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Which Character Do You WANT To Lose?


20 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Character Do You WANT To Lose?

    • Archer
    • Trip
    • T'Pol
    • Reed
    • Hoshi
    • Phlox
    • Mayweather

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I like them all and I can not vote :thumbs:

I almost agree. I just do not wish any of them gone...not till I see some issues resolved.

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Tpol is the one character I wouldn't be sorry to see go. She just doesn't interest me that much as a character.

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Hoshi. I don't hate her but I wouldn't be sorry to see her go. There's still things that could be done with Mayweather. I'd vote Hoshi. Bring on an Andorian female.

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I also say Hoshi. Although I don't really want anyone to go, she'd be the one if they had to make a choice. She's really faded into the background. Let's face it - what's the point of having a translator if they have a UT that kind of works? It's a ridiculous concept to think anyone could learn a language as fast as she does anyway.


T'Pol must stay. She's more interesting and complex than the other characters. The way she interacts and grates with the other officers at times is one of the most entertaining aspects of the show.

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I think Hoshi should go bye-bye, because she has little character development -- a shame, because she had so much potential and it was squandered by the writers.

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I can't vote in this poll because I don't want to lose any of the main characters. Yeah, Hoshi hasn't been given much charcter development or much to do in this show..But that's the writers fault..They need to include all of the characters..And let's face it, Enterprise needs a comm officer. If Hoshi goes they'll just put another character there with the same lack of character development..

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ON promo image for next week's episode has a HUGE upclose shot of Hoshi. (wink, wink)


Or perhaps its just another attempt to throw us for a loop

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I don't think I wany anyone gone, but if someone had to go, I'd say Travis. Just because he hasn't been used as anything but a pilot in the entire series.


I'd also like to see a return of Lt. Talas, but I think she might be too much like Reed and it would just plain easier to develop Travis and Hoshi a little better.

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I'm with Nem and Spacetigger, I did not vote because I don't want any of them to go. I think every character in the show does an outstanding job in their respective roles.

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I like them all and I can not vote :thumbs:

I second that motion.


For the record, I heard a rumour over at Treknation that they've filmed three endings and....

Click for Spoiler:

Archer doesn't make it one of them :) :)

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Man...if anyone was meant to meet destiny, it would be Archer. I hope that isn't so this early...but, it would make logical sense. His death could possibly mean the greatest fufillment to the accomplisment of this mission.

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While i don't want to see any of them go, i'm getting tired of hoshi, she doesn't really do anything aside from take calls. I'm not saying they get rid of the actor though, they could replace hoshi's character with one that maybe has a biological UT sorta like Arturis. Wait, hasn't a species been mentioned that previewed in TMP that does that? :thumbs: Maybe something to consider.

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For the record, I heard a rumour over at Treknation that they've filmed three endings and....

Click for Spoiler:

Archer doesn't make it one of them :thumbs:  :)

Click for Spoiler:

I can't imagine with all the emphasis that Daniels has put on Archer's life, that tptb would just kill him off, even if it was to save Earth.

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No, nobody has to go, but as others have mentioned, the writers need to do a better job of writing meaningful lines for characters and developing them. If the actors aren't up to it, then get rid of them and move on; but, if they've never been given much of a chance, like Hoshi and Mayweather, then the writers need to rethink what they're up to. Hoshi and Mayweather also always seem to get key roles in episodes that aren't necessarily critical to the overall storyline.


They need to change Hoshi and give her some other skills that can be exploited. The translation idea sounded pretty half-baked from the start to be honest. They seem to have thought this would be a necessary role for a member of the ship but have later realised that they can't write it in an interesting way.


I thought after the episode where she got stuck in the transporter and prevented an attack on the ship (in her head or not), that her personality would've changed suddenly and dramatically, but the writers wasted the opportunity to expand her role after that episode. I hope they do more with her next year, but the character is pointless if she gets no lines.

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I voted for Mayweather to pass away but I have changed my mind. It took me a minute to think it through and with Reed being basically *genetically* dead in E2 I decided it would be better to see him pass on. I think that the other crew members could continue with unions and children. It's sad but in E2 I related most to him knowing full well how it actually feels to be *genetically* dead. He'll be missed but he wouldn't be leaving a future spouse(s) or children behind. Crystal

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None, they ALL mean something to me. Killing off an underused character and replacing it with an even lesser known underused character would be more senseless than having underused characters in the first place but if someone HAS to go then I'm hoping it's another Macco.

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T'pol makes it more like a prono than a sci-fi show...

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I couldn't vote. I want them all to stay!

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I voted for T'POL she is so stuck up and thinks its all about her she has to go :drool:

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There's three characters I want them to keep, Reed, Hoshi, and Travis, because they all need to get more airtime to develop their characters. I couldn't care about the other characters :drool:

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I honestly can't see losing any of the main characters of this cast. I believe they all have some merit thats worth keeping them around.

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I'm with you Unicorn Hunter (and the majority it seems) every week T'Pol is more of a travesty to Vulcan culture and if she gets the axe I will be delighted. :naughty:

I saw Linda Park and Tom Hardy in a play in London last week and that girl can act - it is a pity she is so under-utilised.

Edited by chunderfish

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