Captain Bolivar

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Posts posted by Captain Bolivar

  1. I would definately be in Starfleet. I'd probably aim for something in Command. If however, the future was as dangerous as the show depicts it, I'd probably stay away from star ships and Starfleet. I wouldn't want to narrowly avert danger by 5 seconds every week... that's just too much for any REAL person. It's all fun on the show but in real life that would be hell. So the future would have to be at least realistic.

  2. Not to sound egotistical but if I were living in the Star Trek universe I think I could, with experience and training, make it as a captain. I'm not saying I'd be any Picard but who would? I don't think something like that would be out of my reach on Earth in the Navy either. At least if it wasn't for the medical reasons for which I could not join the Navy. Well, there goes one dream down the flusher, NEXT!

  3. Anyway, the main problem with the theory of evolution is that it violates the second law of thermodynamics.

    Evolution does not violate the second law of thermodynamics. The second law says that the entropy of the universe increases (things become more disorderly). Yes, as organisms, we are quite organized, and over time, evolution continues to create more organization. But that does not mean that entropy in the universe OVERALL is not increasing. It is increasing. By your logic there are many things that violate the second law. One example would be the construction of a computer. Many chemicals and materials and involved in the process. The final result is a complex machine (we are complex machines) that has been formed from various matierials such as metals (we are formed from various materials such as protiens). Since it is obvious that computers exist we can say that evolution does not violate the second law of thermodynamics.

  4. I do like your alliance idea! The partnership in the war would help the process of founding the Federation. The only problem with that idea is that the Vulcans and Andorians would need a reason to join the war. Perhaps it could be that the Romulans pick a fight with them as well, thus drawing them into it. But then again, why would the Romulan's pick a fight with 3 species? That isn't a good strategy if you catch my drift.

  5. The Romulans do have warp drive, it's just a fan assumption that they don't.  There was no "visual communication", but thanks to NEMESIS, Archer and crew can deal with Reman slaves.  As for Starfleet, they have other, slower ships and should have 4 NX-class ships by season 4 unless the NX-01 is destroyed in which case one of the new NX-class ships will probably be renamed Enterprise.


    DS9 had all out war and ENT S3 has the Xindi conflict.  I think a Romulan cold war would work best on ENT, that way only a handful of episodes per season would be war centric and we could stick to explorring and the founding of the UFP arc. :P

    Ok, so the Romulans do have warp drive. That would make sense seeing as how they have cloaking devices which are more advanced than a warp drive.


    Now here's my 1st question: With only 4 NX class ships, how would Starfleet be any kind of match for the Romulans who have cloaking technology and probably many ships?


    Secondly, the Romulan's would more than likely strike first which would more than likely reduce the number of NX class ships down to 3 or less. Also, in Balance of Terror we see a nuclear bomb used against the 1701 which has energy based shields. Even thought Kirk moved the ship away from the explosion it left his ship severely crippled.


    How would a ship without energy shields have the slightest hope of surviving a nuclear blast?


    And lastly, if Enterprise isn't a large part of the war effort and explores for the majority of the season it would mean that Starfleet would be using 1 less ship. So if antoher is destroyed in a preemptive strike by the Romulans Starfleet would only have 2 ships to fight the Romulan's with. If Starfleet only has 3 ships for example, why would they decide not to use all 3 even though all 3 wouldn't even be enough?


    I think this would make it unrealistic for Enterprise to be exploring and what not during any Romulan war. This Romulan war is just not adding up.

  6. Of course there will be a season 4! No doubt! I'm just super glad to know that in some manner the arc's will continue. It's also good that the arcs might not be full year arcs because if every season they have a year long arc would become unbelievable that the situation the Ent crew ends up in is always of the same amount of time from begginingg of the problem to the solution. Arcs of varying lengths, some overlapping etc. is definately the way to go. That would make the arcs more similar to the DS9 arcs which worked superbly.


    As for the "holding pattern" I don't think that it means there will be no next movie. Even the first Star Trek movie was in a "holding pattern". All movies are until that time when it is decided that it WILL be made. Since that decision has not been made YET does not mean that it wont be made. Besides, I think it unfair to say that they should make a new movie right now because we should consider ourselves lucky that new Star Trek is still being made. Berman has brought Star Trek farther than anyone would have imagined 15 years ago. Give the guy some credit, it isn't easy to do 17 seasons of a show (DS9, VOY, and Ent) and still have it going as strong as it is.

  7. Wow, I'm surprised that the Voyager bridge is doing so well. I always thought that bridge lacked organization. To this day I cannot picture it in my head to any great detail. it's just to "messy" in my opinion. I like a simple design best but also one's that look modern. I really like the Enterprise-E bridge. It looks fantastic. But I find it a little unoriginal. So I voted for the Nx-01 bridge because it looks absolutely fantastic, it is original compared to the standard LCARS look and although it has a strong tactile sense and so many little intracate details, it still has a simple layout.

  8. I didn't find that "speck" of information anywhere. I just came up with it on my own. As for it being egocentric... U.S.S. does stand for United Starship which refers to ALL those in the Federation. That doesn't seem egocentric to me. Yes it does happen to be the same abbreviation as American boats (U.S.S.) but it's the meaning of the abbreviation not the abbreviation itself. But I'm sure Gene decided to use U.S.S. because that is what the Navy used and decided to find a new meaning for it. (Gene was in the Navy for a short time)

  9. Don't worry. The Nemesis 2-disc Special Edition will be out after the rest of the special editions are released. I'm going to get them all.

