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Mrs.Picard's Personal Log

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  It's actually a picture of 'Sterling', Pat's gay character in the movie Jeffrey, but I agree, he really looks cute! (He always looks cute, though... *lol* )


That's what I thought! I need to go rent that one again! :D

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  It's actually a picture of 'Sterling', Pat's gay character in the movie Jeffrey, but I agree, he really looks cute! (He always looks cute, though... *lol* )


That's what I thought! I need to go rent that one again! :D



Yeah, it's a great movie, one of my faves! I'm always glad to see it because I don't have to be jealous on some random woman :heart:


Personal log, 8/19/05


Hey, it's Jon Frakes' birthday today! So, many birthday wishes go out to him - and to Diana Muldaur (Dr. Pulaski) AND to Gene Roddenberry (may he rest in peace). :P

Now, let's see... I've just gotten up, I'm still in my pajamas and there is much work to do, washing the dishes, ironing... and I'm sitting in front of the computer - as usual. :D

Hmm... there's nothing new about Pat, I found a few new pictures yesterday, though. He looks so awesome on them. :blush 2:


Here's today's Pat pic of the moment:




Picard out.

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Personal log, 8/20/05


Just finished the trivia session. I wasn't as bad as I thought I'd be (I'm no good at episode titles when it comes to DS9, VOY or, much worse, ENT, it's partly my own fault since I don't watch these three series anymore, partly the fault of the German voice dubbing - the episode titles are in German over here, too, and they've often got nothing to do with the original title).

So, what's next... ah. Yeah. I'm gonna go to university on Monday, I've got to do a little paperwork before I can start writing my essay.

Hmm what else... There's nothing new about Pat, he seems to have vanished again, most likely back to Vancouver, shooting X3. :P


Here's today's Pat pic of the moment:




:yucky: He looks so adorable!!! B)



Picard out.

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Personal log, 8/21/05


Another lazy day today for me. I watched another TNG episode today, "Peak Performance". I noticed that Jean-Luc's so cute when he's angry. :P Though I wouldn't want him to be angry with ME. :yucky:


Here's today's Pat pic of the moment:





Picard out.

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Personal log, 8/23/05


Didn't have the time to make a log entry yesterday. I went to university and got the paperwork finished.

Hmm... what else... Not much going on over here except for my wonderful best guy friend who bought me a TNG Super Nintendo game on Ebay! :yucky: I can't wait to play it. :P


Here's today's Pat pic of the moment:





Picard out.

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Personal log, 8/24/05


Not much for today. I went to our photo store today, I had to have developed a film. It'll be ready on Saturday or on Monday. B)

I'm gonna look for a few more TNG novels on amazon now. I saved some money and I can't wait to spend it for TNG B)


Here's today's Pat pic of the moment:





Picard out.

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Personal log, 8/25/05


Hmmm... another quiet and peaceful day over here in Germany. I got up pretty late and decided to finish reading the TNG novel "Reunion" (it includes one of my favorite crews, the one from the Stargazer)...


There is news about X3. It seems Charles Xavier really dies in that movie. B)


Here are the latest rumors:


I can confirm that some of the information revealed - is true. Patrick Stewart's character does die, but I believe it isn't THE end of him - he'd return, in some shape of form, if another sequel were to happen.


Professor X dies from some sort of a disease and the whole movie is centered on Jean Grey's alter ego Phoenix.


B) !!!! B) !!!!!


Here's today's Pat pic of the moment:





Picard out.

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Love the banner and I'm loving the pictures! B) I have not watched any Star Trek for 3 months and I am really missing it. What's your favourite episode out of these? I only have these episodes. (On VHS though).


# Encounter At Farpoint )

# The Naked Now

# Code Of Honor

# The Last Outpost

# Where No One Has Gone Before

# Lonely Among Us

# Justice

# The Battle

# Hide And Q

# Haven

# The Big Goodbye

# Datalore

# Angel One

# 11001001

# Too Short A Season

# When The Bough Breaks

# Home Soil

# Coming Of Age

# Heart Of Glory

# The Arsenal Of Freedom

# Symbiosis

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Love the banner and I'm loving the pictures! B) I have not watched any Star Trek for 3 months and I am really missing it. What's your favourite episode out of these? I only have these episodes. (On VHS though).


#  Encounter At Farpoint )

# The Naked Now

# Code Of Honor

# The Last Outpost

# Where No One Has Gone Before

# Lonely Among Us

# Justice

# The Battle

# Hide And Q

# Haven

# The Big Goodbye

# Datalore

# Angel One

# 11001001

# Too Short A Season

# When The Bough Breaks

# Home Soil

# Coming Of Age

# Heart Of Glory

# The Arsenal Of Freedom

# Symbiosis



I'm glad you like the pictures! B)


You're giving me a very hard time by telling me to choose ONE episode... B) I could find something wonderful about every single one of them.... but you force me to choose one... B) I'd say 11001001. Jean-Luc speaking French on the holodeck... B) B)

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Personal log, 8/26/05


Hmm... not much for today so far. I just came out of bed and right now I'm deciding what I should eat for dinner. B)


Yesterday evening it finally happened: Pat was a guest star in a British comedy series called "Extras" - and I missed it because we don't have BBC 2 over here. This is so highly annoying. He's on TV and I can't see it. B) I'll have to wait for the DVDs - if it *ever* comes out on DVD (which I think it will, it seems to be a successul series because they were asked to do a second season).


