Captain Bolivar

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Posts posted by Captain Bolivar

  1. Its not from any season! It was likely made recently to spoof TNG. It is nothing but a huge joke! I love it. I guess this is a rather unimportant topic, but when I find that video it will be a topic loved by all here! I sent an e mail to the channel that hosted the said spoof but all I got was an autoreply

  2. Frankly, I don't like any of those. I am not a fan of fast food restaurants. So I choose other. Other for me is SUBWAY! How can you go wrong with a giant sandwich? I'm not sure if Subway exists in America but I'm pretty sure that it does.

  3. POINT 1: Ok, I agree that the Prototype is the 1st ship in it's class just as you said CJLP. But because The U.S.S Prototype A is different than the U.S.S. Prototype B they themselves can be different classes. Just as the U.S.S. Enteprise A was a different class that the U.S.S. Enterprise B. So I agree in part with Trekzone and in part with CJLP.


    POINT 2: Furthermore, as CJLP suggested, if Poseidon is in fact Akira-class, it can't have a "NX" registry number. This is because NX-class ships are experimental ships and Akira class ships are not. It may be a variant, but that doesn't make it an NX-class vessel. For example, if you add a third nacell to the Enterprise D it becomes a variant of the galaxy class ship. But you would NOT see NX on the hull. You would see NCC. So, in favor of CJLP, Poseidon should not have NX on the hull. This of course, is just a triviality, and we should not worry about it. Story is what counts.


    POINT 3: Trekzone, you said that Poseidon is a prototype of a variant. This is true. Captain, you said that the Poseidon is an upgrade for the Akira-class. This is true too. Now I shall tie the two together! You see, when you "upgrade" a ship it becomes a "variant". But before you can begin full scale production of a variant you need to test it first. To do this you would build a "prototype of the variant vessel". So you are both right to an extent. The thing is however, that Starfleet would not call the ship a "prototype". They would merely just call it the same class name it always had: Akira.


    P.S. I have a feeling that you will argue with my supporting Trekzone's statement that a variant can be a prototype. Well here is your proof: According to the word prototype has 4 definitions including this, "An original, full-scale, and usually working model of a new product or new version of an existing product." As you can see protoypes include new versions of existing products, or in other words, new variants on existing models.


    Now, as you've noticed I have not taken sides on this. I have agreed with points on both sides.


    Take care, both of you.

  4. VaBeachGuy gave this answer to a forum topic about what 3 things you would take with you if you were stuck on a beach.




    TV with Electricity and a satellite connection so I can see the Eagles win the Super Bowl.


    Notice how he says both Ezri AND Jadzia. Problem is, there can only be one Dax symbiont. This got me thinking, what if you had two Trills that were conjoined twins. Could you throw a single symbiont into the mix and make each individual part of the symbiont, or would you need two separate symbionts. Such as odd question eh?

  5. Well I liked how Sisko ended up with the prophets. It seemed fitting for his ever increasing role as the emmisary. My only real complaint with the episode is that Garak was the one who killed Weyoun. What was that about? They never even really knew each other. I would have liked to see Kira finish him off.

  6. 1)Some food

    2)Some clothing

    3)A genies lamp


    Using the genie's lamp I'd wish for

    1)Some more food

    2)Maybe some extra shoes because the sand will quickly mess up the ones I'm wearing

    3)A watch so that I'd know how long I'd been on the island.


    (Dang it, am I dumb... I could have made the most OBVIOUS wish to solve all my problems. You people must think I'm really dumb... cause I'm STUCK on an island, I have a GENIE in a lamp with three WISHES and I don't even use it to "see spoiler")


    Click for Spoiler:

    Get myself a real life version of Seven and Ezri to stay with me on the island and "roll around in the sand"!!! Yeah, what else could one wish for when they are stuck on an island... I doubt you guys came up with anything better... it's not like one could wish themselves off the island.... :( :( DO'H!!!

  7. No clue, but I can guess. Since Enterprise is the current Trek show, there isn't room for another show. By the time Enterprise is done Riker will be too old to pull of the action that is required of a Captain actor. He had enough difficulty with Nemesis. I would really enjoy the show tho! And it is promising because there was a possibility that Riker was going to be Captain after "All Good Things". So if they were willing to make him a Captain then, he could be now. It's just in 5 years... he'll be pretty old. Another 7 years later at the end of this rumored series he be close to 55 i'd bet. A little to old

  8. Try the famous lines from Spocks death or maybe even some of Khan's lines such as "revenge is a dish best served cold" (a klingon proverb). I hope I got that right.

  9. Thanks for that Trivia. I found it quite interesting. I'm glad they payed homage to DeForest Kelly with the name of Admiral Forester. I'm also glad that Archer's first name isn't Jackson... doesn't sound good. Reminds me of Jacko. Also, I was always expecting Dean Stockwell to return because Archer did mention his character again in 2 days and 2 nights if i'm correct. I thought they were hinting that he was an important character to the TCW somehow.

