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Mrs.Picard's Personal Log

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:) Just thought I'd drop in to say hi.



Hi... thanks for dropping in. :lol:


Personal log, 7/8/05


It's my best male friend's birthday today. He was actually surprised I remembered his birthday. :) As if I would forget such an important birthday. :blink:

My exam's over, too... It didn't go well, to say the least. :look:

And still, I'm so sad about what happened in London. :tear: Not a good day today. :lol:


Here's today's Pat pic of the moment:




Picard out.

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:) Cheer up. At least you tried your best in your exam.  :look:



:tear: Thanks! You are right, I really tried my best, it's not that I just sat there staring at my sheet of paper. :) :blink:

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It's my best male friend's birthday today. He was actually surprised I remembered his birthday.  As if I would forget such an important birthday. 


You know, it's almost creepy how much we have in common! I told you that my best guy friend's birthday is on Sunday! :blink:


I'm sorry your exams were so tough! Try not to worry about them too much, you probably did better than you think you did! :)

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You know, it's almost creepy how much we have in common! I told you that my best guy friend's birthday is on Sunday!  :blink:


I'm sorry your exams were so tough! Try not to worry about them too much, you probably did better than you think you did!  :lol:



Yes, I know, our friends' birthdays are really close together :lol: :)


Hmm you are right, I should not worry about the exam, it's too late anyway :tear::look:


Personal log, 7/9/05


Not much so far for today... I didn't really do anything today... I just sat in front of my computer :)

I'm soooo looking forward to Thursday evening when my last exam will be over.



Here's today's Pat pic of the moment:





Picard out.

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Personal log, 7/10/05


Here we go... what a nice day today! I won't have to go to university tomorrow, so this means I can sit in front of the computer and relax! :)

Now let's see what's on my plan for next week...

YAY! It's Pat's birthday on Wednesday! *jumps up and down* :)

And Thursday's gonna be another big day for me...


Gotta go now, got some fries in the oven :)



Here's today's Pat pic of the moment:





Picard out.

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Personal log, 7/11/05


Not much so far for today, as usual... I'm enjoying myself in front of the computer, but I'll have to go soon, gotta clean up my room and stuff... and wash the dishes... :)


Here's today's Pat pic of the moment:







Picard out.

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Personal log, 7/12/05


First of all: It's Pat's birthday's tomorrow! :P


What else... oh, there's a looooot of news. The best ones first: Pat's gonna do a play by Shakespeare again! And not only one, but two! *dies*


Here's the news:


Patrick Stewart, meanwhile, having long left the Starship Enterprise, will play Prospero in The Tempest and appear alongside Harriet Walter in Antony and Cleopatra.

Source over here


He'll do so next year from April - October. Guess where I'll be going? :P :laugh: I already told my mom about it and she agreed to join me! Wo-hooo!!!! I'm gonna see him again! :wow: !!!!

Okay... *tells self* calm down... there are so many things that still can go wrong. :eekout:


And there's news on X3:


X-MEN 3 will start principal photography at Hatley Castle (Royal Roads University) in Victoria, Canada at the end of this month.

Source over here


*hehehehe* I'm sooo excited now! :(


Here's today's Pat pic of the moment:





Picard out.

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Could someone please pass me my sunglasses or dim the lights? Pat's head is blinding me! Say, Pat, what shampoo did you use again?

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I don't think he needs to shampoo his bald head. :laugh:

But, on the other hand, you never know. :P :eekout:

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I don't think he needs to shampoo his bald head.


I think he uses Turtle Wax............ :eekout:

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Why should I do that? :eekout: Hmm but I could rub his head then if I had all the wax....

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm not a bad idea... :laugh:

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Mrs. Picard's dirty mind... there is no way to clean it.



You are SO right. B) :(


Personal log, 7/13/05


It's Pat's 65th birtday today!!!!! Happy birthday wishes from here to wherever he might be right now (most likely Canada because of X Men 3)...

Awww I'm soooo happy for him... I stayed up at night to celebrate properly :eekout:


And here are today's Pat pics of the moment (it's his birthday, so I think I post more than one pic to honor him :P ):










Ok now that's enough... I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to him and best wishes and stuff. :wow:


:P @ Pat :laugh:



Picard out.

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Personal log, 7/14/05


I'm really nervous right now. I'll have an exam later today. The last one. Finally. I just have to sit down and try to relax when I'm there. *is shaking* :P


Hmmm... here's today's Pat pic of the moment:





Picard out.

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Mrs_Picard, I would like to use this post to wish you good luck in your exam. I hope you do well. I know you will. Take deep breaths and stay calm. Do it for Pat, ok? :P :P


I'll be thinking of you! You CAN do it!

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Aaawwwww, thank you soooo much, and thank you for the Good Luck Bear! :P


I'll try to stay calm... yeah, I'll do it for Pat... *nods* I'll take a picture of him with me and I'll put it in front of me on the desk, so that he's with me. :P

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:P I'm glad you like it. If you pass, it'll be a late birthday present for him. :P :P

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:P I'm glad you like it. If you pass, it'll be a late birthday present for him.  :P :P



Yeah! You're right! Though I doubt he'll ever know what I'm doing for him... :)



Good luck with your exam!  :)



Thank you! :)


Personal log, supplemental:


The exam is over. It went better than the other one did last week. I can only hope now that I did enough for passing it. :hug:

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Personal log, 7/15/05


My first free day today! :P And it feels wonderful! I'm sitting here in the living room, in front of my computer, listening to hard rock music.




Hmm... I'm looking forward to Tuesday. I'll meet my best guy friend then. :P Gotta give him his birthday present. :)


Here's today's Pat pic of the moment:





Picard out.

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Personal log, 7/16/05


Not much for today. It's very hot over here again. :lol: I just hate it. :wow:

Gotta prepare for today's trivia chat session now.


Here's today's Pat pic of the moment:




B) B) :flex:



Picard out.

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whatta hottie  :lol:


You should come here. We have rain, thunder and thunderstorms.  :wow:

I hate this because it scares me. :blush 2:



I found two other pics like that one only two days ago... I'll show them to you later, if you want... B) but, for now, trivia's calling B)


It's getting "colder" over here... 0.3 degrees... wow... :flex:

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