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Posts posted by prometheus

  1. Would you all like to see a tv series based on the adventures of the Enterprise B? I think that it would be interesting to see how Captain Harriman and Ensign Sulu have fared. I know that there are books based on that premis but I havent read any. Maybe Sulu could be an admiral. Kirk couldnt be in it though (thankfully...)

  2. The scenes with Lwaxanna Troi and Picard were always funny. The one where she reads his mind (if that was what he was really thinking) and says something like "Jean-Luc, what naughty thoughts.." and then beams away...

  3. I know that at the end of The Search for Spock they originally intended the Excelsior to take over from the Enterprise but I feel that tha would have taken away from the personality that was 'The Enterprise'. The Excelsior would have been like an invader...

  4. I think that the harder, grittier vision of the future created by Babylon Five, and the tension and interplay between the characters carried forward a little into DS9 and Voyager. The Utopian future of TNG with it's immaculate carpets and Pyjama uniforms was dulled down subsequently, with more of a concentrationon the individual characters and an increase in character complexity. The pioneering B5 CGI was eventually adopted in Trek, and the comtemporary feel of many elements have become integral in the Enterprise universe.

  5. Maybe this belongs on the movie page but i think it's more TNGish: did you think that the Enterprise B should have been a design more akin to between the Enterprise A and Ambassador class C, ratherthan an existing Excelsior design? I think so.. the design lineage would have been unbroken.

    To me, the Enterprise was always like a mid-sized ship, like a Ford Focus, while the Excelsior was like the sporty saloon. Iknow that sounds a bit funny, but im trying to analagyse...

  6. My favorites are Professor Moriarty and Gowron. Especially Moriarty. :bow:

    I thought this was only for TOS guest characters. It is in the TOS forum..For me, I'll have to go with Harry Mudd even though it's hard for me not to vote for my tribbles.. :laugh:

    Take a chill pill... it's all Star Trek. If we go mad with 'rules' we'll be too scared to type!

  7. The most memorable for me would be Harry Mudd (Mudds Women & I, Mudd). I'd have liked to see him in a couple more episodes.

    You know, VBG; when I tyed in Cyrano Jones I meant Harry Mudd!!!! How could I confuse the two... hmmmm

  8. I think it was an early attempt to have a character from one series appear in another series's movie: like Ethan Phillips in First Contact. Im sure Worf was named after his grandfather but! If Worf was found as a baby, how did his human parents know to name him 'Worf'? And if there was a way of scanning then shouldnt there have been a way of returning him to his family ie his brother, nanny, etc

  9. Star Trek Universe Reason- the uniforms change to reflect the times, like the FC Uniforms look more militeristic, since they're fighting a war


    Real World Reason- to suit the actors needs and also to just be different for the big screen

    The uniforms were created for First Contact, not DS9, so the war had nothing to do with it.


    As for the topic starter, the First Contact uniforms aren't really a new uniform, but more of an update to the DS9/VOY uniform.

    I read that the uniforms were created darker because dark times were ahead for the Federation in the form of the Borg and the Dominion. Wearing a bright yellow/blue/red uniform would make you stand out on the battle field, so they were darkened down and made more durable.

  10. I never watched Andromeda as I never got into it. But recently, in our viewing area, they started to show it from Episode one and so it was easy to follow from there. The channel Im watching it on shows three episodes (with an episode of Star Gate) from 2.30am to 6am so I tape them over night and watch them the next evening at my leisue. At a rate of 3 episodes a week I should be well caught up!