Captain Bolivar

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Posts posted by Captain Bolivar

  1. I can't believe people keep making an issue about this! Have you seen Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. They fly up a turbo lift shaft that is EIGHTY decks in a STRAIGHT LINE! The Enterprise A didn't have NEARLY that many and even the ones they had didn't travel in a straight line. That is significantly worse than that of what happened in Nemesis. Don't blame B&B because Gene Roddenberry made a BIGGER mistake regarding the number of decks aboard an Enterprise. Besides it isn't Gene's fault or B and B's... not everything can be correct! There are just to many things to be mindfull of when it comes to making Trek. They are, afterall, just minor bloopers and do not detract from the WRITING of the film. Like a wise kid once said: Don't have a cow man!

  2. Hmm I did like the Molly choice but I went with other. If they did another series set just after Enterprise with the NCC-29 (or something like that) I might like to see Reed as a captain. I think he's got the stuff to make a good one. He just has the right attitude (although he would need a little maturing)

  3. Really, I must know how you come up with the marvelous ideas.  You're so creative.


    I'm really not a very creative person. I really more analytical. I've spent all too much time analysing Star Trek. That is what gives me the ability to come up with things like that. But thanks for the comment :dude: I do think there might be a problem with my trasporting the antimatter idea. It might be a good only as a last resort because there would be the danger that there would be a containment failure as a result of the transport process... we all know transporters can be finicky. Still, if I were up against a cube or a bunch of Klingon battle cruisers I wouldn't hesitate to use such a tactic. Fortune favors the bold and anyone named Kirk!


    Ok, here's an EDIT: I thought of a great tactic. Put some anit-matter on a shuttle and fly it to the port of your enemy. Blow it up. It will do some damage. Then fly a SECOND one out, again to port so that the enemy predicts what will happen and reinforce the PORT sheilding sacrificing the STARBORD sheilds. Just before detonation use the shuttles transporter to beam the anti-matter chamber (warhead) to STARBORD of the enemy and detonate it. Because the sheild will be reinforced on the opposite side of the enemy the hit will surely destroy the enemy.


    Oh and thanks for telling us what Quantum torpedos are. Seriously tho, for all their advancement, they don't seem to be more powerful than a nuke or even a warp core (even though standard ones carry anti-matter)


    On that note (I can't stop) it seems dumb that a standard torpedo has both matter and anti-matter because the 2 annihilate each other. If you released ONLY anti-matter against the hull of the ship the only matter for the anti-matter to react with would be the anti-matter of the enemy hull... or the enemies sheilds.



  4. Well many main cast have time travelled but I don't consider them "time travellers". A "time traveller" in my opinion is someone like Daniels or Braxton. I personally like Daniels or maybe the first officer of the U.S.S. Relativity.

  5. how would that work bolivar? (in reference to my - Captain Bolivar's - quantum phaser idea)


    How would Quantum phasers work? I don't freaking know! I don't know how normal phasers work. I don't know the difference between quantum torpedos and regular torpedos... except that the latter is stronger. But why? There probably is no real reason... the probably just made them up because the sound cool... and so do quantum phasers.



    As for the torpedo's in a shuttle pod idea... why would you need the torpedos? A shuttle's warp core could do more damage! Heck, why not just keep a whole bunch of "warhead warpcores" aboard a starship and just beam them into the path of enemy vessels. I'd like to see a borg cube see that one coming! Damn, I would make one fine starship captain... oh wait, I am one.

  6. I'd say the Borg queen! lol. However, between Picard and Janeway, it would definately be Picard. Janeway always got her intelligence from Seven, Picard is the intelligence. In first contact he knew where to strike whereas nobdy had a clue. Even when he told them where to shoot he was questioned as to the logic of it. They didn't think it was a vital part of the cube... but it certainly was. Go Locutus!

  7. Ok, if the Romulans and Humans never speak to each other... and the Romulans don't even have WARP engines... why would the Romulans even have a motive to wage war? Without warp they would be stuck in their own little solar system VERY far away from Earth. That would be like people on Earth (in our present) deciding to go to war with some planet way way out there... we couldn't do it, and we wouldn't even have a reason. The whole thing doesn't make much sense. If they write this into the story of Enterprise, I think it will end up being highly critisized... if they don't... that would be critisized too. It's just a messy situation. Also, how is Earth supposed to accumulate ships to deal with a war in just 2 years? They didn't even get ONE extra ship ready in THREE!

  8. Red Shirt, I like your proposed settings. There is one setting I'd like to see. It would really be more like a different kind of phaser tho... basically, what would you think of a phaser that could make something cold? It'd be good for turning a wall to ice and then shattering it. Just a thought I had when I was very young. What do you think?

  9. I've just started watching Sg-1 and what a great show it is. So far I've seen episodes 2-20. Unfortunately I missed the first episode but I'll catch it when the series re-cycles. Anywho, I've loved it so much I had to go rent the movie for the backstory (It had been a long time since I'd seen the movie) Anyways, I don't even watch re runs of Star Trek anymore in favour of Stargate. I'm not saying I like Stargate more but at least it's NEW to me... I've seen all the Star Trek episodes from all the series about a million times! Anywho, if you haven't watched SG-1 it's time you start! I'm glad I did!!!!

