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Lursa's Personal Log (Part2)

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Stardate: 0508.14


Sorry for taking a long time to update. It is mainly due to school issues, im sick of people screwing around with me ya know. and yet Rob's birthday is coming up and I don't know what to get or that is if I should get him something. On top of that, once again I got into another fight with my parents lol. It's like the fighting will never end between us. They basically want me to conform, but I won't. Why do I have to shape myself into something that i'm not.


You see, I have lately gotten interested in body pirecings. I have 6 total my lobes on both sides and also my first ear holes are streched to 2g (aka the final guage size that I wanted!) So, now since I am turning 19, I wanted to get a industrial pirecing on mine left ear. Well right off the bat, being old-school like my mother is she said no. And then I told her to wait until I am 21. She said it doesn't matter what age you are i still said no and you have to follow it.


So now i am at this crossroad of being myself and having my parents still trying to control everything I do. Then of course, like most parents they want to give me that when you are too different then you will have problems. What kind of BS is that! is there something wrong with being different and then my mother is like we should not be talking about stuff like this. What kind of mother is that? To be so rude to said that and then they expect to be respectful etc in return? It is not fair that I can not make some choices that I want on my own.


I tell my parents everything and yet they still don't trust me to make my own. As soon as I learn how to drive, I am going to get my own car do down there and get it done anyway. This is only the beginning to a lot of headche and pain in college. If you guys have any good advice I really need it right now..............


Lursa out.

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Lursa, you invited me to read your journal - although I have already read some in the past but didn't comment because I didn't want to sound like your mother. I think you have enough of those :rolleyes:


I will offer one comment about your piercings though. People change over time and some things like piercings and tattoos are very permanent. No matter how strongly you may be in to something today - your tastes may be totally different in 15 years - and I think parents know this (because they've been there)


Your dreams was very interesting - I'm wondering if you don't feel that there is someone trying to influence your life against your best interest and your inner self knows it but you haven't realized it yet...just a thought.


I can also tell you that "who you are" is more than how you look. I have spent my whole life being "different" and it took a long time to make peace with that. Now I accept the fact that sometimes things come out of my mouth because no one else is going to say them, and even if I looked exactly like everyone else - I would still be different.

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I have no good advice somethings my parents were right about others wrong. All I know is I have lived with the the things I have done right or wrong. With a few regrets but that is how most of us learn

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0508.17 Earthdate: 08/17/05


Thanks guys for the advice! But I want to go through with it. For me, it is just an interest of mine and I personally feel that it will be with me for the rest of my life. In my eyes, industrials are not to extreme, but then again it depends on the person. I am doing this because I want to for me and not for the apperance of it. I've come to realize that if people make the choices for you, you will never have to learn from the mistakes.


But, if you parents made choices for you, without giving you a chance to make your own then it becomes a problem. my pirecings that i have do close up i went from a 2g back to 4g without problem. Everyone body is different. And for me this is the way that I am. Forcing values is not the way to go. Unicorn, you sound better than mother does lol. I like the way that I am, it is the part of making the choice and being my own person instead of being something that my parents want to be, now there is a lot of disance. To be a lady, girls need to start and set their own standards and not what other people say. I love my parents very much, this is the problem that tears us apart and my mother did not want to even talk about it. I was be nice, and she told me I needed a doctor.


Besides the parents, Rob has come back into town lol. And yet, I should be happy, but i don't feel any different. It is because he promised to call me overseas, and didn't so now he says he will call me, but i highly doubt that. I am starting to lose faith in people, which something that I have never experienced before. I can't depend on people to be there for me, when I go above and beyond for them. Love can make ya do some crazy things. But, I am reborn as anew, and Rob will realize that the person he left is not the same............. not anymore (evil laugh).


Lursa out.

