Madam Captain

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Posts posted by Madam Captain

  1. I had a Deep Space Nine marathon yesterday. My flatmate and I watched eight episodes in a row. I think its better to watch the episodes a few times rather than watch several episodes all in a row. I like to ponder the episodes before I watch any new ones (I have only seen up to half way through season three of DS9). However, its great to watch lots of episodes back to back and in order. If I really like an episode of Star Trek, I will watch it over and over again. I also like watching two parters and episodes that relate to other episodes (not necessarily two parters)


    Madam Captain out!!

  2. There were so many good actors and actresses on DS9..I too thought Avery Brooks did a great job..But I've always been partial to Nana Visitor's portrayal of Kira Nerys..

    Yes, I like Kira too. She was very angry at first, which was understandable for a Bajoran living on Deep Space Nine but I have found, now that I'm half way through watching season three, she has started to settle down a bit. She reminds me of B'Elanna from Voyager, she didn't want anything to do with Starfleet at first and she depised Janeway. However, as the show progressed and she fell in love with Tom, she settled down too.


    Julian has started to grow on me now, even though he is naive and annoying. I find it funny that he keeps chasing Jadzia but Jadzia isn't interested him in that way at all.


    Colm Meaney is great as O'Brien, I love his character and his friendship with Julian. Those two kind of irritate each other but Julian has saved O'Brien from some dangerous situations aswell.


    Madam Captain out!!

  3. I have only just recently started watching Deep Space Nine and I'm about half way through season three. There are so many great characters on DS9 and I have more than one favorite character so I will list them, in no particular order:


    I love Jadzia - Terry Farrell played her so perfectly. Jadzia is a great role model and so confident with everything. I find Trills quite fascinating and I really admire the way Jadzia has incorporated all of her other symbiont's hosts into her own thoughts. I know that she dies at the end of season six and I'm really annoyed about that!!


    Andrew Robinson is fantastic as Garak. I love how he is so subtle when it comes to talking about his past - Julian thinks he has him all figured out but there is more to Garak than meets the eye. He is one of my favorite minor characters on DS9 and I hang out for those small scenes between him and Julian. It seems that Garak's character is becoming mroe interesting as the show progresses.


    I like Kira too, her character is so realistic because there is always someone, somewhere that doesn't like to take any crap from anyone. I like how she has become friends with Jadzia - its interesting to see how two completely different people, with different personalities and with different backgrounds, can get along with each other so well.


    O'Brien is great too, he has a funny sense of humour and his daughter, Molly is such a cutie!! I also like Odo, he is very cunning and he is always ten steps ahead of Quark. Jake and Nog are another good example of how two people from different cultures can become good friends - I like their characters too.


    Quark has grown on me now and I love episodes about him - he is always trying to pull of some scheme or trying to make money illegally. He is quite cunning too but not as much as Odo.


    Madam Captain out!!

  4. Hi there :)


    I remember doing all those things in my childhood, although as I live in Australia, I didn't get to experience snow. My older brother was into water balloons and they were especially popular during the summer months. We also used old shampoo bottles as water pistols and had hours of fun squirting each other with them. My older sister was into painting and she got a face painting set for a birthday one year (or it may have been a Christmas present). I remember having my face painted on several occassions - I had no choice!!


    Madam Captain out!!

  5. I thought I would start a discussion about Garak, the Cardassian taylor on Deep Space Nine. Even though I have only recently started watching DS9, I think Garak is my favorite minor character on the show. I really love the mysteriousness of this character and his subtle approach to everything. I also love the way he carefully divulges information to Julian and the way he hints about being, or not being a spy in the past.


    Did anyone else love this character?? Or did you find him irritating?


    Madam Captain out!!

  6. While DS9 was on the air, I used to not like the Ferengi episodes.  Now that I have the run of the series on DVD and can watch at my leisure, I am finding the Quark/Ferengi episodes to be amongst my favorites!  How weird.


