Voyager recruit

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Posts posted by Voyager recruit

  1. I would not mind seeing, as was before, Marvel heroes on the regular network Saturday lineup, which was what had me tuning in mainly that time of the week, when there was the X-Men, and I watched Spidey, up until spring. There seems to be such a limited run with superheroes on the regular networks:I know that producing an animated series takes a lot of time, and shows like X-Men require a larger cast, but I hope Spidey will return with all-new eps. Too bad cable seems to have things like Justice League, etc. An Avengers series would be terrific-and a new Fantastic Four.AND another old fave, the Silver Surfer, which would combine a great hero with sf elements...

  2. I'd say the twelve-inch ST figures have some of the best likenesses by comparison, and some more than others within the greater collection; I guess with Barbie, there is a certain model they have, which is hard to stray from, and yet be their general design aesthetic?....

  3. Huh? I had no idea the two giants of comics were owned by the same outfit. Then again, I've been out of the comics scene, since the late 70's. Marvel seemed to be doing just fine on its own, certainly with the recent smash successes of Spidey and 'ol Shell-Head' as oldtime comics fans as I was recall Stan and co. calling him....those were fun years, to be sure.I guess this will boost both corps, but it is seemingly an awfully big conglomerate if it passes-but it'd hardly be the first such mega-entertainment- merger.....something the Kingpin would like to grab! Heh heh heh...

  4. Finally got my digital converter box and indoor antennae today. YAY for moi! Better late, than not...but I can't so far get the local Fox, and WB it looks like no Jack Bauer, and no Clark Kent....unless I move my house a few dozen miles Southeast....but I will be able to see the TOS 2.0 reruns, 'LOST', and 'CHUCK', as well as 'Legend of The Seeker''....