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Sounds like you're as interested in piercings as I am! I'm 52, and I just got another pair of cartilage piercings today, for a total of 9 cartilage and 6 lobe piercings. I'd love to get an industrial piercing, but there's no way they can squeeze one in. :heart: There's more I'd like to get, but they'll have to wait. If they have a problem with my piercings at work, I would just cover my ears with a wide knitted headband, or fix my hair so that it would cover my ears. Go for the industrial! :D

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0508.17 Earthdate: 08/17/05


Thanks guys for the advice! But I want to go through with it. For me, it is just an interest of mine and I personally feel that it will be with me for the rest of my life. In my eyes, industrials are not to extreme, but then again it  depends on the person. I am doing this because I want to for me and not for the apperance of it. I've come to realize that if people make the choices for you, you will never have to learn from the mistakes.


But, if you parents made choices for you, without giving you a chance to make your own then it becomes a problem. my pirecings that i have do close up i went from a 2g back to 4g without problem. Everyone body is different. And for me this is the way that I am. Forcing values is not the way to go. Unicorn, you sound better than mother does lol. I like the way that I am, it is the part of making the choice and being my own person instead of being something that my parents want to be, now there is a lot of disance. To be a lady, girls need to start and set their own standards and not what other people say. I love my parents very much, this is the problem that tears us apart and my mother did not want to even talk about it. I was be nice, and she told me I needed a doctor.


Besides the parents, Rob has come back into town lol. And yet, I should be happy, but i don't feel any different. It is because he promised to call me overseas, and didn't so now he says he will call me, but i highly doubt that. I am starting to lose faith in people, which something that I have never experienced before. I can't depend on people to be there for me, when I go above and beyond for them. Love can make ya do some crazy things. But, I am reborn as anew, and Rob will realize that the person he left is not the same............. not anymore (evil laugh).


Lursa out.




One comment, I think I've made it before.


The only person you can depend and trust on endlessly is yourself.


Believe in yourself Lursa, trust in yourself, and people like Rob won't be apart of your life anymore.

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Stardate: 0508.19 Earthdate: August 19, 2005


Man this week was interesting! Madame Butterfly, your advice did help me a lot greatly. You are always hanging along with me and I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. It is always great to have such a loving online family which is cool. But, Rob is back from his trip and well it was his birthday and I made something for him and I even took the kindness out of my heart to call him and wish him a great birthday.


He sounded like he really didn't care, he said that he was reading his book and didn't care to talk at all he sounded tired. But, I chould be tired as hell, but I still make time for the ones that I care about and talk to them in the first place! It is crazy, that all the time time I made to make an online card and didn't tell me thank you in the first place! This hurt me so much, that I don't want to be bothered with him now!


No more pain for me, no more hurt. I'm moving on with my life and that is the right thing for me to do. Someday, he will come to his sences and realize that I was a great person to have in life, and it might be too late. Well, I had to make this one short and sweet I have to go shopping. Maybe, it will get my mind off of things.


Lursa out.

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BakulaBabe, I love bod mods they are really cool. I will wait until i am 21 to get my industrial and it will come out of course lol. It will cost 40 bucks to get done! But, i know in the end that it will be worth it. I love streching my lobes it will be along of fun!

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Stardate: 0508.21 Earthdate: 08/21/05


My book collection is starting to have a toll on me and I really am trying to figure out who I am and where I belong. It's tough, but I know I am very close to getting there! My friends always tell me: "you need to get a life." All because I love star trek! Now how stupid is that lol. I am leaving Rob alone, he is hurting me for no reason so why should waste my time on that! But anyways, some of the books were great about wrestling and journalism. And a werid book about women and dress codes lol.


Personally, if you where to see me, I would be called what many people define as a fem god lol. I'm what you called a "fem tomboy". I value the fact of being a woman, but i'm tough and ring it out with the boys. Now many of you may say that i'm "poser" But im far from it. There are too many of them espically at Hot Topic lol. Why can we just be ourselves, without all of the BS. Plus, if my day can't get better I got stung by a wasp today. It was not like I was doing something to be bothering it! It hurt like hell, the pain was worst for me. I've have stings from the past, but this one sent me over the edge.


School is very close to starting, and I really can't wait for it. Good news, I got another job and a computer lab techic lol. Computers are my life lol, well it is just fun to see them and how they work! And them I love going to garage sales and such and got Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers video game! It is really fun, but learning the fighting moves is hard at first! Well, the weekend is almost over..................


