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Posts posted by SeeingEyeBorg

  1. See, these are the kind of people that give drinking a bad name.


    I concur. What part of "drink responsibly" do people not understand? How hard is it just throw back a few, laugh at nothing funny, make out with a stranger who may or may not be hot, and then stumble home at four in the morning? I mean, does one really need to involve cops in that?


    :lol: The police had to use their tasers. Seriously, y'all....

  2. I don't think Picard would want to be an Admiral, and I can't blame him. I can't stand Starfleet Admirals. It's like the writers had some inside joke about just how useless (*cough* *cough* Nechayev) and yet powerful they could make the top brass. It was despicable how they'd show up and boss around our favorite captains in situations they didn't know all that much about. The only Admiral, IMO, who ever really served a purpose and didn't hide behind his desk was Admiral Ross...and I just found him unlikable. But he helped get the job done, so he kinda gets a free pass.