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Posts posted by gdog243

  1. I got an email earlier today (Actually yesterday) asking what the rest of the Rules of Acquisition were, other then the ones on the Rules of Acquisition page. The answer to that is that there aren't any others. The only "official" rules are the ones spoken during an episode or movie, it is possible I may have one or two while I was making that section (which I really hope and pray I didn't because I lost all of the files I used to make those when my hard drive died on me) but what you see and hear in there is all there is. In canon anyway.


    While I'm posting here, here's another one I like:


    What episode was that rule in. I'm thinking "Rules of Acquisition," but I'm not sure.

  2. Click for Spoiler:

    Good episode tonight. That immunity challenge was one of the funniest challenges ever. Tom kept on getting the crap kicked out of him which was great. :lol: I'm not surprised Rob C got voted out. He sure looked really frustrated though. :lol:


    As for next week, I have a feeling it will be Merge number 1. It would be nice if they got the tribes scaled down to two.

  3. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

    Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

    Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn

    Star Trek: First Contact

    Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

    Star Trek: Generations

    Star Trek: Nemesis

    Star Trek: Insurrection

    Star Trek: The Motion Picture

    Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

  4. No, but I'm working on it. :lol:


    Seriously though, there are some great rules. Here are some of my favorites


    57. Good customers are as rare as latinum -- treasure them.

    76. Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies.

    203. New customers are like razor-toothed gree-worms: they can be succulent, but sometimes they bite back.


    Also, I loved the whole scene in Destiny with Quark correcting Rule 34 (War is good for Business) and Rule 35. (Peace is good for business)

  5. Posted by Captain Jean-Luc Picard


    I thought they had the spirit of the series, but it depends on why you watched TNG I guess. Sure, the movies are more action-based, but so were the TOS movies. I thought Picard & Data were very in character. The movies are years apart, so keep in mind that they'll be changing a lot between movies. Singing in a Runabout? I think you mean the Scoutship that Data flew in INSURRECTION. This was in character for Data becuase he often tries to express himself through art. Music is a form of art. As for the sex jokes, there was only one over the coarse of all four movies. It worked becuase Data was imitating Crusher and Troi to have a conversation with Worf, just as he had done dozens of times with people durring the run of the series. What made it hillarrious was that he imitated something... well, something that made Worf uncomfortable.  :lol:


    True the Star Trek movies were more action, but they still kept the spirit of the series. Ironically, the movie that gets bashed the most (Star Trek V) is more in spirit to Star Trek the series in terms of human condition, and exploring the friendship between Kirk, McCoy, and Spock. Unlike TNG, which I said that the characters seemed out of character from what they were like in the series, the Star Trek movies seemed like the characters were more in character. They might have boosted up the action, but the spirit of the crew was still there.


    Why should Data get a Euligy just like Spock? Just becuase we didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen and it just wouldn't fit with the "feel" of the movie in my opinion.


    Because Data was the Spock of TNG. I'm not saying it needed to be just like Spock's, but they shouldn't have rubbed it off as easily as they did and ignore it. They could have done more justice to what kind of character Data was, and what he did to reach his Goal. What we saw in Nemesis just seemed to deminish Data to what he was in the first season. They pretty much ignored the series development, and I was quite annoyed by that.


    Um... No, they did not. In INSURRECTION, Picard decided not to drop Worf off at DS9, since the movie takes place durring DS9's 7th season. As for NEMESIS, the movie is 4 years after DS9's finale, so logic would dictate that Worf did not like politics and returned to Starfleet. Also, just becuase Worf was an Ambassador, doesn't mean he gets to tell Starfleet what to do.  :hand:


    How do you know that the timeframe IN the movie was 4 years later. Also, Worf may not get to tell starfleet what to do, but because he is an ambassador he should get more respect than by being picard's lacky.