Lursa out.

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With the couple of days left, I might as well go across the board lol. Brock Peters has died. And he was one my favorite actors may his soul rest in peace. It is amazing how life can flash before your eyes. That is why I am starting to take my life more seriously. But, with the good news comes the bad news. First off, I did get anything from filling out that FAFSA form. I took so Damzed time to fill out that they want for me to fill it out again. They knew that there were problems, so why didn't they tell me earlier. Stupid school lol. But then again, what can you do?


On top of that, I'm finally learning how to drive but I still have a lot of learn. I really sucked and my mother was nervous as hell. So then, I decided to be train by a drving teacher. I would not be having these problems in the first place. I have wanted to drive since i was 16, and my parents said not until I am 18. But sometimes, the longer you wait the harder it is to learn. But, I will make it through. Then, I got up super early to get ready for training and then the guy was like " There is no training, I just wanted you to sign some papers". What the hell, why on earth did I get up and miss work for this! This has not being a good day for sure........


Well, work is tomorrow.


Lursa out.

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Stardate: 0508.19 Earthdate: August 19, 2005


Man this week was interesting! Madame Butterfly, your advice did help me a lot greatly. You are always hanging along with me and I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. It is always great to have such a loving online family which is cool. But, Rob is back from his trip and well it was his birthday and I made something for him and I even took the kindness out of my heart to call him and wish him a great birthday.



Always happy to be there for you Lursa B)


Know that being a loving and generous person, which you are, is a good thing.


And one day you will be blessed with someone who will appreciate it and return it and take joy in it.


You are a good friend to Rob, and he's not mature enough to realize that.


Good luck with the driving. I remember my mom sucking in her breath and hissing when I learned to drive. B) Tis why I preferred driving with my Dad.

He stayed cool and never got upset with me.

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I got a very interesting e-mail from Rob. He told me that he was done with "sleeping" and that he wanted to take me out to dinner or lunch before school starts for me. Oh now he wants to start acting nice. Give me a break, as much as that sounds nice, I really don't like what he did to me, and my mother and father said that I should not call him or e-mail him back. That I should make him sweat, and to show him what he is doing is wrong. He just doesn't get it at all.


I love everyone, don't get me wrong but now I have limits to that love now. I'm learning that in order to give love sometimes they have to earn it. Espeically, with guys like him. He has everything that he wants in life, and well for me I have to work for what I have. And sometimes, I feel like he only wants me around when he needs support. But I know in college, I will meet great people and guys who will like me for being smart. Madame Butterfly, once again you come to aid thank you and you are right about Rob. I don't think that he is mature enough to realize. Only time will tell.


The werid dreams have stopped, and now I am going to get some more anime when the money comes in and also pay for school as well. Fasfa didn't work for me, at all but i will make it I will make it...........


Lursa out.

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Stardate: 0509.03


Well yesterday was my father's birthday and he still won't tell me how old he his now lol. But now, college is right around the corner, and it is amazing how time is going by so fast. Sooner or later, I will be dead and if i had children they will care on my tales and stories.


But now, I am moving on and getting around to finding out why my mind is closing on me. It was an interesting day today, my PMS is still being a pain in my azz and i don't know why I cramp up like crazy. But I got some Midol and I think that I will be fine. So, I was looking in my bathroom and I found a ring that Robert gave to me a long time ago..................


Flashback............... around 2000 A.D


I love Robert to death! Everything about him is prefect and also I am going to his house once again and he told me that he has something for me. So, we get in the car and he takes out a mood ring just for me and put it on my finger as well. He is such a romantic guy and maybe this is the guy that I want to be with. I hope things never change............. I finally have something in my life that has not hurt me.........


Now, things are so different between us. There is no longer that "love" we once had and learning to let go is the hardest thing for me to do. But, it is time for him to grow and heal as a person. We both have to grow, and maybe in the future it may be that way between us once again. I am sorry to talk about this for a long time. But, when you put your heart and soul into someone and they shut you down the healing can take a long time. But i have a great path set out for me, I just need to find the pieces and place the picture together.


Lursa out.

