Captain Jean-Luc Picard

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Posts posted by Captain Jean-Luc Picard

  1. How do you like that.  Just stuck my head in to take a peek and got run outa there like I was some smelly animal. They told me not to come back.

    None of the posts support that.


    Yet they can go into every one of the Startrek threads.

    So can you. <_<


    Is this right, or fair? :unsure: Just askin, don't turn into a MOB now :D

    I can't answer that as there's no evidence you were "bounced" out of the Stargate thread.


    Your post, while completely confusing and making little sense, seemed to say that we shouldn't be discussing Stargate here, which doesn't make sense since it is in the "Holodeck" forum for off-topic entertainment-related topics.

  2. Yeah, when I first saw the movie after VOY began, I thought it was Tuvok too. However, he's just a regular Human crewmember working on the bridge. It's fun to imagine that Tuvok worked on the Ent-B after the Excelsior before his temporary retirement though. :)

  3. Ya know, originally I thought they showed the Earth exploding roughly along the boundaries of the tectonic plates.  Now I'm not so sure.  Anybody else think of that?

    I looked back at the pictures. OMG, you're right! :) It does look like the planet is breaking up where the tectonic plates meet! Good observation, Indy! :elephant:

  4. I voted the Ba'ku planet.  It's very pretty, peaceful and serene.  And it seems like a healthy place to live.  :)

    Ultimately, it came down to three choices:


    Ba'Ku - For the reasons Indy listed.

    Genesis - Becuase it's a world of life from nothing, and becuase the whole world would be one big mystery. Sadly, the Genesis planet was short lived.

    Kolaris III - I also considerred this one. I thought it was the most "alien" of the various worlds shown in the movies! :elephant:


    Ultimately, I have to choose the Ba'Ku world for it's peaceful environment, it's variety of alien creatures (assumed), that little palm pet that Artum had, the peaceful Ba'Ku inhabitants, never growing old, and so forth. If I lived in the world of Trek, I would most deffinately make Ba'Ku my vacation spot! :elephant:

  5. I wasn't going to start this thread until I was relatively sure about this.  I've noticed alot of our members are on some kind of mood alternating substance.  prozac, xanax, etc.  I knew someone once who went to a few different doctors and was prescribed these kinds of drugs.  She was a professional tennis player. She was beautiful, healthy, optimistic person.  I watched her go downhill, very quickly.  She mixed all these different drugs. She went nearly insane.  She was so screwed up, I couldn't recognize her. She talked of death and thought going to a funeral was fun.  She really got sick from these drugs.  She had to go into a hospital where they gave her shock treatments to try to stop the damage done, which only made her worse.  It took her years to get her old self back.  By totally stopping putting anything foreign in her bloodstream.  This stuff really messes with your metabolism. Changes your thinking patterns. Why do people do this to themselves?  I think it's all about money. Doctors prescribe these drugs, encouraged to do so by the drug ' detail man'. So the drug companies make billions on this practice. With total disregard for what it's doing to people. I'm sorry, I just don't think God wanted us to do this to ourselves.  Our bodies are wonderful machines that should be treated with respect and by not dumping all this poison into. We don't need this stuff.  This happened to me too, but I was very young at the time, so I do know about it. One drug may help you, for a short time, but to make it a way of life??? Please consider other options if your unhappy. Maybe the quick fix isin't really fixing anything. It's just creating new problems.

    I do not believe you should be dispensing medical advice since you are not a doctor. I agree with most of what you said, but not all. Even though I agree, I still do not think a public forum is the place to say such things. I have a friend who has struggled with depression, along with other psychological medical problems... What if they came across this thread, and for whatever reason, decided to stop taking their medication. The consequences would be unpleasent for that person. If you were talking about a paticulat drug, then the topic would be OK with me, if backed up my links to websites, information from your doctor, or other facts. This thread is too general, in my opinion.

  6. Don't be shy, share share! As we all know, we all get angry, and I find it very healthy to let out my anger than explode at someone. I've got one good method I use: walk as far as I can for an hour, then walk back. If I can't calm down, I just keep walking. I got the idea from a good friend of mine and it works like a charm! :hug:

  7. Considering ones-self to be perfect is the sign of a delusional mind


    I have faults but I'm not going to take the world on a tour of them without charging admissions.

    Small words... from a small being... trying to attack what it doesn't understand.


    :hug: Sorry, couldn't resist! :hug: I'll give ya my ship if ya tell us all your faults right now! *pulls out his tricorder to record the event* :hug:

  8. Ok I come here everyday and everyone is so happy

    Thanks! :hug:


    I am so depressed and want to eat a freeken gallon of ice cream in 5 mins.

    I'm sorry you're depressed, why don't ya watch a comedy! As for ice cream, yummy... but don't eat too much! :hug:


    Why are you people so happy for??

    I'm happy, becuase I'm just a happy person! God made me that way. :hug:


    tell me why?

    I just did. :hug:


    I come here and everyone is talking about how nice their life is



    and after that they ramble on about chesse cake.

    Oh man, I love cheese! :hug:


    Ugh man I wish I was happy.

    *hands Rivendells_king some cheese and the Bible*


    Good luck! :hug:

  9. Mabe I just don't have any understanding of warp geometry but I think that the enterprise J looks like a step back in technological design and the advancemnet of science!



    in the voy series we learn that by the 29th century there is time travel capability and by this time warp geometry has also changed severely

    After having seen these ship and considering that the enerprise-j looks more like the TOS ent or the TNG enterprise it just doesn't make sense

    Well, all we saw was a glowing "shape" of the ship for as a status-type screen. All we really see is the "shape" of the ship, which I thought was awesome! :hug:

  10. If that's true then how can they create the anomaly in the first place?


    without the anomaly for them to scan, there's no reason for them to use the beam.


    & if they don't use the beam 3 times then the anomaly won't appear.


    no anomaly no beam - no beam no anomaly.


    lol  :hug:

    That's why it's a paradox, as Data said. :hug: