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Would You Have A Mircochip Implanted In Your Body?

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It indicated that Mexico's attorney general's office had at least 160 people with microchip implants that allowed them access to secure areas of offices headquarters. In addition the microchip manufacturers says that the chips could be used for tamper-proof identification, access to accounts, and keyless use of vehicles.


What do you think?

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Thats sick and wrong and sick and wrong, I hate that Idea its so weird and dumb it could like kill you for all we know Im never going to have that happen to me its so techolnoicaly advanced for me its so scary.

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Sure, why not. I don't see anything all that wrong with it. It's not like they held them down and forced it on them.

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NO!! It sounds too much like the mark that the antichrist puts on people.

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You know people put artificial stuff in their bodies all the time for all sorts of reasons, this really isn't all that shocking. :picard-sith:

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I understand that it facilitates security but it is really an open door to abuse. That means someone can know where you are at all times - like timing how long you spend in the restroom etc. Or even devising a way to figure out where you are even outside of work.


I wouldn't do it.

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I think it could be great if used finding missing kids or kidnapped may prevent a lot of different kinds of crime if it was something that

couldn't be removed....maybe injected in the blood stream.....I'd do it to keep

molesters from my a heartbeat!

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I know that they microchip animals so if they get lost they can be returned to the rightful owner. As for me, I think I would object to having a chip put into my body. I know I have to do the contact len for my right eye but to have a microchip placed in me just for banking or perhaps being located is frightening to me. The world's a changing so maybe later on my views will change on this.

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So that the government can track me like cattle..HELL NO

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NO!! It sounds too much like the mark that the antichrist puts on people.

Bingo! My thoughts, too, WAB. I wouldn't allow it. Not for any reason. What may seem a benign excuse could have consequences of biblical proportions. :picard-sith::laugh: :huh:

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I don't give a "Rat's A**" about accessing a building. There is NO way in h*ll I'd ever put something like that in me, forget it!!!!!!!!!! :picard-sith:

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I'm gonna let you guys in on a not so closely gaurded secret. I can use a computer and a camera to figure out where you are and how long you spend in the washroom just as easily---if not more so, because it doesn't require consent on your part---as a microchip. anyone from england might tell you there is a London suburb that has cameras on every street, someone could hack the system and stalk you without ever leaving the confines of their computer room.

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If the government wants to find out what you're doing they can very easily without a microchip. IMO the idea of privacy is already a joke. Anyone who really wanted to could find out just about anything about me or anyone else without a whole lot of effort.

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dude, that would ROCK! it would be like being a cyborg or something. and then you could like, make your arms into rocketlaunches and blow stuf..... oops, sorry im rambling, but dont mind me i havent slept for coupla days, as FRAG-N-BAG was going on! ( ) i was up playing games like Counterstrike and Battlefield 1942:Desert Combat and stuff. it was really fun, but i got my A-s-s kicked each time, lol. it was super fun though, so its all good.

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If the government wants to find out what you're doing they can very easily without a microchip. IMO the idea of privacy is already a joke. Anyone who really wanted to could find out just about anything about me or anyone else without a whole lot of effort.

Precisely, RC. think about this: The Government ISSUES Social Security numbers, Birth certificates, Drivers Licenses, and they are who you pay your taxes to. they probably know more about you than you really care to realise, and a Microchip won't make a difference. and they've had the power to use it (with probable cause) since the 1960's or 70's thanks to legislation aimed at stopping organised crime.

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I'm gonna let you guys in on a not so closely gaurded secret. I can use a computer and a camera to figure out where you are and how long you spend in the washroom just as easily---if not more so, because it doesn't require consent on your part---as a microchip. anyone from england might tell you there is a London suburb that has cameras on every street, someone could hack the system and stalk you without ever leaving the confines of their computer room.

Exactly. People are sooooooo worried about personal privacy, and for what? If their government (or a government from a number of foreign countries) wants to find them, it will. Guess what? Pretty much nobody cares where you are and what you're doing most of the time.


