Captain Jean-Luc Picard

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Posts posted by Captain Jean-Luc Picard

  1. i am thinking very seriously to sell my fan fiction to Paramount, in person with a full fledged presentation and the first season or two or three written.

    You can't sell what they already own. :thumbs:


    This is a serious thought by me, I am completling a tertiary course in Screen, which is media.

    Awesome! :thumbs:


    And as part as my break into the film industry i am coming to L.A. to work for a company.

    You gotta share us all the details on that! :thumbs:


    I will already have an impressive portfolio with about 10 productions under my belt and a written series as well as 2 websites and a series most likely in its 3rd season.

    What TV series?


    I am not joking around, i would like a vote of support as well as comments and/or suggestions about this.  We, as a community of STF, could have a "6th series" party in Hollywood?

    I would love a 6th series, but a 24th century series won't happen. Chances are that Paramount will want to see ENT run it's coarse, then wait 2-3 years before moving onto series six, which will probably be set in the early days of the Federation. :b-day:

  2. IMO I think it seems like you haven't even given Enterprise a chance, yes it's not perfect, but no Trek series has ever been. Why don't you try watching it again without that negative attitude and you might find that it is becoming a great series!


    Hi Stelfan,

    I really have tried to give it a try,my wife, the in-laws and myself have all tried watching it without negative.....really.....I wouldnt knock the show if I hadnt seen it...but it just isnt Trek

    The show is called Star Trek: Enterprise.


    if they set it in another time and nothing to do with Star Trek,then it would be a well made show.

    If it were a different time perriod and had nothing to do with Star Trek, then it would not be Star Trek.


    But they have messed around with the time lines that a lot of fans just wont watch it.

    The timeline is fine.


    All my Trek reference books are now out the window.......

    Your Trek reference books are not canon. :thumbs: It's plain silly to limit a franchise to some silly reference book.

  3. I'm sorry but Enterprise is nothing like TOS......nothing at all :b-day:




    "1. Involves the Captain of a starship who goes on away missions."


    that was the same in TNG.....but hey both Kirk and Picard arent lame like archer

    Actually, it was Riker who went on the away missions. :b-day:


    "2. Centres round a central group of characters i.e. Trip/Archer/T'Pol and Kirk/Spock/McCoy."


    yeh I can really see Spock wearing a pink bunny suit.....Spock was more Vulcan than T'Pol will ever be...and he was half human..... :thumbs:

    Bunny suit? What are you talking about? As for SPock being more Vulcan than T'Pol, I find that laughable. Spock went overboard when it caim to repressing his emotions. I believe he went overboard becuase he was overcompensating for his Human side, but this did make him a good Vulcan. Also, keep in mind that he did have the occasional emotional outburst, something we've yet to see in T'Pol unless effected by environmental circumstances.


    "3. Both crews take control of the situation and get involved in the action."


    in TOS Kirk took command,in Enterprise archer runs to his room to talk to his puppy......I know which Captain I would like to follow into acton and it isnt the lame one

    In which episode has Archer run to his quarters to talk to Porthos durring a situation? :thumbs:


    "4. Both have Vulcan Science officers."


    Enterprise has a bunny girl......oh and she didnt have Vulcan eye brows till season three...... :thumbs:

    Bunny girl? What the heck are you talking about? There are no bunny people on the show. Also, you are right, T'Pol did not have Vulcan eyebrows, but this mistake was slowly corrected over the coarse of season 1 so fans wouldn't notice.



    well if Enterprise is so much like TOS,isnt it time we had a change.......its all been done much better before .........IMO

    A change? Try the Xindi arc in season 3.

  4. Here's something I've often wonderred. Is it OK to have a single backup username for when you get into a scuffle with another member? Perhaps a "second" name to get discussions going without posting incase you're the last one who posted on each? I'm not sure what the stance is on a 2nd name in this context, and surely it shouldn't be encouraged, but I just wanted to see what you guys think on the matter.

  5. Remember these guys from TNG's season 2 The Manhunt:




    Some crew members commented on how ugly they were but Worf thought they were a handsome species.


    It truly is in the eye of the beholder.



    I'll have to think on this. I can't really think of any that truly repulsed me. lol

    I agree with Worf, they're awesome looking. :wow:

  6.   You can't take a negative and paint it to look positive. Underneath the paint it's still negative.

    Huh? :wow:

    The negative you are trying to paint with pretty colors is "Enterprise being Canceled".

    WB cancelled Roswell, then UPN picked up season 3. This was possitive since UPN gave the producers complete creative control and basically said, "Do what you want." I believe the same would happen to ENT if it were cancelled. :wow:

  7. I'm one of those fans who believes UPN will cancel ENT after season 4, with seasons 5-7 being aired in syndication. :(

    And that would be a half empty glass.

