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Roddenberry Road

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Not to butt-in, but those elves are scaring off all my customers. :look:

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The next day.


Rivendells king makes the tree sanctuary on rodenberry road called car organo. Drwho and ferinz try to escape but are attacked by elven warriors. The elves put the town in into havok. Luituen hears of this and cries in her tree house for some reason. The elves than take drwho and feinz back to car organo to be interigated.

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I told you there was going to be trouble with those d*amn elves!! bepp, beep, beep, beep, beep,beep, beep. { Need to put this on speed dial} HI, Sweetie, where are you and Doc? Where'd they take you? OK, Yea, I'll call my brothers and we'll be right there to get you out. Jeanway calls her two Police-Officer brothers, Big Ed and Big Tig :look: They come screaching to the house, pick her up and head up to the mansion on the hill. Guns drawn they kick in the door, make their way through the house looking around corners and behind doors. When from underneath them they hear men's voices yelling HELP!!!

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Inside DrWho's house, Fenriz and the Dr plot their next move. "I'm hungry, I thought you ordered pizza." Fenriz complains. "I did, those elves mugged the pizza guy." replies DrWho. "I'd expect that kind of behavior from orks but I thought elves would have at least paid for the pizza." the Dr notes. "You got anything around here to eat?" Fenriz asks as he searchs the Dr's kitchen. lifting the lid off of a intricately painted vase Fenriz knocks it off of the counter. It shatters on the floor with a loud CRASH! "What was that?" DrWho comes running into the kitchen, seeing the remains of the vase he yells in frustration. "MY VASE! YOU OAF!" Fenriz looks over his shoulder, "Sorry about that, hey I found some saltines anyway, You want some." DrWho sighs and takes a cracker. "We need to make it to Jeanway's house. I got an idea on how to get us outta here Doc." Fenriz says with his mouth full. "How?" asks DrWho.


Some minutes later the door to DrWho's house opens, the elves gather around, their bows drawn and arrows ready to fly. Out of the house come two of the ugliest women they have ever seen. The one on the right wears a pink dress that is a size too small with, and a really bad orange wig with large clumps of hair missing from it. The other woman is wearing wedding dress that is ripped up tthe back and a veil which does nothing to hide her beard. Several elves retch on the lawn while they all look on, mouths hanging open. "They're vomiting on my lawn." DrWho protests. "Let it go, they're buying it. Just a little further. Man there stockings pinch." Fenriz whispers to him. DrWho looks at him sideways, "You're wearing a long dress, no one can see your legs, why are you wearing stockings?" "Why do you have all of this women's clothing?" retorts Fenriz. "Point taken." DrWho concedes. They are almost to the street when one of the elves recognizes them, "The Jig is up! RUN!" Fenriz yells as he hikes up his skirt and high-tails it for Jeanway's house, DrWho and the elves close behind. The elves catch them and drag them back into DrWho's house. Down in the basement they begin to tickle DrWho and Fenriz until they scream for mercy.

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DrWho42 and Fenriz bump into Echo.


"Ben, what are you doing in my clothing!?" she says.


She looks the two men up and down and trys to contain her laughter. She then looks over and sees the elves accomponied by the orks.


"What did you do to the elves and orks this time Ben? Take Elronds little important staff thingie? Or did you let the Snail loose on the Elve meeting thing, again?"

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:lol: :look: :lol: :look: :o :lol: A problem with ELVES!!!!!!!

Im an elf!!*jumps up and down*

Im sowwwy ill be good again!

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So what's up with your little army then? The only good elf I've ever know was

'Dobbie' and even he was a bit paranoid and destructive. :( :spock:

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I think Rivendell's King is regrouping the army of elves in Rivendell but Im not sure,ive been on a businesstrip to Lorien myself and now i live here,and i hope u dont compare me to Dobby,yes I am as ugly as him but still...:(

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It's a peaceful Sunday morning here on Roddenberry Road in late June. Most residents are coming back from church. Fenriz is busy in his backyard, firing up his grille for the annual neighborhood cook-out . The smoke can be seen rising all around his house from the street, as Fen runs to get the hose to put out the fire in the bushes he started when he accidentally threw a lit match over his shoulder.


ILikeSeven is across the street washing his Audi with his kick-A S S stereo basting " The House of the Rising Sun". His two little girls play in the small wading pool on the lawn next to the drive-way as his wife brings out a tray of glasses and a big pitcher of pink lemonade.

