
The Founders
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Posts posted by gdog243


    What you might try to do is break this up into a series of threads related to your different thoughts on the final arc. For instance you  might talk about the relationship of Winn and Dukat, or the demise of Gowron. Or was that last arc satisfying?


    But putting so many thougths in one thread probably leaves many would be responders saying...

    " I'll come back later. Too much to think about."


    I probably should have done that, but I didn't want to be considered Spamming. Sorry if it was too long.

  2. The show is great fun.  Its just somthing fun to watch.  I do have to say is man it really looks like some of those people really would get hurt.

    I have wondered if anyone has gotten hurt on that show. I mean you have balls hurling towards your head, falling on stones, and flying into a wall. Makes me wonder what the real "Takishi's Castle" was like.

  3. This question is slightly off topic. Was Casey Biggs Ligate Damar in DS9?


    Click for Spoiler:

    I did not notice that T'pol pulled people off more critlcal work to repair the deck her drugs were on! That is reprehensible! I missed that entirley, so I am going to have to pay attention to this when I watch this episode again. Really good observation, TUH.

    Yes he was.

  4. Click for Spoiler:


    I was actually looking foward to the new episode, but came out of it just like I came out of many others, whoopdi-freaking doo. I mean after Azati Prime, and watching the ship basically in bad shape, I think the writers pushed themselves in a corner that they had to write a cheesy scene for the beginning of Damage. So the Xindi leave the ship a drift, and not take any prisoners. Some episodes ago (Rajin I belive) the xindi would not hasitate to board the ship. Why did they not do it now.


    The whole archer's descision was a big so what as well. I guess the lack of emotion and lack of anything really just made me not care. I read the trektoday review and the very first sentence was comparing this to DS9's In the Pale Moonlight. There is no comparison, because what Sisko went through, you went through it with him. You felt his anguish, his remorse. I didn't feel the same way with Archer. However, on a very good note, I liked the connection to Anomaly from earlier in the season. The Pirates did say that the expance will make Archer do things that he would not normally do just to survive. Archer showed that which was a nice touch.


    As for T'pol, great, she is a drug addict. Is there any character on this show anymore that can be sympathized with or has the writers killed everyone of them. (BTW, what ever happened with Trip and his sister and his passion to get the weapon)


    Not the entire episode was bad. It was nice to see the "She" that Degra was talking about. I'm sure she's a sphere builder because if you remember Harbinger, it was the exact same speicies. It's also good that there is friction between the ranks of the Xindi races now. One question I do have is are the Xindi just arrogent or just plain stupid. They attack earth on a basis of what someone who you may not trust says and you don't have PROOF. Um'kay.


    One other thing, is it just me, or was ENT just way too dark last night, and I'm talking about lighting. Yeah I know the ship is attacked, but I could barely see a thing. I think that's why I started loosing interest with 20 minutes left.


    Grade: C


  5. Does anyone watch this show on Spike TV. I remember watching it the first time, and thought it was stupid. However, the more I watched, the more addictingly funny this show gets. Kenny and Vic are great hosts, and the stunts these guys pull off are downright wacky.


    Today, Spike is running a marathon followed by MXC: Almost Live. I'm actually looking foward to the Almost Live season premiere.



  6. So, why has this thread been so quiet lately. We just had 2 new episodes of the best show on TV in one week. How cool is that.


    Sunday night's show was one of the best, and desturbing episodes of this series to date. I think I was shocked for a good part of monday over the fact that Jack actually went through with killing Ryan Chapelle. Personally, I think it was a worst death than what happened to George Mason last season. Just the brutality of it, was really desturbing.


    Last nights episode was a bit of a let down, but it was still pretty good. I guess it was inevitable that we would have a filler after the last few weeks of heart pounding, emotional episodes. This Saunders guy is the biggest bastard of the show yet. So we wants to destroy america/clean it because of the atrocities of the government. Does this sound like a clechie to anyone else, and probably not his real reason for unleashing a deadly Virus that is already killing. As for the Virus, how the heck are they going to get that thing contained. Also, the guy in the hospetal, if the doctors were trying to find the guy, why didn't they lock down the hospetal when they did. 3 people escaped, and that will lead to even more deaths.


    As for Kim, it was good to see her have something to do, but I was afraid we would see a return of her stupidity. Thank god that didn't happen, and the kidnapping was aprupt. Like I said, it was kind of a down episode because of this cliffhanger this week. Does anyone know what Kim said to end the show?


    Best line of the night: Jack talking to Jean saying, "There is no lawyer. It's just you and me." Oh man the look on Jack's face as well as Jeans was brillent. :)

  7. Did anyone see "The Practice" this last week. (Sunday 4/18) Andy Robinson (Who we all know as plain-simple Garak) made a guest appearence for like 2 scenes. Even though it was brief, it was great to see Robinson out of the Cardie make-up and back on the screen.


    As for the show itself, it has become really funny. Spader and Shatner work really well together, and I'm getting to like Shatner's firm for the new series. The whole shooting range thing and Spader/Shatner and Dad scene were halarious.