    No, it would be a half-full glass becuase UPN is killing Trek. ENT heading into syndication would be the best Trek news since NEMESIS! :wow:

    Half Full = Optimist


    Half Empty = Pessimist


    Your stated view is pessimistic.

    My stated view is optimistic. :huh:

    Your stated view is that Enterprise will be canceled. That's not optimistic.

    It is if you believe cancellation will lead to the show landing itself in syndication and getting far better ratings. :wow:


    While you also say it will be syndicated that would likely come in the form of the Sci-Fi channel in which case you won't be able to see it since you don't have cable. This too doesn't sound too optimistic.

    If it's on cable, it's not syndicated. :P


    You can't take a negative and paint it to look positive. Underneath the paint it's still negative.

    Huh? :huh:

  8. When Columbia streaked across the Texas Sky for the final time?

    To be honest? I don't remember... :wow:


    On 9-11?

    Helping my dad clean up a house he was working on.


    When the Berlin Wall fell?



    When Challanger exploded on take off?



    When you hear Elvis was dead?



    When Armstrong took a giant leap for us all?



    When the last america chopper left Saigon?


  9. I'm one of those fans who believes UPN will cancel ENT after season 4, with seasons 5-7 being aired in syndication. :huh:

    And that would be a half empty glass.

    No, it would be a half-full glass becuase UPN is killing Trek. ENT heading into syndication would be the best Trek news since NEMESIS! :wow:

    Half Full = Optimist


    Half Empty = Pessimist


    Your stated view is pessimistic.

    My stated view is optimistic. :wow:

  10. I'm one of those fans who believes UPN will cancel ENT after season 4, with seasons 5-7 being aired in syndication. :wow:

    And that would be a half empty glass.

    No, it would be a half-full glass becuase UPN is killing Trek. ENT heading into syndication would be the best Trek news since NEMESIS! :wow:

  11. Well, sometimes I've gotten board with TV shows, so I can understand how you feel. However, I've never "hated" a TV show unless I felt it had a bad influence on society. There are better things to do than hate a TV show. 


    Yeah your right HATE is such a strong word... I DISLIKE Enterprise because it is not my type of Star Trek(better..i had cheesecake..why i am mellow)

    Ok, now that sounds perfectly resonable to me. :wow:


    You're not a basher, you you call ENT, ST:I, & ST:N "crap". Got it. 

    I snse sarcasm in your voice..Oh well


    A "Basher" hates the whole thing..I like Trek ALOT but i am tired of the crap they spoon feed us.

    Yes, it was sarcasm becuase your statement seemed contradictory to me. A "basher" is someone who "bashes". An "ENT basher" would be someone who bashes the show and hates it, scarring off new fans, and would even like to see it cancelled. Turn off the TV, and walla, ENT is gone. :P


    If you've hardly watched this season, then how can you judge ENT and call it borring if you haven't been watching?  The first two episodes don't compare to the rest of the season. I recommend watching all of season 3 before passing judgment. 


    Who says i ONLY watched the first two episodes..I might have watched two whole months worth

    You said you only watched the first two episodes.


    How can you love Trek and want it to end at the same time?  That sounds a bit hypocritical to me. If Trek is shelved, it won't return, and it if does, it'll be as a remake or reimagining. Both of which, I would have no interrest in seeing. You don't have to like every series and movie they produce. Just sit back, watch something else, and hope for better next time. 


    I don't WANT IT to end..very very sad as a matter of fact.But how else are they going to revive the genre.And of course it will return,Its Star trek for petes sake.But i have read better stuff from the fans.If they would only let some of the fas write.It would be somthing

    You don't want it to end? That's spectacular! :huh: (not sarcasm) How could they revive the genre? Right now, it would be very difficult. People just aren't interrested in a TV show set in "space". Ask any person on the street, they'd rather watch something more down to Earth. As a result, most people think Trek's too "out there". :( If it does go away, it probably won't return. I don't believe that saying Trek will return just becuase it's Trek makes much sense... :huh: I think that if Trek did go away and return, it would return as a campy remake of TOS or a complete franchise reboot. :wow:

  12. I voted yes, but not a TNG movie.  Not because I wouldn't like to see another one, but I don't think they'll succeed in getting everybody together again.  If it has any of the cast of TNG, it will probably be just 2 or 3 characters in cameo or minor roles.

    I agree with Indy. I would like to see a 5th TNG movie, but I don't think they could get everyone back together, especially since it took 2 years to negociate contracts for #10. Anywho, I think #11 will probably feature Riker & Troi on the Titan as "pass the torch" characters like Kirk, Scotty, and Chekov in #7.

