Captain Bolivar

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Posts posted by Captain Bolivar

  1. Oddly, I have it on loan from the library right now. What a coincidence! So far I'm only a quarter of the way through. Honestly, I am not impressed thus far.


    1. There are too many side characters. I prefer the main ones.

    2. The Romulans, up to this point, don't not seem like Romulans

    3. There is too much talk about music. Just not interested in that. I don't even truly know what the musicians have to do with intitial peace talks. Just seems a little out of place considering the adversty between the two cultures.

    4. Kirk is NOT a diplomat. Neither is the rest of his crew. The fact that they are in charge of the mission doesn't seem believable.

    5. The Probe seems to be taking a back seat in the story. That's why I picked it up.


    But hey, for all my complaints, it could evolve into something better as a move through the book. But I don't think I will ever consider it a favorite. Most of the time I can't help but read a Trek book, but I have a hard time picking this one up. Oh well. Glad you all enjoyed it though; it gives me some hope as to how it will turn out.

  2. the timeline is all screwed up in enterprise.

    The timelines in all Star Treks are messed up. Here is an explanation of just one example:


    The future technology of the 29th century is what causes itself to be invented by being sent to the past (1996) so that Chronowerx could create the computer revolution (a paradox, but according to one time travel theory this is possible). If this is the case, when Sisko, Jadzia, and bashir transport from the Defiant to Earth and are sent to sometime in the 21st century Starfleet would be permanently lost. Here is why: in the future, the Defiant is still intact within the timeline but the rest of Starfleet is not. If Starfleet is not in existence then technology cannot be sent to the past by Braxton's timeship to create the computer revolution. This would affect the place in which Sisko, Bashir, and Jadzia are; it would place them into a different timeline. This would prevent them from returning things back to normal because the difference would not just be the death of one man who Sisko could imitate, but the difference would be a world which has completely different and inferior computers. This would be too significant of a change to the timeline for Sisko to ever change. Starfleet and the Federation would be lost forever. All because neutrino's interacted with the transport process of the Defiant's crew members.


    The above was just one example, but problems with time travel episodes conflicting are rampant within Star Trek. So it certainly is not just Enterprise. People in general, and in my opinion, use that as an excuse to dislike Enterprise. As you can see, I tend to defend Enterprise. My reason is this: It's my favorite!

  3. I try not to hold a belief in something unless I find that the evidence outweighs the counter evidence. In this case, there is evidence to say that life did and did not exist on mars. Secondly, I have to evaluate the strength of the evidence, and the evidence thus far has not been rock solid for either side of the argument. So I say maybe and hope that one day the answer is found to be yes.

  4. I tend to do my daydreaming on the bus as I rarely have anything better to do on it. If I ride my bike I think of things as well. The other time I daydream is when I'm going to bed. It keeps me up. I've tried to silence my thoughts but I cannot. I guess I'll have to settle for quazi-insomnia.

  5. I voted for extra seats. I also like the seatbelt one but that was seen in the extra footage of Nemesis so I count that as already a part of bridge design.


    Some of my own ideas:


    1. A clear turbolift door (transparent aluminum from Star Trek IV) so that an unwelcome person to the bridge cannot just jump out. If they were hostile, you'd know it before they step out and you could take action. I would even like to see a guard who only allows authorized people throw the door.z


    2. A transporter pad (Like on DS9) so that urgent transports could be made without the away team travelling all the way to the transporter room. It wouldn't need to be in the bridge... it could be in a room just behind it perhaps. Quick access is the key.


    3. A holographic computer representation for those times when interaction with the computer is neccesary. This "computer hologram" could even be sentient like the Doctor so that it understands queries better; the standard computer is rather dumb. You could even alter the holograms image to confuse someone on the other end of the viewscreen.


    4. A small weapons locker for times when the bridge crew needs to arm itself.

  6. Okay, what if in the not so distant future they made a 6th series and TPTB didn't want to do the old "ship in space" format so they opted to do something on Earth. At the same time, TPTB didn't want to isolate the characters from interesting envioronments, so they add in a peice of alien technology that allows people to jump from Earth to any place in the galaxy. This idea is a merging of Stargate with Star Trek. You may say this is a rip off, but then again, Star Trek is a rip off or Jules Verne's idea of travelling through space. This idea wouldn't mean there would be other gates on other planetes and humans from ancient civilizations on those planets. It would just be a device that could "transport" people over longer distances without having to bother with ships. Anywho, I think that could have promise maybe.

  7. Agreed, #3 would be predictable. I think it would be better with less action though and more personal conflict. That is what I like best. Physical action does not have a great deal of depth, in my opinion, and should only be used to supplement the personal conflicts. P.S. Glad someone finally responded. It seems that there are many other less worthy topics such as those name games that get so much use. Sorry to those that like them, but it's just my opinion.

  8. Yes I've been watching it too. I find it lacking as well. The formula is probably just getting tired. I like the one where it was the guys against the women. That formula change created a good deal of drama and lots of laughs from both camps. Still, I like survivor for the game show that it is. (I don't belive it is reality tv because it doesn't pretend to be real. They admit on the show all the time that it is a game and that they are contestants)

  9. Anyway, the main problem with the theory of evolution is that it violates the second law of thermodynamics.

    Evolution is a process where complexity is gained (in general). Even if we were created by an intelligent being and not by evolution, a greater complexity would have been gained. According to your original argument, even the construction of us by a higher being would also violate the second law of thermodynamics because of the added complexity as the second law states that the universe lessens in complexity.