    Anyway, I watched the season 6 (?) episode "The Magnificent Ferengi" and nearly peed my pants I was laughing so hard.  I don't want to spoil the episode for anyone, so I won't get into specifics, but at the end when Nog is manipulating a certain figure down the hallway I was just crying.


    Did anyone beside me not like Quark eps and have since changed your mind?  I feel bad about how unappreciative I was of these wonderfully comic actors in this horrendous makeup and what they were able to do with these roles.


    Kudos to the entire Ferengi race!

    When I fist started watching DS9, I didn't really like the Ferengi either and I found Quark to be really irritating. Then after season one, Quark started to grow on me and now that I'm about half way through watching season three, I enjoy the episodes about him. My favorite Quark episode so far is Meridian from season three. An alien on the station wants a holodeck program with Kira in it and he wants Quark to organise it for him. Quark spends the whole episode trying to get a holo-image of her and he also illegally accesses her personal files. I laughed so hard in the end, when Kira got her revenge on Quark. I had to watch that part several times and each time I had tears streaming down my face from laughing so much.


    My favorite minor character in DS9 is definitely Garak. I love the scenes between him and Julian. Even though Garak only plays a small part in the show, I hang out for the episodes when he has lunch with Julian. Each time he hints at being more than just a simple taylor, although he has a cunning way of giving out information by not really saying anything at all.


    Madam Captain out!

  7. This is an interesting topic, here is what I think happened to the tribbles at the end of Trials and Tribble-ations:


    I think Quark opened a pet store and made a fortune selling the tribbles on Deep Space Nine. This idea would be typical of Quark, he was always trying to make a profit. I wonder who bought the tribbles?? Other Ferengies maybe??


    Madam Captain out!!

  8. I would definitely choose to be Janeway. She has always been my favorite character on Voyager. I have never been very good at mathematics so I'm not sure how I would handle fractual calculus or other equasions involving numbers, although I could ask the computer for help. Of course, I could never really be Janeway because I haven't been to Starfleet Academy :)


    Madam Captain out!!

  9. The doctor wouldn't know carols, because he Programmed himself to sing, and I believe that Chrismas , as a holiday, hasn't been celebrated for a long time. So why should the doctor program himself to sing 300 year old songs from a holiday no one celebrates?

    Christmas has been celebrated for about 2000 years so I don't think it will cease to exist in 300 years. I really hope that people in the 24th century still recognise Christmas as an international holiday because it would be quite sad to think it has been forgotten.


    I love Christmas day because it gives me the opportunity to spend some time with my family. As my family live all over Australia, I hardly get to see them anyway. I used to think that Christmas was only important for giving each other presents but now I would rather be with my family. Gifts are only superficial things and while it is nice to give and receive them, its much more satisfying to spend the day with loved ones.


    I also think that the Doctor would have vast knowledge of different humanoid species, including their traditions, customs and religious beliefs. This would also include the lyrics to some Christmas carols.


    Madam Captain out!!

  10. I agree, the female leads were all fantastic on Voyager. Its great to see that Star Trek has women in high ranking positions. Janeway was, by far my favorite character on Voyager. I liked the Doctor too, he added lots of comic relief to the series and while his bedside manner was lacking somewhat at first, he gained some compassion as the series went on. I loved the episodes that dealt specifically with the Doctor's personality because he was quite naive about many issues, even towards the end of the series. It was very interesting to see how he handled sometough challenges that came his way

  11. I downloaded some Voyager episodes before all the lawsuits happened against downloading sites. I got rid of Kazaa, and a week later, my UPN took Voyager off the air. :dude:

    I have kazaa on my computer, I've had it for a few months now. I had heard about all the lawsuits against downloading sites but what happens if someone discovers I've been downloading stuff for free??? I downloaded a Voyager episode and heaps of songs.


    Madam Captain out!!

  12. my relies come for Boxing Day dinner......

    I went to the beach with my parents and the dog. We had a walk up the beach and let the dog have a swim, then my Dad washed him with sea water. Later, the dog rolled around in the sand.