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Stardate: 0509.05


Well, school is starting up once again. And for some strange reason I am going to enjoy every moment of it. No more BS I mean business and things are going to start changing in my life. Yesterday, was my father's birthday party, but it also a time of reflection. My past, present, and future all came together in one night. It may be some time, before I log again, mainly due to college. I love star trek fans and you have all been a great family. This is not the last this is only the beginning of a everlasting saga.


In the Inner Circle Written by: Lursa


In the trees, beyond time beyond the sea I see me.


All of my hopes and dreams, are bounded to dreams.


Lord, give me that light you shine upon us all.


Do not forget the pain, it leaves medtation.


I'm not the same as you, my color is skin deep.


My hope is alive, and I will never die.


To all of my lovers, I do not hate you!


To all of my friends, I do not hate you.


Lord, seal my wounds, and give me faith.


Lie me in the circle and never let me go.


With something to think about,


Lursa out.

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Today was my first day of college. I really was expecting it to be fun and more exciting. But it was so boring, and the people well "close-minded" like always lol. I didn't see any new people to meet, maybe things will change. Not only am I going with people at work but also the "annoying people" that I didn't want to deal with in high school. Most of these people are in my class. I was, once again the only black kid in my class. Most of the white kids, well some of them gave me a hard time. But, that is how it is always for me. Anime Club is coming soon, and I look forward to meeting kids who like it as much as I do. Well, I have to go back to my "public speaking" homework. But, let I leave you with another poem:




My shell is broken, yet wings unturned.


The light beyond the grave, has come to hunt me.


Everything, rose-colored glasses inlude me.


The only thing to fear is fear itself.


Yet, why do I fear? Is it the creature within?


Do I longer for Rapture?


Oh, green lizard slime, cracking leaves on the ocean store.


Paint on my forehead.


Paint on my forehead.


Colors of reality, flow into the brush.


Give me America, land of corruption.


The dead lay on the streets, yet no one will cry for them.


I cry for them, and not for me.


With something to think about,



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Stardate: 0509.20


Whew.......... There is so much work that needs to be done. Even I don;t know where to be begin. College is taking alot out me and I am not sure if I am goint ot make it. They give homework all the freakin time and they don't ever, not once, even think that we have lives outside of school.


Here is my daily routine:


Monday- Go to class, then go to work at the computer center from 2 to 3, and then from 5 to 10 pm.


Tuesday- Go to class, then work at the computer center from 2pm to 5pm.


Wednsday- Go to class and newspaper club, then work at Wal-mart from 1 to 7 pm


Thursday- Go to class, then work at the computer center from 2pm to 5pm


Friday- Free day, but then, go to Anime Club from 1 to 4pm


Saturday- Free day, but have to do homework


Sunday- Walmart from 9am to 7pm


As you see, I have no time to do fun things at all!!!!!!! I am so stressed out. I just go the computer center job at my school and well that takes up most of my time. The up side about that is I can do my homwork while i'm working lol. Well, my work is never done.


Lursa out.

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Stardate: 0509.23


Well, fall is here and still to me it as if nothing has changed. Time has stopped, and yet my heart is still beating. The only highlight of my day was going to my college anime club. It is alot of fun, and i even brought a DVD as well to play. I wish it was everyday, i would come. I have not had alot of time to do anything and that is due to college once again.


With october starting I can only hope that I can get into class on time and to even pass most of them. I even have to get up early, just to meet with my math teacher. Math is not my favorite subject, I hate it more than anything but I need it and need to pass it. I might have failed my test today, and that was what was on my mind the whole day.


Did i pass? Only God knows. With my birthday coming up, I plan on getting some stuff for myself. Some anime t-shirts, DVD's and also some star trek gear as well. My public speaking teacher wanted us to pick speeches that will help to inform the audience about something we are passionate about. So i am doing my speech on Klingon culture!


Everyone started to look werid and started to laugh at me. Even the girl next to me said that "star trek" was for losers, but I didn't care. I am going to do it anyway and it will be alot of fun! If anyone knows of good place to find infomation on Klingon culture, please let me know.


Lursa out.