  10. I say who cares about the Romulan war!!!! I don't want them to make Enterprise based all around a war strictly because of ONE Star Trek episode made nearly FORTY YEARS AGO. If it suits the series and can be done in a manner that justifies it for the sake of ENTEPRISE and NOT A MERE MENTIONING then go for it. If a different story would do enterprise better justice then do that instead. It's good for the stories to flow from one series to another but if the writters can't have a little freedom to write something that will work on the screen then Enterprise will suffer a horrible fate. It is afterall all based on ONE episode. It isn't very significant. If we can't see past that then the whole series may be doomed not by the writters writing something that isn't good, but by the fans who force the writters to write something that isn't good because we don't want it to contradict ONE EPISODE of a show that aired so long ago that my mom wasn't old enough to watch the show. Geez. I support writer creativity and new ideas... not old ones! That's my thought for tonight.

  11. I'm not sure why we are questioning this. It's like questioning whether or not the Earth exerts a gravitational pull. We all know it does... and if you understand physics you should also know that perpetual motion is impossible because during motion energy is given off and a loss of speed MUST result.

  12. In one VOY ep an alien in Tuvok's body sets a phaser on 16 and on wide dispersal. It is made known that it could vaporize everyone on the bridge.


    My question is: How come the good guys don't you that tactic when surrounded? You could take out a room full of people without even taking deliberate aim!

  13. Okay, the philosophy of this site is truely bewildering! Kill ourselves to improve nature... we ARE part of nature!!!! Sure we do bad things to the environment, but why not just stop ruining the environment? I would love to swear at the stupidity of this site but that would go against the goodness of STF.N.


    And if I may just add in this edit: The site has a slogan "thank you for not breeding". I must say, I do thank the fools that believe in this stupid extinction of human kind idea for not breeding. We do not need people like that in our gene pool. Just shameful!

  14. I was happy to NOT see much of the Enterprise-J because it was a moot point to the story. They showed us enough to belive that what was happening was happening. Anymore would have taken away from the impact of the events of the present. This however, does not mean that I think it would be inappropriate to see the Ent-J more in a different situation of a different episode. So I vote perhaps.

  15. My questions is where do the Xindi go for the next 400 or so yrs.?


    Yikes, you all went way off topic on this one!


    To answer the above question: There are MANY species in the Federation... thousands or so. It's unlikely that all of them would be seen frequently in the future. Secondly, it was not said when the Xindi join the Federation. Perhaps they kept to themselves for a couple hundered years in the Expanse. I don't know why, but the point is, it's no impossible or unlikely that they would not have been seen in other trek.


    As for things in season 4: A more relaxed environment with more interaction with ALL crew members.


    The death of a few marines... or their failure as productive members (such as doing something super dumb thus Starfleet decides to end their involvement)


    More dealings with the core species of the Federation


    More Suliban and Daniels leading us to discover who the temporal chamber guy is


    More exploration


    And most importantly, more GOOD WRITING just like this season.


    Arcs should also stick around!

  16. Why? Enterprise is fresh and new. It's a fantastic show. TNG would fail miserably if it were "revived". It's no longer the late 80's where sci fi was limited and Star Trek was relatively young. There is no place for such a thing on TV. If there was it would be on TV which it clearly is NOT. THINGS END: ACCEPT THAT FACT! :laugh:

  17. This might take me awhile. And what is "spare time"? I'm really not sure what that term refers to. I don't feel like I have "spare" time. I just have time...


    And in that time I go to school for Police Foundations in college which will be complete soon.


    I work out which includes lifting weights a few times a week (full body). I also go to Jiu Jitsu three times a week. Currently at Yellow belt. I also try to do some cardio as well but my cardio suffers in the winter.


    I spend time with friends. I don't have a great deal of time to do so but I see some friends at least once a week.


    Oh and I watch Enterprise, Angel, 24, and my new show: Stargate. It's great.


    Sadly, I don't spend much time here anymore. Internet related Star Trek stuff (as well as watching re runs) was starting to take up all my life,

  18. Hey, I know I'm posting this a little early but I'm going to be out all night tonight and don't have another chance. (It's about 7 in the morning) Oh and Alterego, I'll probably have those ready for you friday or something like that. School always complicates things...


    Well, enjoy the show everyone. I can't wait to see what is up with Azati Prime... took them forever to get there it seems! Must be good!

  19. and Captain Bolivar usually does it....

    Ok, are people living in the future? Why oh why have you people seen Enterprise already? It's not on for another hour by my watch! lol, oh well.


    And yes, I do usually do it, but I guess people who live in the future have an extra day to beat me to the punch. My pride and joy has been taken away from me. :lol:


    Seriously tho, I'll over look it this week; it was only fair because for some reason or another Enterprise came out early and you all deserve to say what you think about it. Anywho, because this poll is usually the only topic or post I make here anymore, I'd be super grateful if you could bestow the honor upon once again next week :) Oh, and if for some reason it is necessary for someone else to make the poll again, I suggest adding in 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, and 9.5 because some people (such as me) need the .5 to fine turn their vote.


    I don't know what tonight's episode is about, but I'm glad to see by inference that the doctor is playing a bigger role. It's been awhile since he's had something to do.


    Oh, and I heard this episode is a "rip off" from Voyager. I don't like that kind of talk because everything would be a rip off of something if we thought that way all the time. Nobody ever said TNG was just a "rip off" of Star Trek did they! Nobody ever said the Dominion war was a "rip off" of the Klingon war did they! NOOO! Let Enteprise be what IT IS and don't worry about what Voyager WAS. Just my thoughts on that issue.