  10. No, because this was mentioned in Yesterdays Enterprise, a TNG episode that was created long before Captain Archer's character was ever even conceived of. It is possible that they could turn it into a reference but that was not it's original intent. Don't take this the wrong way (I really mean no offence by it)but I have a hard time understanding why people try to see relationships between things when they are just coincidences.

  11. you may have misunderstood me....i believe there are gravitational forces all over the galaxy from every star - dont they come from the galatic core which then causes the galaxy spinning?

    You're right Trekzone! Even the gravitational force of my body is present in other galaxies, but as you move away from a body, even one like the sun, the gravity exerted on the object decreases exponentially. This is exactly why the forces exerted from all those other planets don't affect a starship, because the number has become so close to zero it is negligible. Add to that the fact that an almost equal force is being applied from planets in the opposite direction, these gravitational pulls would amount to nothing.


    As for why impulse engines need to stay on: in star Trek, impulse engines are not based on warp power, but this is a fault in itself because impulse engines can make a starship travel at near light speed whereas warp puts ships well beyond light speed. Now, moving a small partical at near light speeds without warping space is simple, but to move a massive body like the Enterprise would requite OBSCENE amounts of force and subsequently, energy. According to the logic, the only practical impulse reactor, for all intents and purposes, would be one that warps space. So, if we did invent impulse engines, they would need to be warp based and thus they would need to always be on to maintain the constant warping of space. This doesn't quite answer the question because in Star Trek impulse DOES NOT base impulse apon warp power, I'm just pointing out that it should.


    Also interesting is the fact that a tractor beam could not work without warping space as well. So when the warp core goes offline, a ship would not have warp, impulse, or even tractor beams...

  12. I was just watching Voyafer's series finale on "The Space Channel". After the show they played what I'm guessing was a TNG commercial. But I was unlike any commercial I'd ever seen before. It was also one of the funniest Star Trek spoofs EVER! I'm going to try and find it on the net. I'll let you know if I find it!!! REad the spoiler if you wanna know what it was about. I gotta say, this was the most random thing I've ever seen and totally makes fun of Wesley. I'm still laughing about it 15 minutes later.


    Here's how the cartoon went:


    Click for Spoiler:

    Wesley crashed his shuttle on a planet and sued his comm badge to contact the Enterprise. Tasha Yar, sitting at the helm, received his call. Tasha doesn't say anything. You can see Picard, Riker, and Troi looking annoyed at their seats. Wesley senses that they are ignoring him... he keeps calling... "I can hear you beathing Tasha". Wesley gets really annoyed at starts mashing his comm badge. Next you see a borg cube and hear the collective say: "this is the Enterprise" Wesley says, "I know this is the borg". You see a pic of his comm badge and it has call display which reads "THE BORG". He just throws the comm badge on the ground...

  13. Yes I recognized a voice too. At first I couldn't figure out where it was from but then it hit me. It was Nu'Daq, the Klingon Captain from the episode "The Chase" where Picard ties to solve a 400 million year old puzzle with DNA fragments. The actors name of the Klingon is john Cothran Jr. As for the fable, I didn't find myself all that entertained by it. The topic just didn't interest me.

  14. Kes is an old characeter. While that it would work; it would be a little too out of the blue. Instead, Neelix, who can still communicate with starfleet, sends a message saying that starfleet is needed in the Delta Quad. Perhaps because of something Voyager inadvertantly did. So, now that Starfleet has created a prototype slipstream drive starship the characters get togther for one last mission together to set right was they accidentally did wrong. (Oh here I am guessing plots again... I hate when I do that)

  15. More accurately, they tried to send a signal to the Borg collective, but even if that message travels at high warp it would take 60 years for it to travel. If the message travels through subspace at a slower speed it could take more than 120 years. I agree that this is unlikely however because it would take time for the borg collective to grow beyond decker and ilia and get to the delta quad. Perhaps decker and ilia somehow got into the past and created the Borg collective.


    Actually I thought the book gave a slightly different theory about how the technological species had something to do with V'gers altering created the borg or were the borg.



  16. I agree that the BQ was one of the most frightening villains in any of the movies.  She has a complete lack of human sentiment.  As for the borg being descended for m Ilia/Decker isn't that what Shatner said in on of his novels?

    Well, that's been disproved in ENT "Regeneration" when the surviving Borg from FIRST CONTACT are thawed and assimilated an Earth transport so they can rejoin the collective. The episode is set in 2152, THE MOTION PICTURE is set in 2271. :dude:

    How does that disprove anything CJLP?


    Regeneration is set in 2152, and The Motion Picture is set in 2271. But what you have to realize is that those drones are NOT from 2152, they are from AFTER 2271.

  17. Yeah, I think even IE 4 had this feature. It isn't a feature that many people use or even know about however! I myself even forget to use it! I often multitask using msn messenger... do some homework, and visit this site... and check me e mail all at once... so I need the task bar! But at times, I think I start using the f11 key, cause it does look nicer and it is easier to view the site.