Captain Jean-Luc Picard

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Posts posted by Captain Jean-Luc Picard

  1. Fourth Season

    I'd like to see a series of stand-alone episodes and mini-arcs as well as forshadowing of the Romulan War and foundation of the UFP, since both arcs should be the the main story arcs for seasons 5-7.


    William Shatner

    I'd like to see William Shatner play one of Kirk's ancesters in a special two parter. Admiral Kirk anyone? :P


    100th Episode

    Assuming we get a full season, meaning this doesn't double as a season finale, I'd like to see this episode deal with the TCW and allow for a popular character to show up on ENT, preferrably Uhura since she's the only TOS character who doesn't appear in a Trek adventure outside TOS and movies 1-6.


    Season Finale

    Assuming we get 26 episodes, the season finale would be two episodes after the hundreth episode. I'd like to see forshadowing of the UFP and the Romulan war, both of which should begin in the 5th season with the actual founding of the UFP happening after the Human/Vulcan/Andorrian alliance beat the Romulans.

  2. Well, the idea is that it's a white, metallic ring about the size of the Stargate. The difference, however, would be that instead of an inner wheel that spins and locks, you have blue translucent sections, revealing the inner workings of the time machine. Instead of 9 chevrons, you have 3 evenly spaced emitters which glow when charged, and fire intense energy beams to the center of the gate, creating a black hole-like singularity which is then shifted into a temporal rift or wormhole, and then pulled open so that one may transport to anywhere and/or anytime within the galaxy. Sound good?

  3. The center vehicle is a time machine, which currently is modelled on the Stargate, but I'm trying to make it original while keeping the "ring" shape. The focus of the story is a character, named Daniel, who invents a time machine to better mankind, but instead, must use it to save Humanity from an interstellar war with a powerful alien race. :(

  4. I'm working on a novel called - SOVEREIGN ENDEAVOR


    It's going to tackle all kinds of issues from time travel, interstellar war, first contact with aliens, a friendship that will span millennia, love, sentiant plants as a force of nature that no man will reckon with, redemption, the legendary myth of genies and the one true genie, a battle for the future of Earth, sacrifice... worlds will unite, friendships will be tested, and one man will find himself in a final showdown between himself and a nemesis beyond anything he's imagined.


    If this has grasped your interrest, let me know, and I'll share some more. :(

  5. I don't find any of the characters atractive, but I do think Ezri Dax is cute. :(

    so if Jadzia Dax comes up to you and says


    "Hey there, CJLP, Hows about I buy you a drink?"


    would you accept?

    If she were casual about it sure, how could I pass up on a free drink? :huh:


    I don't find any of the characters atractive, but I do think Ezri Dax is cute. :(

    That statement doesn't make sense. It contradicts itself.


    Main Entry: cute

    Pronunciation: 'kyüt

    Function: adjective

    Inflected Form(s): cut·er; cut·est

    Etymology: short for acute

    Date: circa 1731

    1 a : clever or shrewd often in an underhanded manner b : IMPERTINENT, SMART-ALECKY <don't get cute with me>

    2 : attractive or pretty especially in a dainty or delicate way

    3 : obviously straining for effect

    - cute·ly adverb

    - cute·ness noun

    VBG, it's not a contradiction. I can find someone or something cute and not be attracted to it. My cat, Tibbles, who's sitting in my lap is cute. Does that mean I'm attracted to her? :( As for your deffinition, it says "attractive" or "pretty". :o

  6. Let's say your a scientist who studies alien animal life. You've been asked to head a scientific mission to study a lizard-like alien that might advance medical science on a moon full of nasty pedators. The captain has decided to send an away mission of 7 people. You and your team, the security chief, and the ship's executive officer to ensure your mission goes well.


    Based on this scenario, which executive officer would you prefer to be your supervisor?

  7. What are your current plans for a career? If you already have one, what is it? Currently, I'm planning on having a career in videography, photography, science, or writing. I know, those are broad categories, but ya gotta start somewhere. :(


    What about you guys, what's your career plans or career?

  8. Well, it depends on the show. On TOS, I've the impression that it was a running gag. I don't remember many people dieing on TNG. On VOY, they lost 1/3 of the crew when transported to the Delta Quadrant, but they were replaced by Chakotay's Maquis crew. On ENT, they only lost a few people before "Azati Prime". DS9 is the only Trek show that makes Humans and Starfleet ships pop up like rabbits. :(

  9. I really like the Vulcans.  Those pointy ears are HOT :( <---my love :o I also think the Borg are cool :huh: And Trills are neat too.  What am I saying? All of them are cool! :(

    Are you asking our favorite alien race or alien?

  10. I think "best" and "favorite" are two different words, and this is a different thread with a different question.

    True, but most of the time, a "best" poll here at STF is usually the same as a "favorite" poll without any distinction. :(

  11. I usually avoid watching horror movies, but the scarriest movies I've seen are as follows froms scarriest to least scarriest. :(


    Deep Blue Sea - Knew it was horror, but I wanted to see it for the sharks. :laugh:

    The Relic - Who can pass up a classic monster movie?

    Mimic - Goodnight, what a suspenceful movie! :(

    Lake Placcid - Not exactly scary, but it sure does make ya jumpy! :P

    Star Trek: First Contact - Yes, I find this movie scary, becuase of the Borg. I love a good scary cyborg movie.

    The Haunting - Only good haunted house movie I've seen so far, except for the two House movies.

    Signs - Oh gosh, when I saw this in the theater, I started banging the arm rest I got so intense. My friend, Roger, reached out and stopped me. :wacko:

  12. We have a Favorite Captain poll here in Ten Forward. :laugh:


    Also, Sisko is promoted to Captain in DS9's season 3 finale. Since he spends 4 out of 7 seasons as a Captain, he's usually referred to as Captain Sisko.


    NOTE: Try using the "search" feature before starting a thread if you feel it might already exist. I do this often. :wacko:

  13. Well, I knew before the episode aired, that we'd get a 6 or 7 week slot of re-runs so the final 6 episodes could be shown over without re-runs. However, what I did not know was that "Azati Prime" would end in a cliffhanger! :wacko: Anywho, I look forward to seeing the show return to new episodes with "Damage" on April 21st. :laugh: