lousy half network.


    Click for Spoiler:

    What "revenge minded *poopie* kicker" means is that Trip is going to be feeling bitter and be out for Xindi blood, but that doesn't mean that his humanity will be completely abandoned. Trip is their handsome, flawed romantic lead.  TPTB are wanting a seven year run.  They're not going to write Trip into a hole so dark that he can't redeem himself. Can you say "storyline suicide?"  That would be insane.  Mark my words, TPTB gave this story to Trinneer because he has the talent to imbue Trip with a humanity even when the character strays from the noble path.  Trinneer has made lemonades out of lemons how many times with the subpar scripts he's been given? CT has the ability to make the fans see the pain motivating Trip's actions.  It's all body language and savvy.  Why do you think fans are still willing to give Trip a break after Cogenitor and are harsh on Archer?  Because CT makes Trip's pain palpable while Archer comes off a bit high and mighty even if he didn't have an alternative to returning Charles to the Vissians.


    Think of the Trip/Malcolm bonding we could see as Malcolm whips out the tough love and pulls his bitter friend back from the brink. :( Think of the comfort the fair Hoshi could give him.  :devil:  This new direction for Trip could be wonderful for ENT.




    I hope that gives you some perspective and helps you cheer up.  :bow:

    Okay I feel better - you must be one heck of a mom.

  12. I'm feeling a bit old after reading these posts. I do remember as a child watching the pre-views to a new series called Star Trek. I still have that visual image...and I was sitting glued to the set at the appointed hour. So while many of you are quite young - none of you so far are younger than I was when I first got hooked on Star Trek. See what you have to look forward to -I've been a fan for nearly 37 years. OMG :(

  13. Which version of Banana popsicle are you referring too? they are all pretty darned good: banana flavored ice popsicle, chocolate covered banana popsicle(either whole banana dipped in chocolate and frozen or blended banana dipped in chocolate and frozen), or the old banana and fudge Firecracker popsicles. Darn it I am probably going to have to have a banana/strawberry/chocolate(Carnation Good Start Instant Breakfast) milkshake soon!!

    I was thinking of Banana ice popsicle


    Your post also reminded I once had a roommate who introduced me to chocolate/banana/peanut butter milkshakes. OMG just a few zillion calories.

  14. Let's look at this chronologically:


    1) Andorian Incedent - Archer's interference at P'Jem which increases tensions with the Vulcans.


    2) Detained - Archer interferes again, because he's pissed and also, because children are involved.  In the end he questions  whether the other prisoners will survive and wonders if he did the right thing.


    3) Desert Crossing - Archer refuses to get involved, even though the people asking for his help might have a legitimate complaint.


    4) The Comminicator - Archer is willing to let himself and Malcom be killed to avoid contaminating a sub-warp culture.  He admits to T'Pol that he's afraid that they still did damage, anyway.


    5) The Cogenitor - Archer dresses Trip down for going outside the chain of command to interfere with a society that they had only known for 2 or 3 days.


    I don't see Archer as having been inconsistent.  He is learning from his mistakes.  He says that Trip knows how Archer has wrestled with these issues, which leads me to believe that there has been a lot of soul searching going on that we don't get to see.  It is rather, implied.  


    I'm really enjoying theses converstions.  This place is so stimulating.


    Y'all have a good night, 



    "And far out beyond any sensor's range, undetected in the cold dark wastes, something stretched, and strained intolerably--and slowly began to tear..." Diane Duane


    I understand what you're saying but I'd like to add the following to the chronology:


    Civilization - he helps without being asked


    Rogue Planet - helps when asked


    Dear Doctor - refuses to help begging, dying people


    Marauders - Archer convinces people they need his help (Trip actually raises the possibility of their plan being a longshot)


    The Crossing - blows alien race to kingdom come


    Judgment - helps refugees (then himself by escaping)


    The Breach - orders Phlox to breach his ethics to save person who consciously refuses help and threatens to attack the planet to help away team


    Cogenitor - it's not his place to interfere


    I admit at this point I am just really ticked at Archer - I hope it goes away


    edited intro sentence

  15. We've had polls for just about everything - what about who brings the most humor? For me it was tie between The Doctor and Trip but Trip's "phase pistol" threat swung the vote in his favor.


    edited to add response

  16. anyone see her layout in MAXIM magazine, no its not a titty mag. but she is hot hot hot


    Bought it, seen it and OMG. That's all I have to say about that.

    apparently Wal-Mart has decided to quit carrying Maxim - anyway Jolene's cover made the Fox newscast

  17. About that shaft with the door at the end, a month or so ago they sent a bot with the ability to cut a small hole through the door so a little camera could look to the other side, it saw another door. :laugh:
