
The Founders
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Posts posted by subcommanderbeavis

  1. I LOVE spam - I try to have spam & eggs for breakfast 2-3 times a week, until I get tired of it. The next question should be...


    What's your favorite spam...


    But it's probably not worth starting a new topic for it - never mind.


    My favorite is spam with tabasco. :blink:

    I've only ever tried the original and the kind with cheese.I hated the cheese Spam.The original is just dandy,though.

  2. As far as the DVD collection, it's already out....Walmart has it for $99.96, in a Cylon helmet box. My son is buying it for me for Christmas. As to the new series, didn't everyone give TNG, VOY, DS9, and ENT a chance. Not all were fantastic but we still watched them. IMO, we should give the new BG series a chance as well. The previews look like a winner and the story line isn't all that far removed from the original. A few character changes and the thing with the Cylons being created by humans isn't as strange as the NX-01 looking more futuristic than 1701, or having Bill Shatner play an ancient version of his relative on ENT. This is science fiction people....... Weird and different is what sets it apart from boring reality. :blink:

    Your right,this is just a sci-fi show.But,also,if these new writers wanted to give us something different,they should have given us a new show.I don't take these people who go and radically alter an already established and beloved fictional universe,simply because it suits their artistic whimsy.Battlestar Gallactica is a sci-fi icon.Go mangle something else,or be original and write a new series.

    I'll never watch this "new" trash.What they're doing is worse than what happened with Enterprise.At least the things on Ent make sense,and even the few loose ends that don't make sense aren't that big or annoying.But changing the genders of popular characters (imagine Kirk or Spock as a woman,or Uhura as a man),or radically altering the established origins of a major alien menace (picture 22nd century humans,oh,I dunno,growing Jem'Hadar in test tubes).Its just dumb.

    Sci-fi channel,or whomever is backing this series should've known better.This will never fly.And then,we will have in all likliehood seen the last of BG,ever.Thankfully,we will have the original series on DVD.

  3. Bobo the Devine One,the mythological god of beer and sloth!

    His worshipers placated him with offerings of beer,cigs,shapely young virgins,and food.In return he blessed their crops,and could recommend good mechanics who would fix his people's auto's at bargain prices....

    Bobo was cast out of egyptian paradise when it became generally known that he was,in fact,a redneck from Arkansas,who through some temporal anomoly found himself in ancient egypt,and was declared a god because of his cigerette lighter and his Go!Titans! football cap.

  4. Wel,I hated televised sports as a kid,and didn't really get into sports of any kind until I was around twelve or thirteen....

    for TV I would say,Hmm,...probably Gomer Pyle,USMC or Twilight Zone.

    Book....that's a tough one,you couldn't hardly get me to read as a kid,either....

    the ony things I remember reading regularly were comic books,so I'll say either Superman,or Jimmy Olson:Superman's Pal!I read both,as well as Lois Lane,SuperBoy,Legion of SuperHeroes,and various Disney comics.

  5. Sure,why not?I for one,never saw Section 31 as "bad guys".They have to be ruthless to defend the Federation from enemies,other Federation defensive agencies may not be aware of,or may be opposed to confronting these enemies,using any means available to neutralize them.

    I liked Sloane and thought poisoning the Founders was a great idea.

    Yeah,I'd love them to be on Enterprise.But the story(ies) must be done well,or not at all.

  6. I wouldn't be terribly interested in either a series based on a young James T. Kirk,or a series set in the Klingon Empire (Klingon storyarchs are good for a handful of shows,but not as the basis of a 7-year series).However,the Academy idea is a favorite of mine,and one that has been bandied around a few times before on various Trek fan sites that I regularly post at.

    If done,I would want the Academy series to be based on a set of new,young characters with maybe a few older characters (depending on the timeline,Miles O'Brien,or some TOS veteran)thrown in for good measure.I'd also want the series to hire actors from more than just America or Canada/UK.Give us an Indian (as in,from India...not a native american) actor,or a South American actor,or an Arab actor who could bring to the series a true-life perspective from their culture (and not just a stereotypical Hollywood foreign perspective).

    Also be daring,somewhat like Enteprise.Don't limit yourself to typical Trek stories and situations.Throw out some new ideas,be BOLD!Sure,the whiney fanboy crowd will complain.But they are going to anyway,so go for it.

    (I'm not being hypocritical,as I have griped about certain aspects of Enterprise.My complaints were never story or continuity-based,they were just little annoyances at other things that I promised myself I wouldn't go into detail about again.I'm all argued out on the subject)

    I would watch a series like this.

  7. I read a few comics,mostly DC (and there is where my alliegence lies).I haven't bought JLA-Avengers,as I am not a fan of such crossover series'.But I don't think the Avengers would stand a chance.Superman can overpower Thor,Batman's brains and training are more than a match for Captain America,and Wonder Woman could kick Ironman's armor-plated butt.Then the JLA has Flash and Green Lantern in reserve.

    The comics I subscribe to are all the Superman titles,all the Batman titles,Flash,Green Lantern,and Wonder Woman (a few books B) ),and of course, JLA.

  8. I just happened to have my computer on and the screen saver was on and mine just goes through my pic files so a pic of Kes from Voyager and Gab(I can't spell her full name) from Xena.  So what do you think what would have happened if they played the oposit part I would love to see Kes in Gab's outfits. B)  B)

    I'm not sure Xena would appreciate her girlfriend being transported into the 24th century....(ah,c'mon,you all know Xena and gabriel were... B)).On the other hand,Jennifer Lein is gorgeous,so maybe Xena wouldn't care?

  9. Good episode.It kind of reminded me of Christopher Pike and the Talosians,in that even now...can Hoshi be entirely certain that she was successfully removed from Tarquin's planet,or is everything from here on out an elaborate deception conjured up by a lonely man,all for want of companionship?

    In a story I once read,Captain Pike wondered whether or not he had really ever escaped Talos IV.No matter what,he figured he would never be 100-percent certain.Hoshi's the same,now.