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Posts posted by prometheus

  1. I think it's a darn shame that 3 seasons was wasted on the Xindi/spherebuilders/ temporal cold war crap...which really didn't have a thing to do with the Historical reasons for the formation of the was just  all a primer for future B&B projects set in their star trek era- i.e. post TNG/Voyager/DS9.  Now i see from the previews of this friday's Enterprise....the Federation is gonna be formed! We skipped right over a Earth/Romulan war .



    Hear, hear! That is so true. Had Enterprise been called Star Trek from the start and it had've had more stories based on TOS episodes I would have been more of an avid viewer. Credit for trying, but the producers were trying too hard to be all character building and all new and it just flopped. It was miserable, boring, tedious, irrelevant. You will probably notice I say very little on Enterprise. That is because I think it stinks. It's supposed to be Trek and I switch to a different channel. Now THAT'S bad!!!!

  2. <_< Erm, that's a scenario i have often pondered myself very often whenever i'm bored :nono:

    If i was Picard i'd just let them torment the wee creep as much as they wanted. I would ask for pop corn and a camcorder so i could share the show with everyone who knew him. Im sure even Beverly wouldnt mind kicking back in Ten Forward with a double vodka and Coke and watch the miserable little whining goody goody 80s throw back get a good whiping from a Ferengi or a little bit of pain stick prodding from an 18 stone Klingon. In fact, im sure Picard would win the £500 for entering into 'You've been framed'.

    Wesley was such an annoying pants boy. He made Katherine Pulaski look interesting. Scenes between them were painful to watch.

    If Picard was captured with Wesley im sure he would object. to him being tortured. But if we just use our brains here for a moment, he OBVIOUSLY wouldnt be in much of a position to do muhc about it.

    Wesley - "It hurts, it burns, oh i'm in agony..."

    Picard - ha ha!

  3. I thought that it was nice that two regular crewmembers finally got married in a Star Trek series. It is nice to know that so far into the future the institution of marriage, which in my mind is a very special and treasured thing, is alive and well. Especially in light of the way in which nowadays it has lost a lot of it's sanctity through the ease of divorce and people just not being bothered any more.

    As for Tom and B'Ellanna... well, it's a tricky one. There are a lot of successful relationships that stem from differences. Often we see different personalities marry each other and the two mellow together to each become a sort of a hybrid character akin to each other. The laid back ness of Tom mellowed out B'Ellanna, and her passionate nature perhaps spiced him up a bit, who knows. They were both rebellious to begin with and got into a lot of trouble so i suppose they did have a good few things in common.

    I would never have called them loveable though. A better match than Seven and Chakotay !!!! any day!

  4. Originally the ship was to be a Romulan one but then the writers changed it to a Klingon one, hence why it had those wings painted underneath it. I would say that when ever the ship crashed on Earth, in the interests of 'galactic peace' it was returned to the Klingons - perhaps that embassador who was bad mouthing Kirk at his hearing took it home.

  5. My partner personally hates Star Trek and wont watch anything to do with it. Therefore we thankfully have a TV/video.dvd player in the bedroom where I can retire to do my Trekking :)

    Does your partner like Star Trek? If so, do you like to do Trekkie things together? How often would you do this? And does it help your relationship?

    Does anyone's partner, like mine, hate Star Trek? How do you marry the two in your life in a way that suits you both?

    Im just nosy :P