    We didn't have relies over for dinner, just my parents, my brother, his wife and myself. My brother and his wife went out and left me with all the dishes..........


    I have to go back to Perth on Sunday, then its back to work on Monday for me. I will be happy when things return to normal again, the last few weeks have been crazy. It was good to come home for Christmas though and I had a good time.


    Madam Captain out!!

  13. You are right, it is easier to be lazy in the 24th century. Transporters are a good example of technology that makes people very lazy on starships (and space stations). I also love the fact that replicators not only produce objects and food instantaneously but they recycle stuff too.


    Madam Captain out!!

  14. Its Boxing Day here today. I think its going to be a very quiet day, as yesterday was mostly spent eating lots of food and drinking a few too many. Boxing Day is also when the Sydney to Hobart yacht race starts. This is a big yacht race that begins in Sydney and ends in Hobart. This first started in 1945 so its been going for a long time. I know this because my Dad has always been interested in yachts and sailing (infact, he owned a yacht about twenty years ago and he took us on a big sailing holiday around the top half of Australia). Later he will be surfing through the channels to find some coverage of the race.


    Madam Captain out!!

  15. Hi there and Merry Christmas!! :dude:


    This is an interesting topic. Okay here goes:


    *Picard could get Wesley a new sweater (we call them jumpers here in Australia) one that isn't peach coloured. Sorry, I couldn't resist that one!


    *Geordi could give Data some cat food for spot.


    *Chakotay could give Janeway a recipe for pecan pie.


    *Julian could give Jadzia a necklace with a locket on it and a little photo of himself inside the locket - just to keep him thinking that Jadzia 'really' likes him!!


    I can't think of anymore,


    Madam Captain out!!

  16. Hi there and Merry Christmas from Australia!! :dude:


    I love Star Trek for these reasons:


    1. The world of Star Trek has women (and not just men) in high ranking positions, such as Captain.


    2. Several different races of aliens, including humans, are able to work together successfully. I like the fact that Star Trek is very mulicultural, not only with different races within the human species but with other aliens aswell. Its also great to see that Tuvok (from Voyager) in a dark skinned Vulcan. Its like multiculturalism within multiculturalism (if that makes any sense!!)


    3. It doesn't matter how far fetched something may seem in Star Trek, its the 24th century so anything is possible. However, most of the technology is based on real science, so it isn't so far fetched when you think about it. I really like the medical technology, such as hyposprays that can cure almost any illness and dermal generators. Replicators, transporters and holodecks are another reason why I love Star Trek so much.


    4. The storylines cover many different issues and while they are mostly positive, some are quite contraversial. They also deal with issues that relate to everyday life - even though the characters are living in the 24th century, they still have to tackle challenges that we encounter today.


    5. Star Trek has starships that can travel at warp speed and they can go anywhere in the universe (or multiverse). I also like the fact that in the 24th century, people are living on several planets in our solar system and on other planets in other solar systems too. They have even inhabited moons so its good to know that in 300 years, there will be no shortage of places to live!


    Madam Captain out!!

  17. There is just so much to see on TOS. Learning about Vulcans and IDIC and Kirk and their friendship and McCoy and...I'll stop here since you already said you would watch them


    It just makes me so sad when some of our newer fans don't think TOS is worth the time. THey sadly miss so much!

    I have only just started watching Star Trek earlier this year, first I watched all seven seasons of Voyager in about six months, then I started watching TNG and DS9. I had seen some of the movies before I started watching Star Trek (Generations, First Contact, Insurrection and Nemesis) and a few episodes of TNG. I'm now about half way through season 1 of TNG and up to season three of DS9. My housemate got my into Star Trek, she is a big Trekkie so that helps. I found that even though I had seen the four movies I mentioned numerous times, I still got more out of them after watching episodes of TNG, DS9 and Voyager.