  13. I voted for Curzon Dax. From what we've heard in multiple DS9 episodes, he sounds like he'd have been a fascinating man to meet, especially with high praise from Sisko. If they ever do a DS9 movie, I think they should right in two seperate flashback scenes. One with Curzon and one with Jadzia. :wow:

  14. I dont see how canceling Enterprise is going to end Star Trek

    No ENT = no new episodes - thus Trek has ended.


    you mean to say that taking Enterprise of the air is going to stop people from buy Star Trek stuff ie: Books,DVD's,Toys

    If Trek goes off the air, books and DVD's will continue to sale, but items like Trek toys will likely go out of production.


    be real that ent going to happen,so the end of a not up to much show will bring down every thing...oh my there goes the Star Trek Experience, the new Borg invasion 4D, the fan magazine and the franchise all becouse they canned the show.......I dont think so

    Actually, a lot of Trek products, with the exceptions of books and DVD's will likely go out of production. The "experrience" and Borg Invasion 4D might stay. What about the fan magazine? It's likely that with no new Trek to write about that it may go out of print after a year or two. It won't happen right after cancellation, but within 5 years, Trek will be gone.


    the more you watch it the more you are telling TPTB that you want more of the crap..sorry not for me

    I find that insulting. I do not want more crap. I want quallity TV in the form of ENT.


    I have loved Star Trek from TOS to VOY,but I cant get into that show,I have tried,but it isnt Star Trek......even the Vulcans arent Vulcan........ :P

    The show is called Star Trek: Enterprise and is based upon Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry. That makes it Trek. The Vulcans are Vulcans, other wise they wouldn't be called Vulcans. :o

  15. You have 10 things that are really bothering you.  Problems need taking care of. You get the top 5 done and over with, the bottom 5 seem to slide up to the top and 5 new ones slide in under them. Understand? Most of us here are good with abstract concepts, right?  Why do we always seem to have all these things that bother us.  And you say to yourself, I'll do this, take care of that, then you do and your still looking for something to worry about? How do you stand on your Personal Crisis Grid. Can you ever empty it? I can't seem to. :P And don't tell me they have pills for this either. :o

    What are you talking about? :o

  16. Yup i agree they should cancel it..My reasons are most of what Spud said as well as on my own post



    If they cancel ENT, you cay say goodbye to Trek. 



    Then Goodbye TREK..see you in a few years when you get a revamp

    There won't be a revamp. You'll either see a remake of TOS or a complete "reboot" to the franchise. I would not consider either to be Trek, so for me, Trek would be gone for good, thanks to the ENT bashers. :o

  17. (I'm glad i'm getting attacked at all fronst.Especially from CJLP who always attacks my views)

    Disagreeing with you and having a discussion is not an attack. :lol:


    ok here it goes


    Ok here it goes

    I hate Enterprise. 



    That makes your views biased. 




    Its boring and the characters are not likable and one dimentional.



    That's a matter of opinion. I think ENT rocks, the characters are very likable, and I find them multi-dimensional.


    So what? I watched it for awile and got bored with it.Now i hate it (and so do others as the ratings show)

    Well, sometimes I've gotten board with TV shows, so I can understand how you feel. However, I've never "hated" a TV show unless I felt it had a bad influence on society. There are better things to do than hate a TV show. :clap:


    Um... Are you aware the ENTERPRISE has the best special effects of any TV show on TV to date


    and showing a ship going into warp is good special effects/More battles ,diffrent ships,better races,better stories

    We've seen all of that. :clap:


    1. When did they do a prequal before? 

    2. I don't recall them doing a movie with a "fountain of youth" theme.

    3. Yes, NEMESIS uses ideas from previous Trek movies. However, I view NEM as a "best of" movie, using the best elements of previous movies for an all out action movie.


    1.Not the prequal notion but each individual story

    2. Fountin of youth.Ahem TOS,VOY and TNG hall had fountin of youth themes(i recall vaugly )

    3.The best trek movie is and will always be Wrath of kahn.this shows how you can expand and continue a story

    1. Every TV show recycles ideas from other TV episodes, movies, books, and so forth. So your complaint that ENT "recycles old episodes" is moot.

    2. TOS, TNG, & VOY have had fountain-of-youth themes, but so have TV episodes of other shows, over a dozen movies, and countless books. INSURRECTION's story was very unique in my opinion. Instead of a device, place, fountain, pool, or whatever, we had an entire world where people never grew old, and on top of that, they weren't corrupted! :) Well, the Son'a were, but the Ba'Ku weren't.

    3. ST2:TWOK being the best movie is your opinion and not a fact.


    Most fans are angry at what the franchise has become.



    Which is?