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After dowsing the brushfire in his backyard, Fenriz kicks the grill aside in disgust. "I'll never get a decent cookin' fire goin' in that piece of crap." he complains. Standing with his arms across his chest he thinks the situation over, "Well at least I won't have to trim those hedges." he thinks, looking at the still smoking greenery. "AHA!" he suddenly shouts. Running over to his toolshed, he undoes the padlock and begins to root around inside, making all kinds of noise. "AHA!" he shouts a moment later. Emerging from his shed, he holds a shovel over his head while whooping his pre-cookout warcry, "WHHHHOOOOOPPPPP!!!"

He begins digging a huge pit in the middle of his backyard with the fervor of a madman.

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Jeanway, laying in the sun on a chaise next to her pool. Baby Tongue swaying and swimming in the blue water beside her. When suddenly a huge cloud of black dirt comes flying over the fence and lands on her. She stands up and screams "FENRIZ!!!!!!" WHAT THE **** ARE YOU DOING NOW??????? SHE HOSES THE DIRT OFF, GRABS A PICHFORK AND HEADS OVER TO FENRIZ'S BACKYARD.

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When he's satisfied the pit is big enough, Fenriz climbs out of it. Looking at the single bag of charcoal and he thinks, "Well that's hardly enough to even bother burning. AHA!" Running back to his shed he comes out again with a chainsaw. Firing it up he attacks what's left of his hedges, cutting them off at the base. Throwing them one by one into the newly dug fire-pit, Fenriz stands back and thinks some more. "That'll never catch on it's own it's too damp out. AHA!" running into his house Fenriz comes flying out of his front door, nearly knocking over Jeanway. "Where are you going you lunatic?" she yells at him, brandishing her pitchfork. "Can't talk, need gasoline. Be back in five." Fenriz blows her a kiss as he starts his car and pulls out of the driveway, knocking over his own mailbox, throwing the car into gear he speeds off down the street.

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Fenriz clatters and sputters down the road, billowing black smoke spews from his tail-pipe. Jeanway walks into his back yard to investigate, as she says repeatedly to herself, "Idiot! Idiot!". Under the spreading chestnut tree in the middle of his backyard is a mountain of black dirt next to the newly dug hole. Still smouldering with the gasoline soaked shrubbery. She looks around and sees her new bike, which had suddenly dissapeared the week before, behind his shed. Along with a row of other bikes she had never seen before in the neighborhood. She puts her hands on the handles and walks her bike out of his yard and over to her own she, unlocks her shed and puts her bike away then locks the padlock again. Jeanway, now P*ss**O**, goes into her house to call Q, her friend from down the street to tell her about this discovery in Fen's yard. :( :spock:

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Obersving the chaos TrekkieMage runs inside and replicates a platter of hot dogs and hambergers and begins rumaging through her fridge, trying to find the cheese, cursing mildly at the incompitant movers who cramed all of her funiture into one room and left it there.

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A Lazy Sunday afternoon


AT is busy with her back yard pulling weeds and picking herbs..Her herb encrusted chikcen is the County and she wants to keep it that way


Her husband..Julian is out of town on business..he runs the local Observatory


She misses him dearly



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Q answers her phone, "Yello!" she says. "Hi, Q, it's me." She says. " Your never going to guess what I saw today in Fen's backyard." She says. " What? Another elephant?" Q asks. Jeanway laughs and says. " I wish, at least we knew where that came from." :( She answers. "No, Q, bikes! About 2 dozen brand new bikes." Q drops the phone on the floor then scrambels to pick it up. "WHAT??? You do know someone stole MY bike, AGAIN, don't you??" Q says. "WHAT??" Jeanway answers as She drops her phone on the floor as well. " Hello, hello." Q yells into the phone as Jeanway accidentally kicks hers across the kitchen floor and down the basement steps. " I'll be right over." Q yells into the phone. She then runs out the door and down Roddenberry Road towards Jeanway's house. Tina, sees Q run past her house and decides to be the usual NoseBag of the neighborhood and runs after her, asking her what's up. "Come on Tina, Jeanway thinks she found my bike." "What?" Tina says as they run down the middle of the road. Not paying attention to where they were going the two of them run right into HeadBorg and WearBorg as they were dragging their trash cans out of their garage to the curb.

" OOMMPPHH " They all said as they hit the pavement. "HHHaa Hoo, what's the rush ladies." HeadBorg said as he picked himself up off the ground, picking orange peels and banana skins off his clothes. " OH, sorry, HeadBorg, Tina says." Yea, sorry" Q says. Meanwhile WeareBorg is yelling at his Dad. "Come on in the house, Mom is calling us. Dad! Come on." Sorry Ladies, duty calls." He says with a sigh in his voice. Tina and Q ask." Going to the cook-out today?" HeadBorg answers. "Yea, we'll be there in a little while, see ya there." He waves as he goes in his house followed by his son WearBorg.