Here are two pictures of Pat from behind the scenes of that episode (they're also today's Pat pics of the moment):




Now that one's SO cute!!!! B)





B) B) B)



Picard out.

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B) Me, too, I don't know if he was trying to frighten someone or make someone laugh... B) B) Or perhaps the person who took that pic frightened HIM... B) B)

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I just wounder why you can't see the rest of his body in the pic... maybe cought with his pants down?

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I just wounder why you can't see the rest of his body in the pic... maybe cought with his pants down?



B) B) B) B)




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*puts out the drool buckets and starts singing*

She's drooling, she's drooling, she's drooling down the river...

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And it's all your fault B) it's just too great a thought: Pat with his pants down... oh my... B)

Ok... I'll keep the rest of that thought to myself... B)


B) B)


Thanks for the drool buckets! B)

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B) Me, too, I don't know if he was trying to frighten someone or make someone laugh...  B)  B) Or perhaps the person who took that pic frightened HIM...  B)  B)



Or maybe... B) ... ... ...oh... I dunno.... B) :) B)

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Personal log, 8/27/05



I just got home from my grandma's house. She had a big family gathering there since it's her birthday today. I'm glad to be home now, though. My mom's still there, I don't know how long she's gonna stay there. B)

Hmmm what else... I'm hungry, so I gotta look for something to eat.


Here's today's Pat pic of the moment:




He looks so adorable with that beard ( B) ), I don't know, I'm not much into guys with beards, but Pat looks so awesome... oh well, he always does, no matter what B)



Picard out.

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Personal log, 8/28/05


Phew. Another Sunday evening over here. I relaxed today because this week's going to be quite stressful for me, so I thought I'd take some time for just reading a few more chapters of the TNG novel "Kahless" (I'm not much into Klingons, but I kinda liked the first few chapters, so, I'll see) AND for watching another TNG episode ("Evolution").

TNG's my life. :tribble:


Here's today's Pat pic of the moment:





Picard out.

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Personal log, 8/29/05


I just woke up *yawn*.

I got plans for today. First, I gotta take a look if my pictures are ready, I have to go to the photo store for that. And then I gotta go to the book store and order a few books I need in order to write this stupid essay. (I still haven't started :tribble: )

But for now all I'm gonna do is look for something to eat. :flowers:


Here's today's Pat pic of the moment:





Picard out.

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Personal log, 8/30/05


Oh, well. I went to the book store today, but they told me they couldn't order my books because they're sold out. :tribble: Now this is just GREAT. :flowers: *sigh*

What else... hmm... nothing new over here. Everything's as it should be...

Oh, I'm gonna meet my best guy friend tomorrow. He'll give me a Super Nintendo TNG game and two TNG novels he got me from Ebay... I can't wait to play this game! :hug:


Here's today's Pat pic of the moment:

(two pics for today because they belong together :hug: )







Picard out.

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Personal log, 8/31/05


I got my book today, well, at least one of them! :hug: It's good to take a look at other book stores. :bow:

And I got my TNG game! It's so great! :hug: I think I'm gonna spend the night playing it! :P


Here's today's Pat pic of the moment:







Picard out.

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Personal log, 9/1/05


I'm soooo tired today. I had an exhausting and stressful day, so all I am gonna do now is relaxing in front of the computer. :dude:


Here's today's Pat pic of the moment:





Picard out.

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I'm soooo tired today. I had an exhausting and stressful day, so all I am gonna do now is relaxing in front of the computer.





Aww... thank you!!! :dude::dude:


Personal log, 9/2/05


Hmm... finally, a day on which I don't have to go anywhere! B) I gotta work on my essay, though. I still don't know what exactly I should write, but I guess I have to come up with something really soon. *sigh*

Well, back to other things... I'm hungry! :dude: I'll look for something to eat and then I'm gonna watch some TV and then I'll see to get something done concerning my essay!


Here's today's Pat pic of the moment:




:dude: I just love that movie... Pat/Mace is SO YUMMY... :dude: B)



Picard out.

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I just love that movie... Pat/Mace is SO YUMMY... 


:dude: I believe Pat's line from that screenshot is, "Looking for me?" :dude:


Yeah, I've seen that one a few hundred times!


Good luck with your essay. I'm sure you'll find something good to write about! I know that I have a hard time finding something for esays if it's not something I'm enthusiastic about in real life! :dude:

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I just love that movie... Pat/Mace is SO YUMMY... 


:dude: I believe Pat's line from that screenshot is, "Looking for me?" :dude:


Yeah, I've seen that one a few hundred times!


Good luck with your essay. I'm sure you'll find something good to write about! I know that I have a hard time finding something for esays if it's not something I'm enthusiastic about in real life! :dude:



I would love to post a few pics from my favorite shower scene from that movie in here, too, ( B) ) but I think they'd be removed... :dude:


I have to re-watch 'Safe House' soon... B)

I think I'll do that when I finally finished this darn legal report, essay, whatever. :dude: I already have a topic for it, it's about a certain aspect of German politics. Yeah, that's as boring as it sounds :dude:

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