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Posts posted by prometheus

  1. I heard Frakes say in an interview that he would like the Titan to take the helm of the next movie, if there were to be one.


    I think a Star trek film could do ok without an Enterprise: look at Star Trek 4.


    How about: the Enterprise goes missing after leaving DS9 where Voyager is docked, and the Titan is called to investigate by Admiral Janeway. Leading a fleet of Worf (commander of DS9) on the Defiant, Captain Tuvok on Voyager, and himself on the Titan, Riker uncovers a plot of deception and mystery. A garbled message and the mention of a race called the Suliban is all the mini fleet has to go on. Has this old foe come back to haunt the Federation? Was their mysterious disappearance 200 years ago really a disappearance? Or did they just simply migrate to another time period, where revenge on a ship called 'Enterprise' is all that a deranged Suliban leader Sillik can think of?


    Te mini fleet travels on a journey that takes them to strange new planets. The movie culminates in the discovery of the Enterprise's wreckage. Survivors including Picard, Dr Crusher and Geordi are found. The Suliban need to be hit by a tackion bomb that will unstablise their presence in the 24th Century. Riker brings the experimental program Data VL on line: the intelligence and knowledge that was Data, that he had previously saved on to a database before Nemesis. (Brent Spiner can be the computer's voice) The Data program comes up with a way of constructing such a device, which is ultimately delivered with a witty Klingon comment, by the Worf man himself. Voyager suffers too much damage, however, and is destroyed.


    A bashed up fleet head back for DS9. Happy enough.

  2. If i was to vote on it, alone means just that: alone! I think that that statement in Star Trek 5 was just pure bull like the rest of the script. But that's just my opinion. Debating the meaning of 'alone' is a purely subjective exercise, with no right or wrong answers, no matter how much we repeat our views. Kirk died. C'est tout! as they say in French. Picard burying Shatner was, in my own twisted view, symbolic of Stewart burying the fat, wig wearing, ham boy Shatner in the 'Captaincy of Star Trek' steaks: there's a new daddy in town.

  3. Behr must be smoking... :rolleyes: The Prophets are aliens and Sisko is a man. B)

    Sisko wasn't totally 'a man'. Part of him was wormhole-alien as well. I believe that when he appeared to die, he was sort of throwing the shackles of his human body and joining the plain of the aliens. Maybe proving his worth. Since the aliens are timeless, they knew what was going to happen and put him in place to prevent the rise of the Pah Wraiths. I think that they had aplan for him all along, unknown to him. Though I wonder: is Jake part alien as well? When the alien possessed Sisko's real mother, was he the product of a human joining/biology or was a part of the alien in him as well?

  4. I think to say that 'he is evil and deserved all he got' is a bit simplistic a view point. I dont think that anyone, even criminals, should be forced into such awful conditions.

  5. Did you not think that the holodecks on Voyager looked less advanced than those on TNG? I mean, the technology looked very exposed and the grid looked like it could be pushed over at any moment.

  6. When I last watched The Wrath of Khan, I for once put myself in his shoes: when you think about it, he was placed in a Hell like environment due to the carelessness of Star Fleet. Leading to the death of his wife and a harsh inhuman exile. I found it terrible that Star Fleet never checked on the villans' progress. I know that the original intention of Kirk was far from what resulted: their own world to do with as the wished. But still; I can almost understand his pain...

  7. Did you know, the reason why Krudge's ship was called a 'Bird of Prey' and had wings painted on the underside was because in the original script for Star Trek 3, the villans were going to be Romulans. But then last minute it changed to Klingons but the model had alraedy been built. So that is why we ended up with a Klingon bIRD OF pREY!

  8. Whenever Seven was just a drone, I think that the Queen had no interest in her whatsoever. Then, whenever she became disconnected and hung out with Humans for a while, Seven became fascinating to the Queen. She became the link that the Queen has always tried to create in Picard/ Locutus and Data. Only not a 'human-become-Borg' link, but more of a 'Borg-become-Human' link (if that makes sense. The Queen seems always to be consumed by a need to conquer the Humans. And has always looked for a cvonduit with which to communicate with them.

    Though if you ask me, at the end of the day, I think that she does an adequate job herself: she is the least Borg Borg i've seen and borders on 'mad Human'!!!

  9. I think that Voyager had to be a small ship. Having over a thousand people lost in the Delta Quadrant would have been kinda hard to qualify in terms of a lot of the storylines and the merging in of the smaller Maquis crew. Say the Enterprise D had've gotten lost then they wouldnt really have needed many of the Maquis crew to help them out. I mean - small crew, heavy casualties = First Officer Chakotay, etc etc. Forcing them to bond and merge. The smaller ship suggests more 'family' and closer boonds than the bigger classes. And sets the series apart to an extent. Giving it a sense of vulnerability.

    Plus! The Enterprise could separate, the Defiant could cloak. The Voyager had to have something special which was the ability to land. Small scale needed there too.

  10. I dont think that that was what CJLP meant. I think he meant that before the Enterprise C came through, in the original time line, Cpt Rachael Garrett and crew battled the Romulans. But the after the C came through, a skeleton crew with Tasha Yar battled the Romulans, giving a different version of events with exactly the same consequences: peace between the Klingons and the Federation.

  11. The Enterprise E says 'Speed!!!!!!' to me. It's just so sleek and elongated it's great. The Enterprise D is great as well, but has that sort of 'one part perched on top of the other' quality to it. The E reminds me of the Excelsior in it's design. It doesnt have the charisma and memories of the D though in that we have seen less of it. And it doesnt have that 'Hilton' quality. No yuckka plants lurking aboard the E!!!!