    Are they really planning on doing that with the newer movies? I would love to see a NON directors cut of Nemesis... maybe they will call it a special edition... but it will kind of annoy me that I just bought Nemesis and then they come out with another... why not just come out with the good one in the first place... i know... to rip me off! Ahhh. Still need to get Generation and FC on dvd... yay!

  10. Also if the series does last 7 years they would still not have reached the forming of the Federation which would take place about 3 years after the series ends which would conincide with a good time to produce and Enterprise movie. 


    I don't think we'll see an ENT movie before some kind of TNG, DS9, VOY, mixed-crew or new-crew movie.  ENT is an awesome SCI-FI show, but I don't see Paramount investing a movie in it any time soon.  Maybe after it ends it's 7-year-run it could do a movie, but I don't want to wait that long. :grin:


    Granted that would be a long wait, but if you refer to my post again you'll see that I didn't say that paramount would want to make and ENT movie anytime soon... I said it would probably be 7 years from now. It's possible they could make one on the other series between now and then but I think after Nemesis they will choose to wait.


    Well, I don't think a "how the crew faired when they got home" story would work as a movie.  A plot dealing with the Delta Quadrant where the crew is "reassembled" to deal with a situation they have experrience with, not neccessarily an over-the-top villian with an uber-weapon ship, might be good for #11.


    The "how the crew faired when they got home" idea should have been futher elaborated on. I didn't mean that they do a movie just after Endgame but later on. We would still see how they faired but I also am of the thinking that they should return to the Delta Quadrant. My thinking would be that they could create a Voyager-A with a prototype slipstream drive. The show could involve Neelix and maybe even Kes.

  11. Firstly, U.S.S. stands for United Star Ship. It is not a reference to the U.S.A. or any other country. It is a reference to the Federation as a whole.


    Secondly, any ship with U.S.S. on it is a Federation ship, but more importantly it is a Starfleet ship. This means the ship IS of Earth origin. The Vulcan's, Andorians, and all other members of Starfleet have their own ships. Because it is an Earth vessel they could have used another designation such as E.S.S. for Earth Star Ship because that IS what it is. It is also a Federation ship. Either way it would be correct. It wouldn't be correct, however, if the U.S.S. had something to do with one particular country from Earth because Starfleet represents all of Earth, and not any singular country.

  12. I looked up Cult a (althought after doing so I realize that KTrek did the same thing) and definition 6 seemed to fit in my interpretation. It was "An exclusive group of persons sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest."


    Yes we are an exclusive group (only a Star Trek fan watches Star Trek)

    And yes we share an artistic interest (TV is a form of art)

    And yes we share an intellectial interest (Star Trek is science fiction which is an intellectual form of art)


    So yes we are a "cult" by definition but so are people who belong to book clubs. The negative connotation to cult in this instance is no existant. This talk show probably does not like Star Trek and wishes to put it into a bad light by labelling it as a cult which most people will take negatively. Damned people.

  13. Time: The progression of events (exists in the 4th dimension)


    Space: The area in which matter exists. Matter is spread out over 3 dimensions. Matter also may have different locations depending of the 4th dimension (ie: a car is here in one minute and the next it is down the street)


    Geez, these are truely hard to explain.

  14. Generations was one of the better ones with the search for spock but V and VII were awful....

    I must point out your contradiciton for funs sake. I know it was an accident but you said that Generations was one of the best but that VII (also known as Generations) was awful. Oops. So what was the one you meant to say?


    Now I think I shall rank mine from favorite to least favorite: (I separate the originals from the TNG's because I think they are like apples and oranges)


    Star Trek II: TWOK

    Star Trek VI: TUC

    Star Trek III:TSFS (tied with TUC)

    Star Trek IV:TVH

    Star Trek V:TFF (tied with TVH)

    Star Trek I:TMP


    Star Trek First Contact

    Star Trek Nemesis (tied with FC for favorite of TNG's)

    Star Trek Insurrection

    Star Trek Generations (tied with Insurrection for least favorite of TNG's)


    Also, I like almost all of the TNG movies equally whereas with the originals my preference differs on a greater scale

  15. I think that the next movie could end up being Enterprise because they are the only crew that isn't separated. Most people on Voyager aren't even starfleet... and DS9 would not appeal to the general audience. Enterprise however has an established movie actor as a captain, sex appeal for the general audience, and doesn't rely on too much back story. Also if the series does last 7 years they would still not have reached the forming of the Federation which would take place about 3 years after the series ends which would conincide with a good time to produce and Enterprise movie.


    While Voyager is not my favorite series I would like to see how the crew faired after Endgame (I could just read homecoming I guess).


    DS9 would also be good but in a way I kind of feel that it the series fullfilled itself so well that no movie could do it justice.

  16. I agree with most of what CJLP said (hi CJLP). Shinzon posed a VERY big threat to the Enterprise CREW! If their radiation weapon discharged the crew would have melted in SECONDS NO IF AND'S OR BUTS. Secondly, it isn't necessarilly about the danger to the entire crew. Shinzon threatened Picard's individuality and mental state to a severe degree. The events in that movie will change Picard far more than the events of Wolf 359 and his assimilation (IMO)