Captain Jean-Luc Picard

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Posts posted by Captain Jean-Luc Picard

  1. omg this is a primary example of what Janeway was talking about originally. This is a weird post to respond to, but you all are jumpin at it like it is a peace of meat. (To the veggies - a peace of celeary.) But hey, post like these will make me captain any day now :drool:


    Remember posts are not just for intellectual conversations their also for bragging rights for when you achieve another rank!

    Just becareful not to spam or post pad. :clap: ^_^

    (Mods, thas a joke with Syper, we know each other. ^_^ )

  2. if it looks horrible and causing a public disbute then ur neighboor might be fored to get rid of it with the other people that are being disturbed by it.

    How does a car sitting in someone's yard disturb a person? :drool:


    If you have a problem with his junk on his yard and know him personally. Then You might want to calmly speak to him about reloacting his stuff to a backyard, because you already know that the area is upset by it.

    That's a good diplomatic way to handle the situation.


    It sounds like your 'vote' really matters on this, and just tell them that you want to remain annonomus(sp?) if you do feel that it is a 'eye soar' having his junk on the yard.

    Personally, I think he should stay out of it. What someone does with their property is none of his business unless he has kids or is trying to sell his house.


    P.S. He should of had consideration to at least rethink about others, a community's idea about their streets is just an enviromental concern.

    Why? Why should he have to consult people about something that does not concern them? That's just stupid. If he wants to work on cars in his front yard, he shouldn't need permission. :P


    To CJLP: Would you really like it if piles of rusty cars were at your neighbors house? Even though it is his property, he should think about keeping a clean yard. I would really hate to the inside of his house...

    Actually, I have a neighbor 2 houses away from me and his yard is full of junk from non-working cars to old motorcycles to various junk piles. It doesn't bother me in the least becuase that's his property. He can do with it as he pleases as far as I'm concerned. Yes, it would be nice if his yard were clean, but I don't live there, thus I have no say in the matter. I've been inside his house, and aside from cat hair (he has a lot of cats), it's quite clean and organised. My point is that if someone came into my yard complaining about stuff they didn't like, I'd tell them to leave before I call the police for trespassing. :clap:


    As my mother always said 'Cleanleness is next to Godlyness' ^_^

    That's a good saying. ^_^

  3. Do you pick apart episodes saying this can't happen or that's truth or that's impossible?  Do you accept what you see or do you pick it apart?  Do you try to figure out how some things came to be? Saying well, if this happened that could be possible? What I'm saying is do you think that most of what we see could be possible in the future? And yes, I know Startrek is fiction. I'm not that far gone yet :drool: You'll have to excuse me now, my WarBird is sitting in the driveway warming up  :clap:  ^_^

    STAR TREK is fiction, so that's how I take it as - fiction. However, it is fun to ponder which technologies they have that we might develope in my life time. ^_^

  4. I voted for The First Duty (TNG). In the other two episodes, he was a hologram or a Species 8472 pretending to be Boothby. I have to go with the real Boothby planting flowers with Picard! :drool:

  5. Just got home to find that my next door neighbor has been hauling in junk autos and generally transforming his property into what can only be described as a Red Neck Junk Yard.  I wasn't home more than a couple hours and three separate "concerned neighbors" visited me and asked that I join in with them to sign a petition calling for the county commissioner to enact variances for our subdivision to force him to clean it up and if needed to join in legal action against my neighbor to prevent the community property values from being adversely affected.  The bible states "to love thy neighbor" and I wasn't planning on selling my property any time soon, and I'm never here anyway.  What should I do?

    I think you should mind your own business. Did it occor to you that maybe he wants to restore some vehicles or something? In any event, if there's no kids running arround to "get hurt" on dangerous items, and if no one is selling their home any time soon... just what exactly is the problem? :)


    In the city near where I live, they just passed a law saying that you can't pack your car in your yard becuase it's an "eye soar" and decreases property value. I really think the government should mind it's own business. :laugh: If I want to park my car (if I had one) in my yard, then by golly, I'm gonna do it! :)

  6. Mine has a 3d enterprise being attacked by klingon war birds.

    turn it at the right angels you see the phazers fire

    I use a mouse with a trackball where your thumb goes, so I don't need a mouse pad. The trackball uses a laser so the only time I have to clean it is when the red ball gets gunk on the white "bumps" which suspend it so it can roll about. It's very easy to clean, takes about 30 seconds. :)

  7. Captain April can't be on ENT, he's the unseen first captain of Kirk's Enterprise, not the NX-01. I would like to see B&B remain in charge of the TV series and have stand-alone episodes that build arcs, like SG-1, and move into the Romulan war for seasons 5-7. Instead of all out war, like DS9, I'd rather see a strategic war between a 5 or so Starfleet ships and a very small Romulan fleet. :laugh:


    Could you explain your Robert April idea a bit more? Cause it doesn't make sense to me to put Captain April in the NX-01 since he captained the 1701 in 2245. Wouldn't that totally mess up the timeline?

