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Posts posted by Theunicornhunter

  1. Don't forget the two Ferengi from that episode of TNG that ended up in the Delta quadrant and showed up in an episode of Voyager. And didn't someone mention a Klingon from TOS that gave a repeat performance in DS9?

  2. Loise Fletcher (Kai Winn) played Norma in the 1980's movie Firestarter (based on the Stephen King novel)... didn't click until I saw the credits...DUH!

    Louise Fletcher also played Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.


    Also caught the last few minutes of Jungle to Jungle and saw a platinum haired Dominic Keating

  3. I voted DS9 because I did actually stop watching it because I got bored with all the Klingon stories - and the characters never connected with me like the ones in the other series. VOY was my fav as far as connecting with the characters and ENT is second.

  4. I don't think ENT is mediocre - I think it is above average in production quality most of the time; but it does have some real issues.


    What I like most are Trip, Malcolm, Phlox and Archer (now that he's stopped whining).


    I loved the episode Civilization and would like to see more one shot visits to planets. Riann was the best female character this series has produced. They could use more of that.


    I loved Cease Fire because it was an all round good episode and because Trip got to be smart, not goofy.

  5. Remember the scene where Trip and Travis were camping and a bug got in Trip's sleeping bag. He wanted to smash it and Travis asked if it was okay to kill alien bugs. Trips response was priceless.


    But I've always wondered as ST developed into TNG where insects fell in the respect for life chain. You never see roaches on a Starship but you got to figure some pest would come aboard with cargo unless some prevention was used.


    So what do you think of the fate of insects in the ST future?

  6. I was rather disappointed with the latest one. The beginning was excellent where he kept going back to try and prevent his fiancee from dying. But I found the ending was rather lame.  :lol:

    I agree...

    CJLP, lame means (for me) it didn't carry the same tempo as the rest of the movie and the outcome seemed added on rather than developed throughout the movie. It's probably been thirty years since I read the book but didn't he go back to his own time in the book?

  7. I am concerned about containment particularly when they start producing medicinal plants. I am not sure how they plan to keep these foods from mixing in the general population


    Now the issue of Monsanto controlling our food supply is truly frightening. They create new varieties for which they seek patents. That would mean if you saved your seeds from one season's crop and used them next year you'd owe them a royalty - although hybrids don't produce usable seeds anyway. So you still have to buy from them each year.


    Another danger of mass produced farming is that our food supply becomes less diverse and more vulnerable to disease.


    And is there anyone out there who thinks Monsanto grown tomatoes taste as good as the ones you grow in your back yard?


    Recommendations for further reading

    The Garden of Unearthly Delights (book), provides interesting look at Monsanto among other developments in mass farming.


    Seeds of Change, a company that provides heirloom seeds

  8. My work history has been mostly admininstrative. After a layoff I went back to temping to have some income while job hunting. I had been working towards my teaching certificate since I already had a degree I only needed the education classes. Might I suggest that a BS in Psychology doesn't open a lot of doors; but boy I loved it. My minor was in Anthropology. No real market for social science teachers so I've been taking course work in other areas.


    Since I spend two hours a day commuting I really need a tape system so I can record my "novel" and go home and play the tape to the computer and have the PC type from the recording. I don't know if the technology is available for that or not.

  9. A couple of interviews

    Zap to It


    SciFi Weekly


    From this you should note that the producers do consider a 9/11 parallel to exist and have plans to integrate the analogy into the story.


    Parallels to current social events were the foundation of TOS and have continued to be part of Trek.


    I will give the new mission a chance but if the worst case scenario comes to pass I will be gone. One concern is with the concept of "vengeance" that they keep blasting at us. How the Enterprise is out on a vengeance mission. There is a big difference between defending yourself and seeking vengeance.


    Then there's their wonderful little plan to turn Trip into some sort of vengeance demon.


    The bottom line is I'm tired of Hollywood preaching down to me...and I got the feeling from one of the articles that ENT may do the same thing....Maybe they only meant that next season would be about more than just the war. But I got the feeling they may be going for the America is evil mantra and I'm just tired of it.


    edited to shorten

  10. What direction into space did exploration go?. For that matter how do you define direction in space? Doesn't there have to be a point of reference - such as when they lay in a course change. And since they're always talking about rendezvous' - doesn't there have to be a common reference point that both the Vulcans and Humans use?


    There's been a lot of complaint about not seeing the same races etc in Enterprise that we saw in other series. But this is their first foray into space - you have one ship and multiple possibilities for directions. It will take several fleets many years to map out all that space.

  11. Let me see if I understand what you are saying. Deutsch deduces the presence of parallel universe(s) when electrons released singly react with the same disturbance pattern as water released through both doors at once?


    My questions:

    Do parallel universes only act on electrons? Why isn't the effect of the parallel universe observed on the water flow?


    When you use the term "parallel universe" are you speaking of a "duplicate" world like the Sliders concept or something that exists only on an atomic level?


    I didn't fully grasp the string theory discussion.


    Even we non-physics people have discussions about parallel worlds. I don't believe they exist - not as science fiction presents them. My reasoning is that for a duplicate of us to exist -every ancestor that lived before us would have had to make the same decisions in mating on each world. Which also means no dying in infancy etc. I think it highly improbable unless the parallel world was an exact duplicate in every detail. Which they never are in SciFi.


    But this is totally off topic if the answer to my second question is the theory only concerns atomic structure not living organisms.

  12. VaBeachGuy Posted on Jun 4 2003, 10:04 PM

    I've never heard him sing,

    That's unfortunate. He really does sing professionally.


    My point was....


    Scott Bakula is a really sexy man with a great voice. I still remember hearing him sing Imagine on Quantum Leap. I think there is a way they could integrate a song into the script without it being ridiculous. Maybe they find some refugees and he has to sing to one of the kids to get him or her to sleep. I suggested the idea of singing to a date because he doesn't enough romance - and there is nothing romantic about those horrendous T'Pol fantasies.