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Posts posted by Jack_Bauer

  1. Nothing changed because things were supposed to happen that way. Its a pre destination paradox. the Enterprise-E was alwas meant to go back in order to ensure the existence of the Federation and Cochrane was always supposed to know about the Borg (it is rumoured that this is what split the mirror universe from our own, in the mirror universe Cochrane tells the Vulcans about the Borg and they become a militaristic empire). So in a way our universe created the mirror universe. Man, my head hurts.

  2. What about the Prometheus? NX-59650, first seen in 2374 despite the fact that there was an earlier Prometheus, Nebula Class in 2370 and it was NCC-71201.

    I think in general they are meant to be sequential but it really does pan out in the writing and design.

  3. Click for Spoiler:

    Looks like this episode could be the best done by Enterprise. It looks cool because in the promo you can see Trip and T'pol in captain's uniforms. I like when they do that, switch colours for episodes like Data in Chain of Command or Future Imperfect or even Picard in Blue from Tapestry. Voyager also did a few times, both MacNiell (Red=regular, Blue=Author, Author, Yellow=Worst Case Scenario)and Picardo (Blue=regular, Red= ECH, Yellow (well that was Zimmerman)) wore all three colours at some point.

  4. Ok, I haven't seen all of both of these episodes but from what I've seen no one seems phased (no pun intended) by Jadzia's spots. I haven't seen when she meets Brynner but I saw when Coleridge brought her in and he didn't say anything. Did they assume they were tattoos or something? Can someone clarfiy? It just seemed odd that no one would mention them but Dax went to the trouble of hiding them in Trials and Tribble-ations.

  5. Man, I feel bad for that guy. I can't believe the media was stupid enough to release his name. But I don't think that he can be entirely blamed for what happened to the Cubs. Sure, he may have cost them that game but the Cubs were up 3-1. They has at least two other chances to finish off the Marlins and couldn't. And on top of that, there's no guarantee that Alou, or whoever it was, would've caught the ball. Plus you have to look at the fact that the batter only got on because he was walked by the pitcher so there's some blame there too. Anyway, sorry if this has already been discussed but I just wanted to share my thoughts on that Cubs thing and I realize this reply is not appropriate for this forum.

  6. Yes Trekzone, there was a constitution class U.S.S. Defiant in "the Tholian Web", it disappeared into some other dimension interspace I believe. What is cool is that the original plan for "Future Tense" was that the Defiant had been brought back through time by the Tholians instead of that other 31st century ship. I think that would have been cooler.

  7. I really enjoyed the premiere except for the fact I had to be doing homework. The thing I thought was really cool was when Salazar stabbed his lawyer with a pen. That was insane! It was like when Jack shot Marchall Goren in season 2 and then cut off his head.

    I didn't realize that that was heroine Jack was doing but I'm not up on all the drug stuff. (No offense archerfan).

    Anyway, I think its going to be a very good season. Everyone seems to have bigger roles and there is a lot at stake. I find it hard to see one of my heroes, Jack, doing drugs but I still regard him highly and I think he'll overcome his difficulty and save the day. I hope.

  8. Geordi's my favourite character. I can't vote any other way. Geordi, followed by Trip (Current favourite character on Enterprise), Scotty (the miracle worker),O'Brien (This guy could make anything work), and B'elanna (although she was a very creative engineer as well)

  9. According to http://www.lcarscom.net/intrepidclass.htm, the registry of the Bellerephon was NCC-74705, which is very close to Voyager's NCC-74656 (Does anyone know why they used that number?) Here's the rest of the entry on the Bellerephon:


    USS Bellerephon




    Starship that took Admiral Ross and Dr. Bashir to Romulus in 2374.


    It is possible that this is Admiral Ross' flagship to the Ninth Fleet.


    "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" - DS9


    Oh, something interesting to note. On the cover of Star Trek Armada 2, the Intrepid class on the right firing phasers, is Voyager! You can make out NCC-74656 on the hull.

  10. Ok, I was doing a little research trying to figure out the lineage of the runabouts.

    Here we go:(--> means they were destroyed and were replaced by the next listed runabout)


    -U.S.S. Rio Grande (survived throughout the entire series)


    -U.S.S. Yangtzee Kiang-->U.S.S. Orinoco-->U.S.S. Yukon-->U.S.S. Shenandoah--> replacement is never assigned


    -U.S.S. Ganges--> U.S.S. Mekong --> U.S.S. Rubicon (no evidence to suggest it was destroyed)


    -U.S.S. Volga (never listed as destroyed but doesn't fit into to any other runabout lineage, it was assigned while the Yukon, Rubicon and Rio Grande were active so at one point, DS9 had 4 runabouts. Then I suppose the Shenendoah replaced the Yukon , and was destroyed and since that was during the war they didn't have the resources to reassign another runabout).


    This may seem like a pointless post but I'm curious if anyone can add anything to this, or explain something I'm missing because I haven't seen all of DS9.

  11. Yeah, I don't really like football but I know that the Argos couldn't really "move up" to the NFL due to their ownership problems.

    Oh, for the record Takara, the Leafs are beginning to penny-pinch but it is completely unrelated to the exchange rate (which is up to $0.76). The Leafs are owned in part by the Ontario Teachers Pension Fund which is only concerned with their own profit. However, they did spend enough to sign Marchment, Nieuwendyk, and Klee. I still don't like them. They hide behind flimsy excuses that rob the city of Toronto a chance to end the ever present Stanley Cup drought.

  12. Only just over six minutes? That's sad. Well, we would have seen more but they cut out the subplot of her leaving the Enterprise for Starfleet medical. I'll have to add that to my reasons for disliking Stuart Baird as director. Don't get me wrong, I love Nemesis, I thought it was a great movie. However, I think it would have been a heck of a lot better if someone like Frakes directed it. Logan wrote a great script and Baird cut out a lot of stuff that was intended for the fans, like Martin Madden. Ok, not for the fans but it worked! It was a fine scene. a little cheezy with the seatbelt but other than that it was fine. Oh well.

  13. I liked Equinox. It was sort of refreshing to see another Federation crew, even if they were sort of like the anti-Voyager crew. Voyager=desperate to get home but maintained their discipline, Equinox=lets do whatever we can, damn the prime directive! (Ok, so they got it a lot worse than Voyager but still)

  14. I'd think she was courtmartialed but was giving a lighter sentence since she probably would have testified against Leyton. She could argue that she was just following orders, but as Picard once said that has been used too often to justify tragedies. She's probably sitting in Tom Paris' cell at the New Zealand Peanel (sp?) colony, or helping some EMH Mark one scrub some plasma conduits.

  15. I voted Data. But I wonder, have we ever actually seen Data fight to his full potential. I have to imagine that he would be very fast and very strong, maybe more so than he is now. The only disadvantage is that Data cannot alter the laws of Physics. But if he could...