I imagine we'll all have stuff like this attached to us in the future. We're already carrying the stuff around to make life easier (PDAs, digital cameras, cell phones) - it's only a matter of time before implants take hold. By the way, we already have implants for people who are sick (artificial organs, etc.). It's only a couple of small steps from that to implanting to prevent illness and then on to self-improvement. We'll all look like the Borg in a couple of hundred years.

Edited by Red Shirt Volunteer

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RSV's post made me think....why in the hell should the government care about what you do in your free time, anyways? unless you are a criminal, your only importance to them is your tax dollars.


Edit: THere are approximately 9 million people in employment by the government total. that's 1 in 30 Americans, again, roughly. the Government doesn't have the manpower resources to track you personally.

Edited by Lieutenant JG Jim Phaserman

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Now that cell phones have built-in cameras, I guess there is a problem with privacy in places such as locker rooms, or most anyplace that otherwise would normally seem private. But you can't get paranoid, looking over your shoulder every minute.

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I think it could be great if used finding missing kids or kidnapped may prevent a lot of different kinds of crime if it was something that

couldn't be removed....maybe injected in the blood stream.....I'd do it to keep

molesters from my a heartbeat!

Thats the best reason i have heard to have a chip put in you :picard-sith:

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If the government wants to find out what you're doing they can very easily without a microchip. IMO the idea of privacy is already a joke. Anyone who really wanted to could find out just about anything about me or anyone else without a whole lot of effort.

For many people the workplace is already a place of tyranny - software counts how many keystrokes you make, cameras film you - even in the restroom. I was thinking more practical than "government". I was thinking of some suit deciding how much time you needed to go the restroom and writing you up if you spent more than that. It happens already - but working all day with big brother looking over your shoulder can physically make you sick.

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Guys, gals, the main problem would be in it being (1) against your will and (2) having RFID, the latter providing a possibility of the aforementioned Biblical proportions, of which i don't want to see occur. The bigger problem is when people want to push RFID, there have already been cases of it being utilized illegally and without the knowledge of many people. If the chip helped my memory (and God knows i need it badly) but didn't have anything like RFID in it and was something i could choose to get, i might be ok about it. But technologies like this are warning of potential abuse already, as i mentioned.

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The main things that would presrade me are what they would be used for and how safe are they. I wouldnt want to get one and find out that someone could then copy it excatly and steal my identity. So as long as its safe and isnt going to be used for anything illegal i wouldnt really mined.



:tank: :tomcat: :tank:




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I don't think it would be a good idea at all. What if the chip malnfuctions. It could leave a person handicapped. And no one wants that do they. I know I definately wouldn't want it.

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the truth is i never thought about that...thinks... ok ive changed my mind i wouldt have a chip unless there was noway it could malfuntion.



:tank: :tomcat: :tank:




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I don't think it could leave you handicapped, you'd simply have it replaced. If they can replace artificial joints they can certainly replace a microchip with no problem. They already do this in pets as a form of ID. It does no harm at all to the animal.

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Well I had said it "could" malnfunction. You never know what the concequences could be. And for me it's not worth the risk.

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It indicated that Mexico's attorney general's office had at least 160 people with microchip implants that allowed them access to secure areas of offices headquarters.  In addition the microchip manufacturers says that the chips could be used for tamper-proof identification, access to accounts, and keyless use of vehicles.


What do you think?




For THESE particular applications those tags as a way of ensuring job site security and for allowing employees keyless acess to their respective areas MAY be a good idea but I don't like the doors it opens for future abuses of our Freedom. :blink:


If I wanted those jobs then accepting the implant would be required, if I couldn't handle that then I guess I wouldn't get those jobs. The day could come when every job required them, if we wanted to keep working then we'd have no choice but have them installed.


In the Bible we're told of day coming when the Beast in power will require everyone who wishes to buy or sell goods to have a "Mark" placed on/in their foreheads/hands and anyone refusing the Mark will die. Presumably only a very few people chosen by God will have the strength of will to accept death over doing the will of the beast.

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The Bible has been interpreted countless different ways. The idea that this would have anything to do with the antichrist or the marking on hands or foreheads isn't even a concern to me. If it is to you then I can certainly see why you wouldn't want to do it. Aside from that I still don't see what the big deal is. JMO

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