  8. From a niner perspective, are you looking foward to Enterprise just because Casey Biggs (Damar) will be having a guest role tonight? I have always liked Casey on DS9, going from murderer to hero, and I hope the writers write him well in Enterprise. I know he will only be Alien of the Week but I hope he's complex like Damar was on DS9.

  9. Do you think the NFL draft is one of the most overhyped/overrated events in sports. I mean ever since the Super Bowl, the bloody media has talked about who goes where, Clarett, and the other lowerclassmen, and just on and on and on. Do people watch this entire thing, or just the first few rounds. Like last year, this Draft will be predictable because it's been talked about for the last 4 months. I can't wait till next week when the Draft talk will finally end hopfully.


    Just another reason why I think American Football is overrated.

  10. No, and this is the most rediculas statement about the franchise. Star Trek was good in the first 2 seasons, I liked TNG's first 2 seasons, and DS9's season 2 is one of my favorite seasons in all of trek. Heck, even Voyager at it's strongest was the first 4 seasons of the series. Personally, I don't know where this statement came from.

  11. Yes, he will pass Aaron. Hopefully, they put an asterisk next to the record ("due to steroids").  :clap:

    Last time I checked, he's innocent until proven guilty.


    Also, he is under so much pressure about the whole Balco thing this year that he can't afford to take staroids. With that in mind, he is off to one of the quickest starts I have ever seen in baseball, under so much immense pressure. I may be nieve, but I don't think he's taking Staroids, and I do think he will pass Aaron.


    Goose, Bonds turns 40 in July.

  12. Every time I see COC I and II, I have more respect for Jellico, and less respect for Riker. Riker really was an Arrogent *buttocks* in this episode, while Jellico was trying to avert a major conflict and succeeded. The only thing I didn't liek about jellico was that he didn't have time to talk to the crew, but he had time to hang decorate the ready room. Other than that, Jellico was a great captain.

  13. I was watching the season 6 bonus disk tonight, and was thinking, the Dog from Aquiel (I think her name was Mora or somthing) was a changling, or at least had the changling goo. Where the founders around a lot sooner than we thought? I mean at the time of the episode, the Wormhole was discovered, or she could have been one of the 100 sent out by the Founders.


    Just a thought

  14. It would have been nice to see the episodes from where The Search left off, but I look at them restarting it as a great idea. For one, think of The Search as kind of a cliffhanger, and you have to wait the summer to see the next episode. When Summer hits and ENT is in reruns, you will be able to see DS9 as brand new episodes. Also, people have missed the marathon and they can't join the series in the middle. At least with it playing at 7:00, people will be able to have the time to see it. I do wish they played it more than once a day though, like once at 7 and than at 11. They used to do that with TNG when they first came on.

  15. Over the last week, I saw The Final Chapter and I got to thinking about the pros and cons of those final 10 hours. After having viewing it and with it fresh in mind, I had some observations and a question about it.


    First the question. When was the birth of the Dominion? I was watching "The Dogs of War" last night and Weyoun commented that the birth of the dominion was something like 10,000 years ago. After watching The Search last week, that 10,000 number didn't sound right. I could be wrong, but was that just a continuity error?


    Second, and this isn't ment to bash the final arc, but does the Final Chapter hold up to multiple viewings? I mean, I was looking foward to seeing it again in it's entiredy when I started the series again, and now that it's here, I wish I was back in season 2. Some of the episodes (Strange Bedfellows, Till Death do us Part) are kind of boring. They are still good, but they are kind of slowish. I think one of the reasons for that is because I've never liked the whole Winn (Who I have noticed has overacted so much like that final scene in I think TDDUP in which she proclaims that no one will stand in her way) Dukat story. That part of the arc just drags down everything and I would have perfered to see more of what was going on on Cardassia or the Klingon Story.


    Even though I just said that the early part of the arc was boring, Thank you Klingon Guy for saving the arc and making it more exciting with Tacking Into The Wind. I would probably rank this episode up with In Purgatory's Shadow/By Inferno's Light as series changing episodes. The dialoge, the plot, the characters all make this work and it was great to see Gowron meet his demise. I think I'm in a minority, but this was the episode that turned the Final Chapter into something meaningful. The episodes after it were all pretty good as well. Also, we didn't have to see Winn and Dukat until the final episode. No wonder these three were the strongest IMO.


    With that in mind, am I the only one who loved Extreme Measures? I mean I hear that it was the weakest part of the arc, and I guess if you put in the technobabble, (Or lack thereof) comedy, and the fact that it's the only episode to have one plot going for the whole hour, it would be. However, it's always good to see Bashir and O'brian together, the comedy dialoge was a welcome with all the doom and gloom, and I don't think what they did was out of character. I mean people worship Sisko for his actions in For the Uniform and ITPM, and this wasn't as extreme.


    Anyway, I could see why the final arc was disappointing. It was good, but it could have and maybe should have been a lot better. It would have been nice to see more of the Pah Wraith Cult, more of an impact on the attack on Earth, (This arc had way too much love/sex talk to it) Jake, and more about Sisko.


    I tried this thread in another forum, and it doesn't seem as popular there. At least here I can see who has seen the final Chapter, or who has remembered it.