Huffing and puffing, out of breath, Q and Tina bang on Jeanways front door. " what's up?" Q asks. " Come with me, I want to show you something." Jeanway says as she leads them back over to Fenriz's backyard. Behind the shed, Q exclaims. "MY BIKE!" Then walks over to it. Then Tina says in a loud voice. "Hey, that's MY bike over there." As she walks over to it. Jeanway stands with her fisted hands on her waist. " That Fenriz's has got some SPLAININ to do. " I guess!" Q says. Q and Tina wheel their bikes out to the driveway and all three sit there and wait for Fenriz to return. :hug::spock::flex:

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::Tina gets up and leaves Q and jean to themseleves..After allshe is a buisiness women and she had a busy schedule::

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::The vollenteer fire department consisting of Military men Ed Mcgon,Jim Phaserman, headchargin Sarge,thier mascot nemesis put out the fire::

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Jeanway and Q sit and wait on the lawn for Fenriz to come back. During this time people from the neighborhood start arriving with folding tables and car loads of stuff for the Block sale. They set everything up on Fen's front lawn and HeadBorg arrives with two big plastic bags of Moon-Shine he made in his basement, he is from Arkansas, you know :( :spock: . " You got somewhere I can put these?" He asks Jeanway. "Sure, there is a big galvanized tub out back filled with ice, put em in there for now." She answers. " OK, thanks." He says as he walks towards the back yard with his wife and son.

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*Echo complains about drwho42 making another doomsday device, and shrink ray, and other miscellaneous useless inventions...*


=DrWho42's Attic...=


After finishing his device that will be able to detect any signs of Project HARP advancing, DrWho42 (finally) opens up a window from the attic...


As the ravens move away from the path of the half-circle windows, he finds the sky somewhat filled with smoke...


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Jeanway and Q notice a swarm of huge black birds circling at the end of the block over the cul-de-sac, near Doc's place. "Wonder what's going on up there?" Q asks Jeanway. " Dunno, maybe it's another witch hunt." She answers. They both laugh. " Who knows what's going on up there half the time." Q says as they both look up the hill at Doc's big house. The fire engines come screaming down the road toward RK's place. As Tina drives past in her new Lagonda Touring car on her way to her business appointment. She stops for a second and says. " I'll be back." Jeanway and Q both say "We hope so Tina, it won't be the same without you." All three women laugh and Tina drives off waving with her stereo blasting Pavoratti.

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Fenriz' car comes barreling down the street, Fenriz turns the wheel hard and swerves into his driveway at the last second. Everyone setting up for the block sale dives out of the way as the car slams into a table, knocking it over, the front wheels come to a stop, one of them crushing a talking Wesley Crusher doll, it's mechanism stuck it keeps repeating, "But Mom, But Mom, But Mom," over and over again. Fenriz gets out of his car and opens his trunk, carrying a gasoline can in each hand he runs for his backyard. Emptying the gasoline into his newly dug fire-pit, he runs back to his car to find Jeanway and QSMB there waiting for him. "You stole QSMB's bike." Jeanway accuses him. "Yeah, you stole my bike." QSMB adds. "What, huh? No I didn't." Fenriz says as he grabs two more containers and goes around to the back of his house again. "Fess up, we found it and a lot more bikes behind your shed." Jeanway continues while Fenriz empties the containers. Fenriz returns to his car again with Jeanway and QSMB following. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Grab that." Fenriz says. "All those bikes, behind your shed, how did they get there then?" Jeanway asks as she picks up the ceramic George Lucas head filled with gasoline and follows Fenriz, QSMB is distracted by a Leonard Nimoy doll wedged into the front grill of Fenriz' car and begins trying to pull it loose. Dumping the last two containers on the pile, Fenriz grabs the Lucas' head from Jeanway and tosses it into the pit. "I'll be damned." he says as he sees the bicycles stacked up behind his shed. "So you admit it, you stole them. Jeanway says. "I bet it was those elves, do you have a match?" Fenriz says. "Elves, why would elves try to frame you as a bike thief." Jeanway asks as she hands Fenriz a book of matches. "They've been out to get me for years, I ran over one by mistake with a lawnmower once and now they've declared some kind of blood debt or something." Fenriz explains, striking the match he tosses it into the fire-pit where it sparks of an inferno that can be seen from space. "HAHA! Now that's a fire. Who's got the meat?" Fenriz says.

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