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i had public speaking a few years ago and wore my voyager uniform shirt to class once. there were a few giggles but that was it. sometimes it comes in handy knowing trek i have had people come up and ask questions. so just ignore people's negative comments. some people have weirder and stranger interest than trek.


tm :inlove:

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Stardate: 0510.13


Many of you are wondering why I am i gone. It was manily due to a lot of the same things that are going on in my life as of late. I hope that you are were not worried about me I am back and alive as well. I got a lot of dvd movies almost coming up to 300 dollars worth it is mainly due that i have a new passion for trek and movies. I will be getting some anime too and it cool to do that once in while.


I have been the worse week ever but like in every class that i am i get all C's and such. It is not like i am not trying, I study my but off so hard that sometimes i forget to relax and just try to have fun. But the werid thing is it is amazing to see that I am not the same person that I used to be. I forgive Robert for that he did to me.


But also i needed to do the most important thing is life that is the power to forgive yourself as a person. And i didn't know that my life is great i just need to find where i belong. I wrote him a very long e-mail and I know that it may break or make our friendship.


But if he really cares he will reply and be open and honest with me. Because he really does not do that and then I don't know how to react to it. All this took was one speech for a great guy called Chris Hedges. He talked about the importance of understanding love and friendship. And everything in life flashed before my eyes.


It was the feeling that most people feel before they die. All the things that did comes to them in a last and final breath. Everything was going downhill, but at least now I know what is the right thing to do. I have to be open and honest with and he needs to do the same thing in return.


I have not been that good christian but i need to open my eyes to my sprit and also to seek out paths in ways that I can help other people. From this day forward I have left the old wounds on the past and moved on the heat of the future.


With something to think about,


Lursa out.

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Stardate: 0510.24


Well, for all of you who don't know today is my birthday. And the sad part is not one of my friends remembered that it was. Not even Robert remember at all. This is really hurting me and I really didn't want to go to class about it either. It can be so hard to me! But, I am looking forward to having my party and seeing the people who really care about me in the first place.


I have not done a lot of trek stuff since college started. But, I am changing my offical website I am known as the paranormal reviewer. I will cover all things occult and also all things that are the unknown. Stay tuned for more details to come. I want to make my site reflect who i really am. Please be free to check it out.


More to come,



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Stardate: 0511.03'


Once again, this is the weridest week that I have ever had. First off, my part went well the whole anime club from my school came and it was cool to see them all at my house. Most of them didnt want to leave lol. Orginally, the party was supposed to end at 9pm and it went on until 2 am! Lucky for me my parents didn't mind.


They liked my friends, so that gave me a sence of relief. I would like to thank you all for all the nice birthday thread. It means a lot to me that you guys cared unlike Robert. That really got to me, I remembered his birthday and yet once again he forgot mine.


Then my mother said that I should call him. Well then i find out that he left to go down south and look at colleges. So, tend i told his mother that it was my birthday and tend she said that Robert was talking about me alot. Personally, I think that is a lot of crap!


If he had any manners, and if he really cared about me he would be there for me! My family, expect for my mom, dad, and sister remembered. Some family i have! But, I am getting a lot of stuff for the holidays and also for my birthday. A lot of occult and trek stuff which i still have to read through!


So, all in all at least I will had anime club to soothe my nerves and of course play some video games. I am currently playing Arc the Lad 4 which is a great game that was hard in the first place. A lot of stupid mini-games through.


And class really sucks! I hate college with a passion!


More about that later.................


Lursa out.

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You really got to learn to let go of this guy Robert. He doesn't care for you in the way you want him to. He's made that abundantly clear. Stop pining over him and get on with your life!

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College CAN be a pain. Especially the first couple years when you are taking general required courses that may not interest you as much as courses you take for your major. Hang in there Lursa! Also take your obvious creativity you show in your poems and use it. I don't mean doing nonstandard work that doesn't match an assignment, but just try to let your work reflect who your are. Be sure to use all the resources college offers including a good library. I didn't use the library much as an undergraduate, and it was reflected in my grades. After being in the Navy, I came back and college was a snap. Don't be afraid to ask teachers or librarians for help. Some may be busy but most wil be helpful. And remember, you have friends here ready to listen and give advice when you ask for it (and sometimes when you don't! :blush: Take care!

