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Would You Have A Mircochip Implanted In Your Body?

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Alot of poeple want to think the government could use this to abuse personal freedoms, but I don't think those fears are very rational. as I said, if they WANTED to, there are alot of easier ways to do it that require alot less consent on your part. Besides, animal shelters already use microchips in the animals they house as a way of making sure they are all there. and those prefered cards? you don't think those or your credit cards can't be used to tell what you are up to?

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NO!! It sounds too much like the mark that the antichrist puts on people.

Bingo! My thoughts, too, WAB. I wouldn't allow it. Not for any reason. What may seem a benign excuse could have consequences of biblical proportions. :b-day::b-day::b-day:

I couldn't agree more. And it would also take away our freedom. So I wouldn't allow it.



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I'm all for technology in the body, i think it would make life very convienient.


I recently watched a documentary on cybernetics, we could download thoughts, feelings and memorys off the net!!


And there my own idea, a mobile phone attached along the jaw bone, like a thin wire with a speaker and mic. <_<

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