    Dated and boring

    Again, this is your opinion and doesn't really say anything about the franchise.


    have watched some episodes of Enterprise but the "TCW" is getting dated.RESOLVE it already!



    Why is it getting dated? I think it's a magnificent mystery. Why resolve it already? I didn't see anyone screaming, "Resolve the Dominion war already!"


    ::puts hand up:: i did..and then they finished it.And it resolved it well(was not a big fan of Ds9 either)

    Most Trek fans, including myself, enjoyed the Dominion War arc. It lasted 2 seasons where as ENT's Xindi arc is only lasing one season. Most fans seem to enjoy the Xindi arc.


    Enterprise has such potential.Now develop it.



    Agreed. They have.


    Nope.The characters are still one dimentinal.i have no idea who they are as people.


    Really? Aside from Travis, I feel the characters have been explored greatly. I know each character enough to enjoy them and believe how they'd act in a new situation.


    Ok thats all for CJLP


    V_seven you are next- i'm NOT a basher.i'm a person who thinks Trek needs an improvement is that so wrong.I am sick of the crap they feed us and dare to call it Trek>Star Wars fans were up in arms about the last two movies ( i thought one lacked but two was pretty good).If you don't like what i say don't read it.Go onto the Enterprise forum and talk how great it is

    You're not a basher, you you call ENT, ST:I, & ST:N "crap". Got it. :(



    Red shirt


    And seriously Tinadoll, your comment that you disagree with what AE said without even knowing what the TCW is about is rather hilarious. I mentioned above that it drives me nuts when fans pick out minor details to criticise and you might wonder why I've picked this one out. Well, it's not minor. In fact, it's been one of the main premises of the show since the first episode. Not knowing what it is and then complaining about what's wrong with Trek and not having the slightest clue what's going on smacks of extreme hypocrisy.


    I KNOW what the Temperal Cold war is.I did not know its achronim,I also mentioned that I barely watched this season(due to extreme bordem). I did however watch the first two and i must say it was horrible compaired to other Trek shows.BTW i have a couple of words for you but of course Alter would censor me.

    If you've hardly watched this season, then how can you judge ENT and call it borring if you haven't been watching? :o The first two episodes don't compare to the rest of the season. I recommend watching all of season 3 before passing judgment. :)


    I LOVE TREK.I have watched every series (until this one)And i think it needs to be shelved.10 years ..5 years..150 years.It don't matter.If they had writers that were not rehashing older ST plots for a Unique show i would watch it.On the other hand time will tell about the "bashers" When Enterprise is CANCELLED and the next movie BOMBS don't come crying to me

    How can you love Trek and want it to end at the same time? :o That sounds a bit hypocritical to me. If Trek is shelved, it won't return, and it if does, it'll be as a remake or reimagining. Both of which, I would have no interrest in seeing. You don't have to like every series and movie they produce. Just sit back, watch something else, and hope for better next time. B)


    BTW f you are here to critsize me DO IT ELSEWHERE

    (or Alter if you want to close this forum .)

    You mean, if we disagree with you, we're not allowed to post? Gosh, that sounds open minded... :P This is a forum after all, we are allowed to disagree.


    because all i will probally get is :I LOVE ENTERPRSE YOU SUCK HATER.And that would be a waste of space

    You didn't get that from me. You got a thought out post that disagree with your views and offered different ones.

  18. No, please god no!!!!

    Why not? :o


    No more Trek movies for at least a few years.

    It's already been a year and a half...


    No more TNG movies ever!!!

    Why? :P


    Nemesis was abysmal and the lowest performing Trek movie ever at the Box Office.

    I thought it rocked and that it did bad at the box office due to when they released it.


    Patrick Stewart seems very unlikely to do another movie.

    Yes, becuase he feels the fans didn't support NEM.


    A 'Titan' movie may not be a bad idea though.

    A "Titan" movie would rock! :(


    People are all Trekked-out right now.

    Speak for yourself, I can't get enough! :)


    Just let 'Enterprise' run it's course and then give Trek a break for a while, then come back with a post TNG-set TV series.

    How long a while? I think after ENT, we should have a 2nd series set in the 22nd century. :o


    I do admit, that ENT is slowly improving and is showing signs of promise.

    I think the show rocks and is improving a lot.


    All B&B have to do it resist the urge to bring back the gratuitious skin and oil massaging scenes and concentrate on developing the characters and writing compelling intelligent stories, and it may have a chance of actually being worthy of Trek.

    I think they're already made this smart move, and I think ENT is a worthy Trek show.


    Bringing back Ronald Moore, Michael Piller and Ira Behr would also be a wise choice.

    That won't happen. Maybe for a movie, but not for another TV show. They've all moved on to new works.