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Posts posted by krysis

  1. If you could choose the actors or actresses for a new Star Trek series, who would they be?


    I'd choose:


    Either George Clooney, Tom Cruise or Pierce Brosnan for Captain

    Sean Connery for either an older Captain (like in Red October) or Admiral

    Mebbe Tom Hanks can be Doctor.

    I'd take Madonna for a lady Captain. Queen Latifah is cool too.

    I'd like to see Swarzenegger (how to you spell his name?) as a Bolian Captain.

    We could also have Captain Harrison Ford.

    Danzel Washington would also make an interesting XO but I'd have Morgan Freeman a Klingon captain.


    Does anyone else have any other suggestion?

  2. Just wondering...


    We need passports to move from country to country. Would be need anything like that when we move from a Federation system to another system, say... the Klingon Empire?


    On top of that, are there such things as Customs and Immigration in Star Trek. The closest I see is from DS9. Does one have to go through them when travelling between planets within the Federation or only ourside the Federation? What do ya'll think?

  3. Thanks. That was all very insightful. I certainly would like to see how Starfleeters salute. Come to think about it, I've never seen either Klingons or Romulans salute too. Can anyone remember if you've seen any of the aliens salute?


    One more thing, does anyone know any good sites I can go to to read about maritime and navy traditions?


    Come to think of it, ST ships have nothing close to aircraft carrier and hence no fighters like in SW. I suppose its more like those medieval ships with loads of cannons at the sides.


    Anyway, thanks again.

  4. I need some help here. I was watching ST2 again the other night and remembered a whistle being blown when Kirk boarded the Enterprise after an exterior inspection. Could someone explain what the blowing of the whistle signify cos I read about it somewhere but couldn't remember too much about it. Is it some kind of maritime tradition?


    And then there's another one on Generations: A bottle of wine? liquer? was smashed against the new Enterprise. Why? What was its significance or history to it?


    What about Spock's funeral. Why does the bodies of fallen men have to be disposed off in to space (or the sea)? In the past its probably because they couldn't keep the body without rotting but with current ST tech, I'm sure they could preserve the body until it returns home.


    Lastly, what other maritime traditions are there that are adopted into ST? I really look forward to your replies.

  5. Odie, do the ladies wear pants or skirts in the US Navy?


    Anyway, I voted long sleeves so the mosquitoes won't bite and neither will the bed bugs.


    I do prefer the older Kirk movie era uniforms - especially Uhura's version.

  6. I don't get to watch much of ENT... infact, I'm still not at 3rd season yet!! Its really slow in this part of the world and I'm still looking forward to the "new" season 3. The other ST series are much better than ENT but I'm quite upset that they are ending it.


    I have never heard of fans making any impact on any filmaking decisions so I'm a bit sceptical about what's going to happen with all our petition. I voted the same staff new series. I hope it would be about a more popular Captain such as Riker, Chakotay or even Sulu.

  7. Which series do you like the best?

    Somewhere between TOS and TNG


    Which movie?

    Somewhere between TWOK and FC


    Have you seen all the episodes of any of the series? Missed a few episodes of TNG. Missed the last 2 seasons of Voy. Trying to get my hands on TOS and Anims. Still trying to catch up with ENT reruns on Satt TV. My brother gave me DS9 DVDs for Christmas and I'm now trying to buy a DVD player.


    When and how did you discover Trek?

    Started watcing them by accident when I was about ... somewhere 10 or 12. I couldn't remember much about the show except the hero's alien friend died at the end of the movie. Forgotten about it until my teens and wondered what happen to William Shatner in the series cos I didn't know I was watching TNG. Got hooked and cooled down a bit after the show ended. But I got hooked again after I got access to the internet years later. That's where I started feeding myself with ST fan fiction.


    Have you ever been to a convention?

    This is where I envy you all out there. There are no conventions here and it would be too expensive to fly to Vegas for a con. I would if someone would donate to my ST Con Fund.


    Have you seen any of the actors up close (not just close to the TV)?

    No. But I'd live to meet them all... espeically Linda Park. I'd love to meet Patrick too. And there is Nimoy! Alas, I don't see how I could ever meet them. I know there's no change to ever meet Bones.


    Do you own a starfleet uniform?

    No. But I'd love to know where I could buy them.

    (I edited thhis part. Forgot to add that...)

    I do own the origami version of Enterprise A and Voyager.


    Have you ever dressed up as an alien?

    No. Can anyone tell me how I could get my hands on a Klingon uniform and how to make a Klingon headpiece?

  8. Mebbe that's why Starfleet sensors are so so good. They could create sensors to detect cloaks.


    I'm glad some people agree with me about the Feds cloaks being too good. Mebbe it was so good you never have to ever switch it off.

  9. Hoshi is attractive in a nice, innocent way.




    Hoshi didn't seem so innocent when on shore leave and trying to learn a new language. Especially after the part she learnt what kiwi meant... I sure wish I was that alien teaching her Kiwi. Come to think of it, I'd prefer to have both Linda Park and Hoshi Sato on a date. I can't stand that Vulcan woman and she probably can't stand my human smell. Obviously I voted Hoshi.

  10. I personally don't think there is enough sex in Trek.  In fact I'm all for full frontal nudity.  ;)




    I agree there. There's a lack of steamy romance in all ST series but then, who cares about frontal nudity when there are space explosions left and right.


    ON a more serious note, I read the article but I've no idea what exactly the main point is. Was it something good or bad?

  11. I always enjoy a Q episode but I don't think it would work with the timeline.



    I think Q himself can fix that when he appears. He is, afterall, capable of anything especially if it involves the pranks. I voted yes.

  12. I'd vote for Quark if he was on the list and I know he'd make sure its an exotic Star Trek.


    On a serious note, I voted for Spie... how did you spell his name? Spielburg? Anyway, I'd like to see what Steven would come up with. I thought of G. Lucas too ut he's not listed. I just wondered what the father of Star Wars would do with Star Trek. I'm trying to imagine Klingons with lightsabers.

  13. This is a hard choice. I like the peacetime episodes as much as war episodes.


    In any good story, there would be a certain conflict. It doesn't matter what story it is, whether its romance, sf, exploration or western or horror, a conflict or two good ones would make an excellent story. War stories with loads of action, explotion or space battles mean nothing if there are no conflicts involved.


    I like reading fantasy stories as much as reading SF (Star Trek). I'd like to share some examples of excellent conflicts that makes a good story. In the book called Honoured Enermy by Raymond Fiest... its a story about 2 gourps of enermies who really hate each other but have to set aside their differences to survive a greater enermy. The conflicts faced by each character is really.... (I can't find the words but I hope you know what I mean).


    Example of peacetime conflict: IN another series of stories by R.A. Salvatore. A story of a dark elf whose people are naturally evil conflicts with his belief. This internal conflict is superbly done.


    Usually War story conflicts are easier to do but if a peacetime conflict is created, it would probably be better than a war story.


    I look forward to some peacetime ST episodes soon where great conflicts can be created. In my opinion, one of the greatest internal conflict faced by Starfleet captains touches on the Prime Directive vs. saving life. I also think INsurrection showed some really good internal conflicts that Picard had to face. Nemesis, although is full of action and I love action... failed to bring out the sweetness of a good conflict.


    Oh well.... I think I talk too much.

  14. Imagine they are all in the same timeline. who do you think would be a better president. Lets say the period is just after Nemesis.


    I really have a hard time deciding. I've always liked Kirk and I'm tempted to vote him just because I like him best but I think my vote goes to Picard.