    Excellent points, Indy! I didn't know when April had the NCC-1701, nice info! :)


    Are you willing to start watching if this reset is implimented?


    I don't need to start watching because I already am watching. I think B&B have done a pretty good job overall and I expect Enterprise to keep improving as it has this season. I fully expect Enterprise to run it's full 7 seasons and then perhaps we'll see a change in management for the next series, movie, or whatever it happens to be.

    I couldn't agree more! B) I'd love to see ENT run a full seven seasons and think it would be "retarted" to reset the show. :)

  8. Data's death could have been prevented if the crew thought about transporting him back through a shuttle or captain's yacht...

    Remember, the fore was more damaged than the aft...

    I thought about this too, but I doubt the Schimitar only had one shuttlebay and it's possible one of it's lesser weapons was still functionable. If a shuttle was sent towards the Schimitar, it's possible that it would be blown to bits.

  9. If I won $230,000,000 in the lottery, I would use this money to buy 10 acres of land, build me a farmhouse (with a shower incorporating the latest technology :) ), a Dodge Ram, Dodge Dakota, and some goats. Half of what was left would go into savings so I would never have to worry about stuff like bills when money is short, and spend the other half on people in serious need. :laugh:

  10. Syperphobia, keep in mind that Seven has no rank. Unless the entire crew, short of Seven, Neelix, Icheb, and Namomi, had gone missing or something, she would be out ranked by virtually anyone. The only way for her to be captain would be if all the Starfleet officers were off the ship. Also, it is the captain who ultimately makes the mission a success or not as they're the ones who give the orders.

  11. Would you like to experrience, let's say 3 years, as a cyborg with the promise that you would then be your old self with all your biological parts?


    Assuming no one had a remote to control me, I'd think it'd be a fascinating proposition! What about you guys? Also, tell us what kind of cyborg you'd like to be. Would it be like Star Trek's Borg, a cyborg from another tv, movie, or book series, or perhaps something original? I myself would consider 3 years as a Borg drone disconnected from the hive, but only if I knew I'd be fully Human again after the 3 years. :laugh::laugh:

  12. Star Trek movies 1-6 featured the original cast while 7-10 have featured THE NEXT GENERATION cast. I think that the next movie should feature DS9, VOY, a TNG/DS9/VOY mix, or ENT. Any of these options would make for an awesome movie, in my opinion. I just hope they don't wait too long before doing the next one as the actors aren't getting any younger.


    Tonight, Syperphobia and I were discussing, on AIM, wether or not #11 should be based on one of the shows, or use a mixed crew, or feature and all new crew on an all new ship with an all new mission. Personally, I would love to see a new-cast movie if we had gone a while without a TV show and didn't have a "recent" show to based the movie on. However, I feel that Trek's primary weakness is that it's spread too thin. Why were the TOS movies such a big success? We only had TOS to think of when 1-4 came out and TOS & TNG when 5&6 came out. When #7 came out, we had TOS, TNG, and the new show - DS9. Trek was moving to new heights! :laugh: When the 8th movie came out, we had TOS, TNG, and then DS9 & VOY airing new episodes. Trek was at it's greatest height! :laugh: However, when #9 came out, we had the DS9 vs. VOY fan division, some TNG fans who didn't like either DS9 nor VOY, some VOY fans who went to see the TNG movies, some DS9 fans who thought VOY was crap and that #9 should be dark, and so forth. By the time we have ENT & #10, the franchise is spread out in SO many directions that it's divided the fanbase to a point where they're loosing interrest. I believe that the only way to save the franchise is to go back to one unified direction like we had when it was "one" show at a time and the movies were based on "the latest ended show".


    How do we accomplish this goal? I think the best way to do this would be to stick with what's established and stop trying to introduce something new. Try taking a risk on a DS9 or VOY movie. Try selecting TNG, DS9, & VOY characters and assemble them into a new crew on a recognisable ship. Another idea would be to skip DS9 & VOY, since both shows got an ending, and do a mid-series ENT movie.


    So, what do you think they should do for #11? Should they introduce a new crew, ship, and arc or should they stick with what's established even if that means doing some kind of mixed-cast film?


    Here's what I'd like to see in order of favorite to least favorite:


    Deep Space Nine

    TNG/DS9/VOY mix


  13. i could copyright the "idea", which is what i will be doing.  no one else can write "Poseidon" and anyone that steals it will face legal repercustions.



    It is based upon Star Trek, yes - but I have a statement from the ST.COM editor that i can use it...

    The editor is wrong. If you copy right that work, you could be potentially slapped with a very large lawsuit. For more information, go here.

  14. actually according to Australian and International copyright as well as the Star editor the fan fiction "idea" is mine, based upon "Star Trek: created by Gene Roddenberry"



    so i could sell the "idea"

    You could sell the concept, but you would not be able to copyright it nor claim it as your own since it is based on copyrighted work.