  10. Anyway, the main problem with the theory of evolution is that it violates the second law of thermodynamics.

    Evolution does not violate the second law of thermodynamics. The second law says that the entropy of the universe increases (things become more disorderly). Yes, as organisms, we are quite organized, and over time, evolution continues to create more organization. But that does not mean that entropy in the universe OVERALL is not increasing. It is increasing. By your logic there are many things that violate the second law. One example would be the construction of a computer. Many chemicals and materials and involved in the process. The final result is a complex machine (we are complex machines) that has been formed from various matierials such as metals (we are formed from various materials such as protiens). Since it is obvious that computers exist we can say that evolution does not violate the second law of thermodynamics.

    An intelligence had to create those computers


    Yes, an intelliegence did create those computers. My point was that evolution does not disobey the second law of thermodynamics. I was not debating weather or not evolution as a theory is true or not.


    just as an intelligence needed to create the universe


    An intelligence was needed to create the universe? You say that as if it is fact that cannot be disreputed. It is not. And neither is evolution. They are both theories.


    just because humans have learned how to build neat stuff doesn't mean we can keep up with the collapse of the universe.


    I was not talking of the collapse of the universe in any way shape or form in my arguments. I was merely showing that evolution does not violate the second law of thermodynamics.


    Show me a computer, which is far, far less complex than a living organism, that made itself by accident.


    No, I cannot. Computers and the first cells that spawned what we are (according to the theory of evolution) have a fundamental difference: Computers do not have internal mechanisms to reproduce. This is needed for evolution (unless the computer could build another one just as a person could constuct another person in a lab) But I must point out that I was not trying to show computers undergo evolution in the darwinian sense.


    All I was saying about computers is that, by being built, they become more complex which is analogous to a species becoming more complex. I was trying to show, that because the materials that make up a computer can form to create something complex, which does not break the second rule of thermodynamics, then we must agree that evolution (whether or not evolution occurs or not) does not break the second rule of evolution either.

  11. In the end of Azati Prime all hell was shot at Enterprise. It doesn't look like it will hold up. What do you think might happen to fix the situation?


    Here is what I think could happen:


    1. The Andorians could stop by again to offer last minute assistance

    2. T'Pol could surrender as the only logical recourse

    3. There could be a Xindi defection: Degra and his colleages send some ships to help

    4. Daniels finally steps in with some help: Perhaps a timeship from the future intervenes.

    5. Enterprise is destroyed and Archer must find away to undo the events with the help of Daniels time travelling magic.

    6. T'Pol comes up with some crafty plan and defeats them


    Personally, I would love to see #1 happen. (just look at my avatar :)) I would hate for #5 to happen... it's been done in shockwave. #2 could be interesting and so could #4. I think #3 is most likely and #5 would just be a boring way to end what happened.

  12. Well I suppose that Starfleet could being a massive Starship building campaign after season 3. TOS is about 100 years in the future from ENT which means that in 100 years Starfleet must build about 1700 starships. That works out to about 170 per year. Of course, in the first few years of mass production it would take longer for construction times. Even if it was one quarter of that we could have a little more than 40 ships by the end of season 4. You might be asking: why then is it taking years just to build the second and third ships? Well, perhaps Earth just isn't putting resources into it because they don't feel the need, but after the Expanse ordeal they might reconsider how truly important having ships are! Just an idea!

  13. NEMESIS is set in 2379 with the Ent-J from "Azati Prime" set in the 26th century, so there is no way to know what class the ship is.  Any ideas would be pure speculation and conjecture.

    I'm with Picard on this one... it's just conjecture. But if I were to give it a name... the class would be: Enterprise class. Just because it takes no thought. Ha ha!

  14. I think it was a fantastic idea! A war that takes place through time is a great idea indeed because unlike the civil war, or world war II... it isn't trapped in the past... it isn't trapped in the future. It's anytime, anywhere. What's interesting in the mystery. The war involves species and people whom Archer and his crew should not ever meet but like I said, a TCW isn't limited to time. That creates a great deal of mystery for those who would not expect any such thing would ever happen. In the future, the idea of a TCW would be mediocre in shock value, but not to the first crew out in space. I also like how it adds a sense of uncertainty to the events in Enterprise. If there was no influence that existed outside of time we would know that Enterprises efforts would ultimately come out on top: that the Federation would be founded, and that nothing truly serious would happen to Earth. But now we can never really be sure of that. Sure, with any show you know the good guys are gonna win, but there at least needs to be a sense of peril. The TCW makes the peril real for those of us that understands the future of the Federation.

  15. I'd say it was a negative thing to say about a person because I don't using looks to get yourself something in honorable or moral. I have noticed that many women tend to do that... (not tying to be sexist, but I think there is some truth to that)

  16. You, I have sometimes wondered that myself. And to be quite honest, my answer was the reason why I stopped posting here for a time. First it was just a few posts at STF.N. But in a short time I was engaged in RPG's, a website, another persons website, and in fan fiction. It all spawned from this site. For some that may be okay, but for me it just took up way to much time so I said **** it. That marked the day I left. Now I'm posting again, but I do not engage in all that other stuff. It helps me maintain a balance in life. There are so many other things that are more important that spending my life doing internet related Star Trek stuff. But because I enjoy this site I allow myself to spend some time here now :huh: And I do so enjoy it!

  17. I wonder why it is that weird, unknown species are always chosen to be the president. Just take a look at the president seen in the DS9 episode where changlings attack Earth. Bizzare!

  18. Yeah, they did slam into the deflector dish. Maybe there were some other hits before the final hit? It's been a long time since I've seen that episode so I don't know.


    I think the design of Star Trek ships are just aesthetical. They look great but serve no purpose. This idea also comes from the fact that starships don't need to be so aerodynamic, yet the Ent-E is. It is just made to look good to make the audience happy. I think so anyways.