    I wasn't really interested in watching any of the original ST episodes but after watching Trials and Tribble-ations (I know its in season five but my housemate wanted me to watch it) I want to see more TOS. I agree that to fully appreciate Star Trek, its a good idea to watch some of the original series (or the whole three seasons). Many DS9 episodes and even Voyager and TNG relate to things that happened in TOS. I also think its worth watching the entire seven seasons of TNG, DS9 and Voyager, along with all of the movies (even though I'm still in the process of getting through DS9 and TNG).


    Merry Christmas from Australia :hat:


    Madam Captain out!!

  18. Trials and Tribble-ations was an amazing episode.  The DS9 companion guide has a great little section of how it was made.  The lighting is especially amazing between the new and old films.  One of my favorite TOS/DS9 episodes to watch over and over again.

    Hi there and Merry Christmas from Australia!! :hat: I hope you are all having a great Christmas.


    I LOVED Trials and Tribble-ations!! I only watched it for the first time about two weeks ago and since then I have watched it several times. I really liked the scenes with Miles and Julian, especially in the turbolift. What about that scene between Dax and Sisko, when she told him how one of her previous hosts knew Dr McCoy - that was priceless!! I will definietely be watching that episode again.


    Madam Captain out!!

  19. Hi there and Merry Christmas from Australia!!! Its 10.00pm on Christmas night and I had a great day with my family and catching up with some friends.


    I will definitely be buying all of the Voyager seasons on DVD. It may take me quite a while but I'm planning to own all seasons eventually. I am also planning to buy DS9 on DVD too and I'm going to start with season 3 (I have been renting them from the video shop and watching them from the beginning, in order and I'm up to season 3 now). I watched Trials and Tribble-ations (sp?) last week and I loved it but thats another story........


    Madam Captain out!!

  20. Maybe some of the Voyager crew celebrated Christmas in their own ways, even though we didn't see it in any episodes. I wonder if Vulcans, Klingons, Talaxians, Ocampans and other alien races celebrated Christmas or something similar (it would definitely be an interesting topic for discussion)


    I guess the crew were mostly too busy to really celebrate any of the traditional holidays. It probably wasn't worth celebrating Christmas if they couldn't be with their families back on Earth.


    Why do you think the Doctor wouldn't know or sing any Christmas carols?? He was programmed to sing and if he could sing opera, I think he could manage a few carols.


    Madam Captain out!!

  21. I don't have a Christmas tree, real, fake or otherwise. I always spend Christmas with my parents, at their house (although last year I had Christmas with my cousins, at their house). As I'm never at my house for Christmas day, I don't see any point in putting up a tree. My flatmate is Jewish so she doesn't even celebrate Christmas and that makes it very easy (in terms of spending ridiculous amounts of money on a tree and other decorations).


    My Mum doesn't have a Christmas tree either and I don't think she will buy one this year. I think she is just happy that my brother and I can both make it home for Christmas this year. Its a rare occassion when all the members of my immediate family get together. As we all live so far away from each other, its almost impossible to be together in the same state, let alone the same house!!


    Madam Captain out!!

  22. Hmmmmm..................


    Okay, these are the three things I would have on if I was stuck on a deserted island:


    1. A fishing rod

    2. A replicator

    3. A satellite phone


    I saw that lots of people are wanting a transporter. I think that defeats the purpose because you could just transport yourself off the island as soon as you got stuck there.


    Madam Captain out!!

  23. A few years ago, I worked at a child care centre with children aged three to five years. The children bought their own food to the centre for the day. I remember one day, the kids were all having afternoon tea and one little boy, Kemi, had a small container of yoghurt with a screw top lid on it. He also had some fruit which he ate first and he was about to take the lid of his yoghurt when the container fell on the floor. The lid on the container split open and most of the yoghurt spilled onto the floor. I said to Kemi,


    "We will have to clean that up now"


    Another child that was sitting nearby looked at Kemi and said:


    "Yeah, its your problem" :biggrin:


    Madam Captain out!!