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Posts posted by cptwright

  1. This is all theory and conjecture but I put it in a spoiler box anyway…


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    I like the idea of using the Xindi as a means to prepare for the stink with the Romulans. I also like the idea of seeing the formation of the FED on the big screen.


    Setting the Romulans aside for the moment, and concentrating on how the Xindi fit into the BIG picture; I think the most important thing about them is that they are attacking Earth (of the past) because of their knowledge of Earthlings involvement in the destruction of their world, what is it, four hundred years in the future from the time of ENT (?)  That’s after NEM, right?


    I think they are setting the stage for the next series, which goes back to the future (post NEM) but draws heavily on events we are seeing on ENT now. That could also explain why we are seeing so many new species on ENT, they are creating whole new backstorys to use as material to expand on in the post NEM timeframe. Make any sense? Anyway, those are my thoughts.

    thats great conjecture alterego, i like your ideas, sure your not a writer for ENT?well you should be. i hope it works out like you put it, or similar that would be neat to see. but i have confidence it will all work out the way it should. and the romulan war would be neat to see too.

  2. i think trip is a cool character, someone id like to have as a friend, not too many people around anymore like that, just a good friend, that'll stick by ya, and do for ya. he has passion about what he does, he has conviction, and just a down to earth personality. hes cool, not perfect as none of us are, but cool. the type to make a great friend. i only wish i could have some of his conviction in stature. oh well.

  3. mines simple, im a volunteer firefighter and i was a captain before i got hurt at work, and anyway i used my initials with my last name, it was already taken so i used cptwright, like i said simple. my aim, is ltwright1971, before i was captain i was a lieutenant, thus the lt, and i was born in 71, i know im ooolllddd.lol. welp thats mine. :rolleyes:

  4. i have no REAL fear that paralizes me, but i grew up with deaf parents, and as much as i LOVE music i cant bear the thought of going deaf. i have my moments when i want to be alone in a dark and silent room, all to myself, deep in thought, but to never be able to hear a beautiful piano solo, or a rippin guitar solo, or just some powerful ballad, just makes me a little crazy, along the same lines blindness scares me, i love to see the sunrise over the ocean, or a beautifull sunset over the mountains, the colors of a rainbow, or just to see my beautiful wife. i have minor phobias with heights and such things, but my job until i was laid off, had me up ladders all the time, sometime 50 ft or so up in the air, and not to mention as a firefighter ive been up my share of heights. but as they say courage isnt, not haveing any fear, but facing your fears. i do however HATE, WITH A PASSION, SNAKES. i love the water, i love the ocean but i always have watersnakes in the back of my head. not to mention SHARKS and other such things in the ocean. as a kid i used to hate to go in any water, lakes, etc, worried about sharks, i guess i had a lot to learn about fresh, or salt water. lol. death doesnt scare me at all, i dont want to die granted but when i do, thats when GOD wanted me to go. even if your one to think theres "nothingness after death", then why be afraid of "nothing"? after death all worries on this planet are gone, so nothing to worry about. anyway i look forward to paradise, after death in heaven. i guess one thing i do fear the most, is going through life feeling as though ive accomplished nothing, or made nothing of my life. i want to be remembered after death for contributing to this world, and not just another obiturary. silly i guess, oh well i guess ive ranted on enough.

  5. I loved the premise of this episode.  Dax carrying out the Blood Oath made by a previous host.  It shows that the commitments made by previous hosts are still important to the symbiant and the new host.

    now i remember the episode. yes it was a good one. how long do klingons live anyway, if they were around in TOS?

  6. i sent out the link to some family members, and one of my aunts sent me an email last night, complaining that i got her hooked on cow tossing. :laugh: she was complaining cause she says she has no time as it is, and now i got her hooked on something else to waste time. :laugh:

  7. I suck at languages...I can only "speak" sign language, and I know braille,

    sighn language eh. is someone you know deaf? and braile is not quite so common either, never knew anyone who did that unless they were blind, thats cool. my mom, and step dad are deaf my step dads going blind too, so thats really gotta suck. but not much anyone can do about it. so i grew up with sighn language, but any other language forget it, never took it, never do it.