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Stardate: 0511.07


Thanks guys! Trust me Kor, I have finally let Robert go! I know that things will not work out. But it was mainly due to I cared about him so much it was so hurtful to realize that he didn't care. We have all had to deal with situtaions like that before. Well, college is college and today I had to drop my math class because I was failing it.


I had a bad professor and I learned from that. When I take it again in the spring, I will work harder and stick closer to my teacher. Also the professor didn't teach well at all, and i didnt want to get an F in that class so i had no choice.


Well, this is the month to give thanks, so I might as well learn to live and love life once again. Even my horoscope for this month told me to do that! And i will I need to let go of the things that are holding me back. That is the only way for me to move on and allow myself to heal.


Lursa out.

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Stardate: 0511.10


I have a new friend and his name is Nick. He is such a great guy to be around and i like him a lot! But here is the problem, I am started to be attracted to him for no reason. I tought I was done with the oppsite sex for some time! But then, he told me that he had slept with 2 girls last weekend and also he slept with his best friend's girl.


Well, he told me that in the begging I would lose respect for him and I did! Here was guy that you think would not do that and also he said that he felt bad about it. I asked him if he liked the girls and the the one girl he had sex with and i was shocked with his reponse. He said yes and my heart went bitter cold. It was as if someone told a sledgehammer and cracked into a million pieces.


Afterwards, I was so sad to see this side of him. But, he was not in class today. I was worried about him so called to see how he was doing and i left message letting him know about our homework in class etc. I just hope that we can still can be friends but i can't get this image out of mind. Him with the girls and having sex with them. But, I will move on and i am glad that the truth came out.


Lursa out.

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Stardate: 0511.11


You are right Kor, I must stay away from him! But, he called back today and he asked me what is up. And I told told him that I was oh ok! He said that my mother said that I was sleeping. But, I told him that I am person of the night which I have always been. This might have creeped him out when I said that lol. So i only talked to him for about 36 seconds and that was it. But, he called me back and I am not used to that at all! Went to anime club today and it was great to know how good of friends that I really in life! We share simlar interest which is good. But, I was moody today.


Next, I came back home and found myself cleaning up my room. With the busy schedule that i have, it sometimes hard to make time for the simple things in life. But, I have been having strong dreams lately about romance and mostly my carrer ambitions. It is funny that I am forcing romance out of my mind, and it comes back to haunt me everytime lol. I long for enternal darkness, to wrap me under it's wings and never let me go. I no longer hide from this darkness, I am learning to live and know that this is who I am, and my likings for the occult studies and the paranormal does not make me a freak.


Rather, it makes unique to understand my own inner dreams and fears. I was also promoted in Star Trek Trivia to Lt.Commander and I will do my best to protect and serve on this site. I would like to thank everyone for their strong support and wisdom. Without it, Iw ould have made some bad choices.


Lursa out.

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Stardate: 0511.14


Sorry, I just had to write this one late so I will make it short and sweet. It so werid, when you try to move on and then the people who don't give anything want to come back into your life. Rob e-mailed me saying that he is wondering if I am oh ok. And he tried to be sweet by stated that thinking of me and that I'm never to busy for you, etc. I really don't know if I want to believe it or not because I really felt that he e-mailed me to just e-mail me back! He forgot my birthday and I always remember to call him on his.


My mother told me that I should not do that for his birthday next year! And I might not, considering what is going on. Nick stopped me today and said hi to me. For some werid reason, he is still boasting and talking about sleeping with his best friend's girl. Yet, I don't get why I am still talking to him.... It is just one of those things that even I can not explain. Well, the Mercury retrograde is on us once again. Meaning for us everything is going backward it is also a way of looking at bad luck which is going on for me.


I am still having problems with my college newspaper, which is driving me crazy because I am not doing anything wrong! All of the editors are not allowing me to do any work, which is a big part of my grade and I hate the fact that they are being really diffcult and act harsh to me too as well! I can't wait for this semeter to end, becuase I am getting really pissed off!


Lursa out.

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