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I had a little party at my house last night. It was a lot of fun. I'm really tired this morning though. My friends are wicked. And Julia is a cutie-pie.


Today I'm going camping to Long Lake (I think) with my friend. It should be fun.


But other than that, nothing is new.

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Yuck. Exams on a Saturday. That's no fun.


Well I'm back from camping. Dunno what I'm doing today. Probably lounging and doing homework. Maybe do something with Julia still though.

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Today I went to Julia's and we went for a walk. Then we went home and we did a little painting of the sets for her play and then we just cuddled. She's so cute.

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You're so lucky!!!


I'm a nerd...

and only 13...

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You're so lucky!!!


I'm a nerd...

and only 13...

Lol. Don't worry man. You'll eventually get older. And I know you'll find someone. I mean come on... after school (and yes it is friday) I got to break out my A/V skills and edit a movie. That's pretty nerdy. Granted the movie was for my girlfriend and we went to see Shrek 2 after that. But you know what, WAB? There is someone for everyone. I believe that. Have faith. :naughty:

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You're so lucky!!!


I'm a nerd...

and only 13...

Lol. Don't worry man. You'll eventually get older. And I know you'll find someone. I mean come on... after school (and yes it is friday) I got to break out my A/V skills and edit a movie. That's pretty nerdy. Granted the movie was for my girlfriend and we went to see Shrek 2 after that. But you know what, WAB? There is someone for everyone. I believe that. Have faith. :naughty:

Heh, I just got back with my gf from seeing Shrek 2 LMAO :drool:

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Heh, I just got back with my gf from seeing Shrek 2 LMAO :naughty:

Dude! Great minds do think alike don't they? Lol. :drool:

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Heh, I just got back with my gf from seeing Shrek 2 LMAO :drool:

Dude! Great minds do think alike don't they? Lol. :naughty:

Yeah, even us not so great minds think alike too! Oh wait thats probably not what you mean. :dude:

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You need to have it hosted somewhere first. (Try Angelfire. It's free, although they don't allow image hosting anymore. GRRR! Flash still works though...). Then take the URL of the flash file and paste it where it says "Your image avatars | Enter a URL to an online avatar image " in the avatar control panel. That should work...


<--- I like my non-flash "Dark Side of the Moon" avatar better!

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Yeah I found that out :laugh: ::points to Avatar:: Yeah your new one is great! Pink Floyd for life! I have a PF poster but I can't show it on here because it has naked ladies on it.

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Yeah I found that out :laugh: ::points to Avatar:: Yeah your new one is great! Pink Floyd for life! I have a PF poster but I can't show it on here because it has naked ladies on it.

Oh! The one with the album covers painted on their backs?? That is an awesome poster!

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Yeah I found that out :laugh: ::points to Avatar:: Yeah your new one is great! Pink Floyd for life! I have a PF poster but I can't show it on here because it has naked ladies on it.

Oh! The one with the album covers painted on their backs?? That is an awesome poster!

Yeah thats the exact one!

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Got my sheet formed for spring break 2005...




I can't wait. Only one year to go! Lol.

Going with a bunch of friends too. Nice.

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So today was really lame... got home... slept...


Then I talked to Julia on the phone for a long time which was really fun. She had been away Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, and I didn't get to see her much today because of her drama production. I get to go see it on Friday! I can't wait. Then her and I are probably going to dinner afterwards.


Oh and I learned "Stairway To Heaven" on my guitar today... well the first bit...


Yeah... boring day.


But I'm still uber exciting! Going to Europe!

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Ah. A perfect day. First I went over to Julia's house and then we went and picked up a friend and went to Julia's final choir concert. It was amazing. And then a bunch of the girls from the choir and us went to Dairy Queen and we had fun and CALGARY WON! YES!

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I went to see the drama play of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, which Julia was in, and what we painted sets for. It was so great! Julia is a pro!


And then after, we all went to a friends house and played football and stuff. Well... most of the people played football. Julia and I just walked around and talked and I had a great time. We even found our very own pinecones and named them... Rosemary and Claude-Robert! And the best part? It will be four months for Julia and I on the 14th...


Click for Spoiler:

...and today she told me she loved me!! :hug::hug::hug: :o :o

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...and today she told me she loved me!!  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :o  :o

Ok that part got me *RC melts* I still remember the first time Robert told me he loved me B)

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Good For You

Love is a great thing

Makes getting up up in the morning worth while

Best wishes

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Thanks everyone.


Ya... I've been smiling and happy all day, despite having to do 8 hours of landscaping work in the yard. (Boy am I tired).

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plantin stuff is hard...

But I did do a complete overhaul of all the books in my room....

Got rid of the easy, boring, old ones....


I also got rid of everything that had to do with the evil history teacher Beniretto



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