Voyager recruit

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Posts posted by Voyager recruit

  1. Love the Gorn. Loved the Classic ep...okay, all you folks, out there, thinking, ugh-withe the rubber suit!? I'll give you your due on that. Still liked the thing, anyway. Not bad-hey, this wasn't Mike Westmore, with his post-Classic big budget. Was interested to see STE's revamp of the sauraian-type aliens. Still kinda stuck on the version I grew up with. But, glad too see the new and improved Gorn can move fast..heck, I think Jimmy T. should have just been able to outrun the original! Picture him, going, (Gasp, gasp) 'I will be merciful, and quick"...pun not nescessarily intended. Would bee cool, to have a Gorn as an officer-exchange candidate with Starfleet...

  2. Ah, the finale..having Jonathan, and Marina back on the small screen..great. The show as a whole..not so much. Killing Trip..c'mon! Yes, hero's death, etc...but, I recall coming away, as a fan from the start(grew up on Classic-loved the whole concept-and the Season four tie-ins) feeling as if something was lacking. I can certainly understand Connor's the way, love 'ol Trip! Great character. The next finest Southern guy, since Bones...and wonderful De Kelley. Anyway, when you are about to cancel a series, there should be the focus on....hmmm. Oh, yeah-the caaassstt! However, for fans Trip, and Ent., anyone read the Pocket books novel, about our fave engineer's 'true' fate? Far better than the Grim Reaper! Did like the segue at the end, with the three captains. Like Shran. But, not as the plot focus of the last one....needed bigger stakes, like STV, or TNG's endings.

  3. Could it happen? As I just saw one of the topmost posters say, not likely. Maybe by the time somebody invents warp drive!Grin. Hey, then I wanna go to the real D. Quad! (And find Ocampa!) Would love to see one, though.And maybe could get Jennifer L. back in the gang-where she should have been, but I digress...well, the film is at least a wonderful dream....never say never?

  4. Yes-Tom and 'Lanna were a great couple. Just watched my vid of "The Swarm" today, and the intro scene, with the two before the "Lobster bisque" guys popped in. The producers did great with the couple-alas, I wish the same could have been done for Kes and Neelix-yes, I do like that pairing-particularly the former. Anyhoo, yes, I agree with marrying the couple. 'Lineage" is an ep, that comes immediately to mind- a fine ST story, in general, as well. Loved the scene, very touching, where Tom tells her, 'I will never leave you"....good stuff.

  5. Okay, I am, off the top of me noggin, gonna go with 'Threshold''(I can hear the agreements resoundingly) But, as I say to all my fellow STV fans, to each his own. The lizard Janeway and Tom..arrgh! The wholw warp-tenning idea, okay...just not the end result, and all the evo junk. Brannon B. has confessed his regrets over this one. Wonder how Robbie McNeil feels about it?!

  6. numero uno, definitely! Yes, there will be those, who wil criticize my choice-or maybe worse. They have their right, and opinion. But let's all be civil about it, eh? To each his own. I am not a Seven fan, I say. Janeway is a definite second to me. But 'Lanna is just fine. Like her determintaion, her loyalty....Voayger itself-and it has had its critics-is my fave.