Captain Jean-Luc Picard

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Posts posted by Captain Jean-Luc Picard

  1. When a Queen dies, they just choose a drone, any female drone & disembodied that drone leaving only her brain & download all past knowledge of previous Queens of the past.

    I disagree. I believe the Queen resides in the collective consciencous until she needs to use her "body" which desends into a special alcove designed just for her. If she is killed, she simply clones herself, downloads herself into this "new head", and then constructs a new body. However, she wouldn't construct a new body one were needed as seen in "Dark Frontier" and "Unimatrix Zero".


    this is true all this info is put into the new as a program titled "the royal protocol"

    That information is not cannon.


    borg queens are cloned; she is a genetically modified version of species 125, species 125 was chosen at there time assimilation because of there exceptional ability to multi-task mentally, the borg queen is the finest example of this!

    I agree, the Queen clones herself each time she "dies". I also agree that she's from species 125 as stated in "Dark Frontier". FIRST CONTACT gave the impression that she was of the original race though. Perhaps the Borg did not need a Queen to remain in "order" until assimilating a special individual of species 125 who saw that the Borg needed an individual to keep things running smoothly?


    when a queens body is destroyed the royal protocol is then transfered via the hive mind into a temporary queen while a new body is set into a specilized maturation like the one seen in voy episode "one" once it is complete that drone is destroyed and she returns to "her" body which is simply cloned... also borg never age because the nano-probes repair decaying cells!

    That is not cannon. Also, Borg drones do age. They wear and tear just like all other life forms and technology, they just last far longer.

  2. I think I remember reading somewhere that the set designers spent some time on a naval carrier before designing the NX-01 Enterprise's interior.

    They spent time on a submarine. In turns of "design", I'm sure future space ships might have a lot in common with submarines, but I think the similarity would end there. :blink:

  3. I have a better idea (explain please)


    It sounds too much like Stargate. The whole appeal to me is that the show is on a space ship or space station. Set it on a planet and I'd rather go to watch Stargate instead. A better idea would be to have a small civilian ship, and instead of a new adventure of the week, spend a number of episodes at each world. Perhaps a science vessel, with the conflict being set down on the planet or with aliens who're after their research or trying to keep them away from the planet. :blink:

  4. as with every rule there are exceptions.. 7of9 was left behind and forced to be taken back.. and picard well he was taken back because he wasnt really borg at heart was he? ... and the borg rebellion.. do you mean the one with lore or the one with unimatrix 0?

    The Borg rebellion with Unimatrix Zero. My point is, burried under all that Borg technology and collective thinking are sentient beings. To commit genocide on the Borg would be commiting genocide on innocent cultures. It's one thing to destroy a ship or kill a drone in self defense, but genocide is murder to me.

  5. Have you encounterred an alien? Did they abduct you?


    Back in 1994, on my way to see GENERATIONS, I bumped into the Duras sisters! :o They said I was an ugly alien, but that I'd be a worthy specimen. :o They pulled me from my dad and started talking about beaming me up! At this point, he and I began cracking up. I got a strange look from the Dusas sisters... :blink: They said I was too strange for study and shoved me into the theater! :wow:

  6. Oh, and another thing. The Borg have assimilated thousands of species. If Picard sent Hugh back to the Borg with the paradox-puzzle thing, he'd be committing genocide not just on the Borg, but on every species they've assimilated


    I agree with Takara but just would like to add something, the borg have destroyed civilizations, once they are assimilated they are no longer, human, klingon or romulan they are borg plain and simple..

    Oh? What about Seven of Nine, Captain Picard, and the Borg rebellion, hmm?

  7. Oh, and another thing.  The Borg have assimilated thousands of species.  If Picard sent Hugh back to the Borg with the paradox-puzzle thing, he'd be committing genocide not just on the Borg, but on every species they've assimilated.

    I disagree with your there CJLP. If you want to use the term genocide, the Borg would be the only ones who committed that. Once someone was assimilated they were Borg and nothing else. All that was left was the DNA that wasn't affected by the nanoprobes.

    Then explain Seven of Nine. If she can become an individual again, they so can all Borg drones. :bow:

  8. Also, I always thought that while Savvik was a full blooded Human, she embraced her emotions just enough to not seem condescending toward her Human crewmates.

    Don't you mean Savvik was a full blooded Vulcan?


    I also had heard that Savvik was half Romulan but that never made it to the movies..I also tend to agree with RC..It's more about upbringing..

    Oops. :dude: *edits*

  9. Lt. Hawk's, "They've got decks 26 up to 11." is a goof.

    it wasnt hawk who said it just some no name guy..

    Oh, I remember now, that was Lieutennat Daniels who is later the Enterprise chief of security and tactical officer in INSURRECTION.

  10. Maybe it's a Prometheus class ship.

    Nope, the Prometheus was first seen in "Message in a Bottle". The ship in "Azati Prime" was much larger and far more advanced, although we did see a Prometheus-class ship fly by the window at a distance. :dude:

  11. Did Savvik's "half-Romulan" scenes make it back into the movie? If not, then I wouldn't consider it cannon. RC's comment on Spock's upbringing being why he has trouble cursing seems logical. Also, I always thought that while Savvik was a full blooded Vulcan, she embraced her emotions just enough to not seem condescending toward her Human crewmates.

  12. I think the transwarp hub in "Endgame" was ancient. It's logical to assume that Seven didn't share it's location, becuase she didn't want Voyager flying inside... actually, I don't know why she didn't mention it. Anyone got any ideas? Perhaps she didn't remember it's exact location? :dude: As for leading to Earth, I just assumed that was a newly constructed conduit or something. It had to be new, or the Borg would just show up in the Sol System instead of taking several months to cross the galaxy. :dude:

  13. I just rewatched "I, Borg" last night, it is a truly great episode that also deals with many moral problems. What are your opinions on the choice that Picard made to release Hugh without taking advantage of him? Perhaps he should have ignored Hughs personal rights as a sentient being and used him to destroy the Borg, who are indeed a very dangerous enemy..?

    If Picard had ignored Hugh's personal rights, he'd be no better than the Borg who ignored his personal rights in "The Best of Both Worlds". :dude:


    Oh, and another thing. The Borg have assimilated thousands of species. If Picard sent Hugh back to the Borg with the paradox-puzzle thing, he'd be committing genocide not just on the Borg, but on every species they've assimilated. I think it might have been easier had Hugh remained a drone and the "destruction" would only be localised to his cube.

  14. The reason may be that some of your posts do not add to the thread nor forum. Like this thread you've started. What does it have to do with Trek, and what does it matter? If you were to start a thread on Captain Janeway or about a new candy bar you've tried, or something, instead of a "what's wrong with me" kind of thread, there wouldn't be a problem. Sorry if I came off tactless, but did I help?