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Posts posted by Theunicornhunter

  1. We have been having some terrific thunderstorms lately. Our a/c got zapped at work this week. The ride home one evening was rather was striking pretty close. I love to sit and look at storms though (from inside). I do have a healthy fear of lightning. It gets frustrating after a while because you need to turn off all your electronics. Still I like storms.

  2. Had to go with Chemistry. It is absolutely fascinating. Interesting though that in US the education system usually starts with biology then chemistry then and only rarely for most students Physics. I was reading an article that said it should really be the other way around. Physics should be taught first, then chemistry and then biology - which makes sense to me because Physics lays the foundation for everything else.

  3. Takara_Soong Posted on Jun 14 2003, 12:13 PM

    I'm a feminist myself but I believe that you can be sexy and strong at the same time. If all of the women shown on Trek were dressed in tight, revealing clothing and were bimbos that would be sexist but having a strong woman who is second in command, can whip the *ss of a Klingon, is very intelligent who happens to look great in a catsuit to me that is not sexist.


    I guess it's the double standard that bothers me. There are no male sex-babes. To make it fair next season Trip must be in his underwear every episode.


    The only changes I'd make to ENT:

    1. Less sexuallity

    2. Give T'Pol a looser fitting uniform

    3. Include the Romulan War durring the final seasons, but shown differently than DS9's Dominion War.

    I am really enjoying Enterprise as it progresses so I don't think I'd change anything.


    1) I don't think Enterprise has more sexuality than any of the other series - if anything I think there is less.

    2) I don't have a problem with T'Pol's uniform. T'Pol is one hot Vulcan. I don't think flowing robes would be very efficient on the bridge.

    3) I think the Romulan war should be saved for the big screen.

    I know this is a soap box issue with me but T'Pol's catsuit is about sexism not sexuality. The message is loud and clear - men are valued for their competencies - women for their physical features. Sure they make the character competent but only if she looks good in a body suit first. If that unitard was 1 inch larger in diameter would she have less "character" ?


    I'm not suggesting robes - she could wear a uniform without the insignia (like the holographic doctor did) or just normal clothes. For me, the emphasis on her sex-babe image destroys any chance of seeing her as a serious character. I don't think of her as a Vulcan, I think of her as silicon enhanced lifeform with a perpetual pout.


    I personally find Star Trek to be a lot more sexist than many other dramas on television today. What annoys me is TPTB to pass themselves off as diverse and other words they're hypocrits. Why don't they just come out and say...hey, we're Baywatch in Space and be done with it? At least we'd have honesty.

  5. Right now I am going to traffic school online. I shop, I peruse ebay as I am desperately seeking one last barbie doll to complete my series collection. I do research for classes and have taken online classes. I occasionally do genealogy; I visit my church's website, and try to keep up with Astronomy picture of the day. And I'm constantly searching for new and interesting things.


    I found this for (even before master_q's mechanics week)


    Learn Physics today

  6. Before tonights season premiere of Stargate they did a behind the scenes episode. In one clip Richard Dean Anderson is talking about the different planets they visit and different experiences they have there and concluded with "you know what would be really neat....running into the cast of star trek"

  7. Getting back to the original topic; the quote regarding money is "the love of money is the root of all evil" Money in and of itself isn't evil; it's when people seek after material possessions to the exclusion of integrity, compassion, family responsibility etc that material possessions become evil.


    I think the concept of a future with no money is pure fantasy. If you don't have to work in order to receive clothing, food, entertainment etc why would you get up and go to work. Starships don't build themselves; food doesn't grow itself etc.


    I do think there could be improvements in the access to wealth but I'm too tired to discuss that.


    However, here are my thoughts on the current economy. Let's use this example - if I buy a used car and it breaks down the next day - it's probably a result of the prior owners wear and tear - not mine. Then there is the undeniable fact that things in this country changed in Sept 2001 which has had an impact on the economy. It's also evident that had the previous administration hadn't dropped the ball in combating terrorism it might not have come to this.


    Goodness knows, I'm no particularly fan of "W" but I don't think he is to blame for all our current economic woes.

  8. When male characters start wearing catsuits we can say that female characters are treated equally. DS9 and VOY did the best at portraying females as real characters. IMO, ENT is the absolute worst of the lot. I still can't understand the logic of making a Vulcan the designated sex-toy; a denoblian female would have made more sense in the catsuit. I loved Mr. Spock; T'Pol's is a horrible Vulcan. Hoshi's character is an absolute insult to women; she's whiny, complaining and ultra high-maintenance. She has no business on a starship. This show needs a real, non sex-babe, competent officer. Someone like Kira.


    Kira is one of my all time favorite characters and my definite favorite female - although Janeway is a close second as favorite female characters and I have a hard time choosing between Janeway and Picard as favorite captain. But she got promoted to Admiral before he did. :grin: Jadzia and B'Elanna were also good, strong women.

  9. I didn't necessarily mean this should be a public figure. A lot of people do pick their fathers. As I mentioned in the post for admired women...I admire people who stand by their commitments and live by their principles.


    Public figures that I do admire include Colin Powell - his life is an example of commitment to excellence and that's a good role model for anyone; John McCain; and Ralph Nader.


    But the man living today that I admire most is Gordon B. Hinckley.


    Note to CJLP; you're arguing the wrong point - the question was for a a mortal human.

  10. I didn't necessarily mean these should be public figures. I also expected the sad truth that it is harder for people to think of women that they admire than men - especially if they're going for public personalities. I won't give the names of the women I'm thinking of but I can think of several women I have known that I have admired. In each case they are women who followed through on their commitments and lived lives of principle. A couple were career women and a couple were stay at home moms; it is their character - not worldly success that I admire.

  11. When we analyzed your test, we also discovered that when it comes to quantitative ability, you measure in the xxth percentile. This score indicates you have unusually strong abilities when it comes to solving numerical problems. If there is a numerical pattern to be found, you'll find it. ...

    :blink: B) :huh: B)


    Said the same thing on mine even with a different score.

  12. Adventurer


    Whether you know it or not, this is the role that is most in tune with who you are at your core


    You know it's funny...but when I was younger that was what I sought out...maybe not the way some people define adventure...mountain climbing etc but I did have some adventure. I needed to remember that...thanks for this websiste cassidy...maybe its just coincidence but still I needed the reminder.

  13. Don't forget the two Ferengi from that episode of TNG that ended up in the Delta quadrant and showed up in an episode of Voyager.  And didn't someone mention a Klingon from TOS that gave a repeat performance in DS9?

    What ep is that? Do they appear as if they just left the Alpha Quadrent?

    I don't know episode titles but in TNG the Federation is negotiation with the Ferengi and anothe race over rights to the wormhole. Data discovers the worm hole is unstable and advised the Ferengi shuttlecraft to follow him back through but they refuse and they get stranded.


    In VOY a few years have passed and the Ferengi have been up to Ferengi mischief.