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Posts posted by VaBeachGuy

  1. The selections worked before - I could pick Century Gothic font, size 3, and white. Now when I click size 3, the font selection goes from Century Gothic to Arial. The size goes back to 2 after I click on a color. It's strange. I'll see if anything in my netbook needs upgrading tomorrow & see if that helps.

    That is strange because I haven't done any work on the skin for a couple days.

  2. OK, now the font, size, and color choices don't work. I can click on a font & get it, but when I click on a size, the font goes back to "Font". When I click on a color, the size goes back to "2'. When I click on white for my color choice, it doesn't work. Now I'm back to the hard-to-read "black on gray" in the reply box. I'm wondering if there's something wrong with my netbook.

    Did they work before? I haven't made any changes.

  3. The "black on gray" is in the "full editor" reply box. Clicking on the "fast reply' box sends me to the "full editor" box.


    I just noticed that if I select white type, I can see what I'm typing.




    *smacks forehead*


    I'll look into that, it shouldn't be hard to read and I'm seeing something different on my screen for some reason. For me, the text area is white with black text