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Posts posted by cptwright

  1. he did the right thing, and yes im a man that has nothing to do with this. things would always be sooo different between "our" human morality, and ethics, compared to an alien race. no one here has brought up the facts that none of us can fully appreciate the vissian situation from one episode, and the whole forced prostitution thing, or mutilation, come on this is a "show" and its a completely different beast altogether. how do you know that the cogenitor is included in the actual "sex act" we dont, we know they have an enzime needed for the actual conception. that can come after or something. they do have sex without the cogenitor any other time. we all need to look at the big picture, and that is not available to us. also id like to see any of you as CO of a vessel at sea, or in space, especially in his situation, of course hes going to go through changes in attitude and style of command as he goes, learning from mistakes, or any other means, if his views didnt change throughout the show, that would bother me more than them not changing. give the guy a break. not to mention those things you brought up happening here on EARTH, are entirely different than another race of beings in space. what we do to our own humanity is ours, taking that kind of thinking to another race is just absurd. thus why the prime directive will come to say, NO INTERFERENCE. think about it rationally before you get us destroyed by some peved alien race.


    You assert that its okay for humans to impose their values on other humans but not on aliens? Why is it okay to impose on the cultures of other humans? They could retaliate too. The whole point of Star Trek was for us to take an introspective look at ourselves through the medium of the fictional ST universe. So the situations here on Earth are very relevant because that is what we're really supposed to think about.


    In your last response are you saying Archer did the right thing because Enterprise could have been in danger. Does that mean if Archer was certain there would be no retaliation he would be okay in granting asylum to the cogenitor? That is a distinction the poll did not make.


    And it's not that Archer has changed his mind that bothers people. It is that he didn't admit that he's been inconsistent to that point and he got mad at Trip for not discerning his "policy" from the nebulous and erratic example he(Archer) had previously set. I can forgive the guy for making a mistake in the past; it's the hypocrisy of the present that bothers me. All he had to do was recognize that maybe he hadn't been clear with his policy in the past.

    i dont look at it as imposing so much as just what is universally considered right, or wrong by OUR, HUMAN STANDARDS. iraq for example we went in after so many years of trying to work it out diplomatically, didnt work so in we went, in turn we are freeing many people from the horrors of sodam insane, in turn we will be turning the country back over to its people, doing the RIGHT thing for all humanity. ridding the region of an evil man, ridding his people of an evil dictator, and preserving ours, and all free countries, safety. what is universally excepted here on earth, doesnt mean out in space, and by alien lifeforms. imposing our views, as humanity on an advanced alien race, is just arogant and stupid. we didnt like how vulcans came in and held us back due to the views they had of us. they still think were not ready to do anything, and probably stupid. but they're not sitting up, and saying NO YOU CANT DO THAT. once we did it on our own, they're out of it.

  2. I think T'Pol should join Starfleet and get a real uniform like everyone else.

    for those who are really into timeline integrity, SHE CAN NEVER, NEVER, JOIN STARFLEET, SPOCK WAS FIRST, HE COMES MUCH MUCH LATER. so get over it, she wont be wearing a uniform. also its easy to look past what she's wearing, just watch and enjoy the show, its no big deal. she's hot no doubt, but thats not what im watching when i watch the show. the "catsuit" as people seem to like to call it, could be worse, could be latex, so dont knock it.

  3. he did the right thing, and yes im a man that has nothing to do with this. things would always be sooo different between "our" human morality, and ethics, compared to an alien race. no one here has brought up the facts that none of us can fully appreciate the vissian situation from one episode, and the whole forced prostitution thing, or mutilation, come on this is a "show" and its a completely different beast altogether. how do you know that the cogenitor is included in the actual "sex act" we dont, we know they have an enzime needed for the actual conception. that can come after or something. they do have sex without the cogenitor any other time. we all need to look at the big picture, and that is not available to us. also id like to see any of you as CO of a vessel at sea, or in space, especially in his situation, of course hes going to go through changes in attitude and style of command as he goes, learning from mistakes, or any other means, if his views didnt change throughout the show, that would bother me more than them not changing. give the guy a break. not to mention those things you brought up happening here on EARTH, are entirely different than another race of beings in space. what we do to our own humanity is ours, taking that kind of thinking to another race is just absurd. thus why the prime directive will come to say, NO INTERFERENCE. think about it rationally before you get us destroyed by some peved alien race.

  4. thats a pretty cool idea. you should submit it. i dont know if its any good but how about something like. understanding the past. or the mind of a vulcan, or vulcan thinking. or one last one, throught the eyes of a vulcan.

  5. Im rather glad that the didn't make his character enter StarFleet. Having another regular, every episode talking chracter wold have made the episodes conjested. DS9 might also have had another 'Wesley Crusher' on its hands. (where Wesley is mildly headstrong only to learn the error of his ways and  the finer points of StarFleet philosophy... every... episode...) The way they did it, Jake was an intresting, refreshing character who offered a slightly different viewpoint and who never outstayed his welcome. Unlike Wesley, Jake was more grown up and never tedius.

    i agree with all that you said. wesley was rather whiney, thinking he knew everything, only to find out hes wrong. but jake was a welcome character.

  6. look at nasa, some of their engine and drive technology, or other ideas as well were derived from STAR TREK. its awsome that some sci-fi fantasy show, turned out sooo much of our technology, and ideas for it. for those like my wife who hate startrek, well thank startrek for some of what you have today that you cant live without. lol

  7. .


    Myself I love the ancient Egyptian art and mythology. My favorite mythologies are  Celtic

    i love egyptian myth, and reality. the pyramids are a MARVEL to say the least, and the sphynx is just cool. the religion is something else too. having a god for so many different things. like rah the sun god. a lot of things about egyptian history do make you think, the advancements, the similarities between egypt, and the incans, so many miles apart but so similar. Stargate SG-1 is obviously fiction, but think about some of the show, the possibilities of another race of beings strongly influencing some of our earth culture. its just so neat to think about all the myths, facts, and possibilities.


    i also am interested in Celtic history, i want to learn more about it, since i just recently found out its more apart of my heritage than i thought previously.


    history is so far from boring, its what you make it, make it fun, there is ssooo much there to learn about. its amazing.

  8. Just as long as they don't go for the "Intergalactic Cheerleader" look.

    no, no, no, i think that look is soley reserved for the first couple of seasons of TNG, lest we forget deana troi. the head chearleader maybe. lol

  9. thats one decision i wouldnt want to make for sure. i know that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL, is from the U.S. constitution, i was just saying that as a point. as far as those who arent freedom loving people, those people are usually oppressors of somekind, and the oppressed would most assuredly want what we all think of as equal human rights, those who dont think that we all are due the same respect and treatment as such, are usually pretty bad people in one way or another. yes i think they could've made the cogenitors life a little more lively, but till we got to know eachother as a race better, its not our place to tell them what to do. now as relations move on, and the federation forms, and they want in on it, then thats where the regulations of the federation come into play. but there are much more tactful, correct ways to go about it, than to just say your wrong im right, and sneak around while you are lying to the people. as far as archer what he's done in the past aside, he as captain can make those decisions, he was just thrown into a swarm of bees with this one, to get back after a couple of days to find one of your officers has jeopardised a first contact situation by flying of the handle, is, well wrong. he had every right to be mad, on top of that someone died due to his lack of self control. as an officer self control, and the ability to think rationally is key.so thats my opinion on the subject. right or wrong, we all have the right to our own. im glad we can discuss this ,as we are, in a friendly manor, this place is great. :D