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Posts posted by krysis

  1. Voyager. Wasn't the best of the series but also wasn't the worst. I wish they didn't take Kes away. I thought she was really good-looking. She's got a very sweet smile. I don't like Neelix - especially his cooking. I think he is humour badly placed. "nuff said

  2. Its just an interesting thought and what an awesome movie it would make!! I think DS9 would most likely come out better than the other groups because they are mostly in a war footing with the Dominion and their attitude is just right.


    I'm not sure about TOS but I think TNG would be wiped out since Picard will try to negotiate first and get kill later. I'd like to see how Worf would handle a Predator. Two brutal species. I'd also like to see an alien try to infect Data, Odo and the Doctor. B)

  3. I voted for TWOK... It was hard to choose between 1st Contact and TWOK. I like all the TOS movies except teh motion Picture. Mebbe cos its ... well, the special effects weren't that good at that time. The TNG movies... they are OK but 1st COntact was good. I also love the 1st Con. soundtrack.


    One thing that seperates TOS movies from TNG movies is that you can always count on Bones and Spock to make you laugh.

  4. Nemesis was good in some ways and it was also terrible in other ways. I like the battle scenes between ships. I do notice that when we lost Data, the scenes weren't as emotionally stirring as scenes from DS9 where Dax was lost or baby changling died.


    Overall, Nemesis had a darker tone. It wasn't as bright or cheerful. It cerrtainly lack good humour.

  5. I voted for Odo and Kira. They are well developed and the conflicts faced along the way are very nicely done. My second couple would be Sisko and Yates. Its because they too have some deep conflicts that needed to be resolved. Romance stories without conflicts would not be as interesting.

  6. Personally, I'd like to see more of the TOS-based aliens, like Gorn, and etc...




    Yeah The Gorn. With better technology and special effects, I'm sure we'll see better Gorns out there. The TOS era Gorn looked a lot like a monster out of an Ultraman episode.



    Vulcans.... they come across as self-righteous racists under the guise of having achieved a sense of personal superiority through logic.



    Vulcans are important in the Trek timeline but they are such arrogant creatures!! I can't stand them sometimes and I really have to find a chair to sit down. This only applies to ENT series. I love the TOS Vulcan and any other series VUlcan. I just can't stand the ENT ones.

  7. Its not a hard choice. I asked myself who I'd rather serve on a Starship and I decided to apply to the Enterprise under Captain Picard. I believe he's got more solid principles and he definately is a great strategist and tactician. Its too bad he never got involved in the Dominion War. He also pass his time by fencing.


    Only thing about Picard is that I don't think he's brutal enough. He lacks the Kirk-brutalism in him.


    I'm not saying I don't like Janeway. She's good too but I think Chakotay would make a better captain. There were certainly some decision she made that were.... controversial (Trek-wise). In fact, it surprises me SFC made her an Admiral. I thought they'd just keep her captain and give her a new ship. Mebbe a Sovereign like Picards.


    Well, I do hope SFC approves my application to the Enterprise. :laugh:

  8. I like Worf. Its probably because he's one of the longest (if not the longest) serving Star Trek character out there, spanning 3 different eras - TOS movie 6(as Kirk's lawyer), TNG and DS9. I think Klingons are great characters.


    I was watching LOTR some time ago and I was thinking what fun it would be is there was a Klingon in the movie, especially those great huge battles. It would be nice to see a Klingon replace Aragorn and a Vulcan replace Legolas. Hahaha.


    Another character I like from DS9 is Nog. Well, he's young and he's also the only Ferrengi Fed. It would be nice to see him taking a major role in the next ST series - mebbe USS Titan as security officer or Chief engineer. I think there's great potential in developing Nog's character furthur. :laugh:

  9. First off, I'll get Ben to cook dinner. Let O'Brien brew the beer. I'll bring both Dax with me. We'll go to Quarks and have a couple of games there later. Then I'll get Worf to sing one of those Klingon operas for us. I'll have Bashir prepare the holodeck mysteries.


    Did I miss anyone? Oh yeah Kira... I don't know what I'm gonna do with her.


    I'll have Odo sing and play the piano too with Vic. Jake and Nog can be waiters.


    Ahh... that would be a good evening. I think I'll get Kira to keep Quark away from me. :bow::laugh:

  10. Here in Holland they hardly have any conventions and ive never been to one,i dont know pple in real life that like startrek either,but it would be kewl to meet someone here and be friends in real life and here as well and then i could talk about star trek all the time.




    I've not met anyone who loves star trek as I do in real life for a very long time. I can understand how you feel. In fact, I can't find any other human being who loves star trek at all where I am :)

  11. I, too, would need more info BUT as a general rule, I detest prequels to anything ... Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom, bad.  Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade, good.  Star Wars: Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith, bad.  Can't think of another GOOD example.


    So, if they are setting the movie prior to Enterprise, I probably won't see it.  Heck, I don't even like Enterprise because it's a prequel.  I just like to feel like we're moving forward with the story, not reinventing history.  Just my opinion.




    I totally agree here. I more of a pessimist when it comes to prequels. I'd prefer to move foreward that backwards.


    I still hope one day they'll make a series based on Captain Sulu and the Excelsior. That would be something worth watching although I think they'll need to get a Sulu look-alike for that.