  6. No they didn't.


    In 1994, TNG ended with one of trek's best episodes in All Good Things. Than we get the movies and while they were OK, it just didn't seem like it had the spirit of the series, except for Generations. The movies put the characters in more action roles, and it just seemed like Picard and Data both acted out of character. Singing in a Runabout, Sex Jokes? This isn't the TNG I know.


    Also, the why they ended Nemesis pissed me off. It's one thing that they killed off Data, but he didn't get the Euligy that he deserved. He was almost Spock of TNG, and they almost ignored the fact that he was killed. Spock got a great Eouligy, why not Data.


    Also, Insurrection and Nemesis completely ignored Worf's development from DS9. Worf is no longer Picard's lacky. He was the federation ambassador to Kronos for crying out loud. Picard should be taking orders from him, and Worf should have been more useful than he was.


    The TNG movies were OK, but it seemed like all that character development from the series was thrown out the window. Did they do TNG justice, looking back the movies almost destroyed TNG's credibility.

  7. --I don't know the exact quote, (If someone else does please post it) but the dialouge between Garak and the Founder Female (When she proclaimed Cardassia was Dead) in "Broken Link."  The look on Garak's face showed it all.

    Female shapeshifter: "There were no Cardassian survivors."


    Garak: "You mean they're all dead?"


    Female shapeshifter: "They're dead, you're dead, Cardassia is dead. Your people were doomed the moment they attacked us. I believe that answers your question."


    Garak: "It's been a pleasure meeting you."


    Is that the one?

    Yes, thanks Indy


    It's a very underrated quote, and really did affect the direction the series was about to go in.

  8. --Dr. Julian Bashir (After telling "The Boy who Cried Wolf"): The point is, if you lie all the time, nobody's going to believe you, even when you're telling the truth.


    Elim Garak: Are you sure that's the point, doctor?


    Dr. Julian Bashir: Of course. What else could it be?


    Elim Garak: That you should never tell the same lie twice.

    Improbable Cause


    --Sisko: I'm not a writer, but if I were, I'd poke my head up once in a while and take a look around. It's life Jake, and you can miss it if you don't open your eyes.

    The Visitor


    --Worf: At the first sign of betrayal, I will kill him (Garak) but I promise to bring the body back intact.


    Sisko: I hope that was a joke


    Worf: We shall see

    In Purgatory's Shadow


    --Garak: Kiss the girl, get the key. They never taught us THAT in the Obsidian Order.

    Our Man Bashir


    --Garak: I seriously doubt the finance commitee would have me killed for refusing to pay my taxes

    Improbable Cause


    --The whole episode Improbable Cause. Best written dialouge in all of trek.


    --Quark: You know what I like about klingon stories commander? Nothing. alot of people die, and nobody makes a profit.

    Sword of Kahless


    --I don't know the exact quote, (If someone else does please post it) but the dialouge between Garak and the Founder Female (When she proclaimed Cardassia was Dead) in "Broken Link." The look on Garak's face showed it all.

  9. It probably was just a coincedence, but knowing the DS9 writers and thier fondness for detail, it probably had some intentionality to it.


    FBTS (Other than Brooks' over-the-top a wee bit on the delivery when he goes insane, albiet still a powerful moment) is one of my favorite episodes in all of trek. Even though racism is still a big issue today (We just hide it better) this episode was very optimistic in showing that the world today wasn't as bad as the world of New York 1950's era.

  10. If you'd like to learn more about Guinnan, see:


    "Yesterday's Enterprise"

    "Time's Arrow"



    There are stories that give insight into her character. :)

    Add Booby Trap to that list. If you watch "Booby Trap" and "Times Arrow" back to back, you'll understand why.


    I loved Guinan. She was a better councelor than troi ever was.

  11. First off, Hey Stewey. I didn't know you posted here. You may not know me, but I post as tomalak301 on the DS9 forum over at trekbbs.


    Second, Jadzia. She was strong, funny, feminane, and not cutzy wutzy like Ezri. Garak was right, Jadzia did deserve the Dax symbiont.