  8. im unemployed, been so since feb. so its always saturday for me. :innocent: gets kinda boring after a while though. but as far as plans, i guess whatever the wife has planned for me. im always the last to know. probably a couple of picnics.



    i love the theme and im going to go ballistic on someone if they mess with my opening credits. you dont get any more appropiate an opening sequence for a show than this one, and that INCLUDES THE MUSIC. FOR THE LAST TIME LEAVE IT THE WAY IT IS. PPPPLLLLLLLEEEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEE

  10. I dissppeared for almost 2 weeks but I'm back now. There are so many new people and new posts that I haven't read now that I'm not sure where to start!

    i just seen you in another post somewhere i thought it'd been a while since seeing your name, and avatar. so where've you been? off traveling the galaxy? :innocent:

  11. i said yes, all my life plutos been a planet, why change it now. its orbiting around the sun like the rest of us. so what does size have to do with it. it orbits the sun, and its a spherical object. its a planet. at least till astronomers tell me otherwise, with good reason.

    Asteroids also orbit the sun and some have very nearly spherical shape - are they planets? Or what about comets? They match the description also. Did I misunderstand what you meant?

    yes and no, i mean pluto more closely resembles a planet than an astroid or comet, i just thought that was a given.

  12. There was this movie called Battle Beyond the Stars that had this mythological space epic flavor to it.  But I'm sure this movie would never have been made if Star Wars never came out.  Not to say the movie was bad, it had it's appeal in a b film sort of way.

    But I have to agree the eighties and late 70's saw a slew of star wars wannabees.  To name few "Krull," "Black Hole," "Buck Rogers," that god awful show called "Quark."

    Althought I think movies like "The Last Starfighter" and "V" the TV movie gets unfairly put in this category because I thought those were good movies.

    i remember battle beyond the stars, it had john boy in it :innocent: . it was a b movie, but not bad for tv. the last starfighter was great, it was a fun movie to watch, not a movie along the lines of trek or wars, but good nonethe less. V i enjoyed greatly for a tv movie, and then series. to each there own i guess. as far as BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, scifi yes, but starwars rip i dont think so. it came out right about the same time as the movie too, shortly after i beleive. i know it was '78, but anyway i LOVED that show ive got all 24 eps on vhs off of scifi channel with one of there GALACTITHONS. im glad for the onslaught of scifi shows, and movies after STARWARS, i loved a lot of them, krull was cool too. but i have an appreciation for movies in general so i guess it could just be me, i look for anything good in the movie to take away from it, instead of just, "oh it sucked". well enough from me.


    this was one EXCELLENT movie, better than the first, more like just a continuance, if you liked one, youll love this too.


    the only complaint, isnt really about the movie but

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    i got so into it then boom " to be concluded" uuugggghhhh i was so bent.

    cant wait to see it again next week, then come november im there the first night. :blink: :( :( :bow::innocent: :) :( :)

  14. clothes and such i just buy when i need. but i LOVE the electronics depts, and home depot. plus i like to get stuff for the house, i've been in my house almost 4 years now, and have redone the hardwood floors, and woodwork in my dining room, living room, and guest room, refinished a bathroom, and painted a couple other rooms, i love the end product. so i dont mind doing some shopping for home goods. but the toy shopping is the best, stereo equipment, collectibles, tools, any such item, ill call it a toy when thats what it is. :innocent: whenever i go to wal mart we spend way too much money, movies especially i love my dvds. but i HATE, HATE, HATE, when the wife ALWAYS has to stop and look at clothes, "it'll only be a minute" my a** her minutes an hour to the rest of us. but when i want to look at something, 30 seconds go by and then its, "LETS GO", so i like to go by myself, do what i want, not what someone else wants.