
Great Bird of the Galaxy
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About Mr.Picard

  • Rank
    Jean-Luc's Loving Husband
  • Birthday 04/21/1983

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Jean-Luc's Quarters
  • Interests
    Sir Patrick Stewart, Jean-Luc Picard

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  1. Sir Patrick has written a short but very moving article about David Warner: Here
  2. Sir Patrick had a nice little photo shoot at San Diego Comic Con earlier:
  3. Hi everyone, since I'm doing this sort of topic thingy on a lot of other boards, I thought why not doing it here as well, here, the first English-speaking Trek message board I registered at when I became a Trek fan... wow, that was a long time ago... Those of you who remember me probably also remember that I'm a huge fan of Sir Patrick Stewart. I try to know everything about him, which is proving to be a rather challenging task sometimes. This topic is meant to provide people with Sir-Patrick-related news, new pictures and videos, movie/theater rumors and all (I will mark rumors as such, no worries). Of course it is also meant to be interactive, so, if you have a Sir-Patrick-related question or a comment or whatever, feel free to chime in and I'll try to answer it. I can't guarantee that I'll always have an answer, though. He is a rather fascinating individual with lots and lots of different aspects (which is partly why I like him so much), so, as I said, trying to know all about him is definitely not an easy task. Anyways... to start this whole thing, I thought I'd provide you with a) a link that points to recent pictures of Sir Patrick AND b ) information about what he's up to at the moment. a) The recent pictures can be found here. There were taken at OzTrek2, a Star Trek convention in Melbourne, Australia. Sir Patrick attended it on January 30th. b ) Next week (on Feb 18-21) Sir Patrick is going to perform with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in their version of Stravinsky's Oedipus Rex. He won't sing, though, he'll "only" narrate. (Pity, isn't it?) More information can be found here. He has also hinted at the fact that he will be back on a theater stage soon, so, he's up to something in that regard as well. Furthermore, if you have Twitter, you can follow my Sir-Patrick-News account over there at: