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Lubak10's Log

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I'M BACK, and I had lots of fun! I went to my friend, Melissa's, cabin and had a blast. The first day it was kinda rainy so we stayed inside and played cards and read all day. Mel's cousin also made a fire which was nice to curl up and read next to. Her cousin was really nice. When I mentioned that I liked coffee he made some the next morning and brought the bag over so I could smell the grounds (I LOVE the smell of coffee grounds!). The next day was bright and sunny so we went to the sand dunes that were across the lake that was right next to the cabin. Me and Mel kayaked and her aunt, her cousin, and his girlfriend sailed. We spent most of the day swimming, sailing, and hiking. Then we went back to the cabin and cooked dinner. After dinner we went out and did Go Carts and Bumper Cars. That was lots of fun! Also, every night Mel's cuz would build a fire and we would play cards or read next to it. One night we played pictionary and my team won even though I'm a horrible artist. After the game Mel's cuz drew this picture of a war elephant with battle armor and everything, but he burned it cause his girlfriend was jokingly complaining that it was stareing at her. Saturday we went to see one of the lighthouses nearby and walked down the beach it was next to. Then we took the long way home going through all the pretty back roads. Today was our last day there and we went to Michigan Adventure. There aren't a whole lot of roller coasters there, but they were fun and I went on all of the big ones and several smaller ones. Shivering Timbers was my favorite and i went on it three times. At the end of the day we almost had a major crisis cause we got to the car and no one had the keys. Mel's cuz remembered that he had out them in his pocket after the water park and the only ride we rode after that was Shivering Timbers, so we had the park office radio there to see if they found his keys. Luckily they had so he ran over to the ride to get them.

I love Melissa's family. Her cousin was a really sweet guy, and her aunt was one of the most fun and loving people I have ever met. She even gave me a hug and a kiss every night. I haven't had that happen since I was a little kid. This morning was the only boring part of the trip. We were all packed but we couldn't leave till Mel's aunt talked to the guy her mom hired to cut down a tree near the cottage, and he had already cut down the wrong tree twice! I'm not sure how things worked out in the end. All in all, it was one of the funnest vacations I've ever had, except for the fact that I got eaten to death by mosquitoes.



How compact your bodies are. And what a variety of senses you have. This thing you call language, though, most remarkable. You depended on it for so vary much. But is any of you really its master? But most of all, the aloneness. You are so alone. You live out your lives in this shell of flesh. Self-contained. How terribly lonely.


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I had both a dentist and an eye docter appointment today. Not fun! The dentist's went smoothly except for a small cavity in the back of my mouth. Fortunately they wont have to use drills or anything, they just need to cap it. I was excited at the eye doctor cause I'm finally going to get contacts! I'm not going to change the color of my eye though. I like the one God gave me just fine.

Anything else going on? Nope.



Things are only impossible until they're not.


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I MISS SPRINGHILL! :) There's a song on the radio that we would sing all the time at SpringHill and it brought back all these memories! I miss it so bad! I'll probably post another entry like this next week cause that's when my little sis is going. You have no idea how bummed out I am that I can't go this summer. I'm going to Europe instead, but I love that place so much! It's the only place that I've truly felt at home. I'd rather have something bad happen to me there then something good happen anyplace else.



I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.

-C.S. Lewis

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I need to start going to bed earlier. When i woke up today it was almost noon, and I hate it when I sleep till noon cause then half my day is already gone.

Angie is in France by now! How exciting! I wonder what she's going to be doing over there. Or if she is meeting any 8 year old boys named Henri (hehehehehehe). It's hard to believe that in about a month I will be there as well! The Strange Sisters take on Europe!

I got my grades and schedule for next year. Grades weren't too bad. I managed a C- in Algebra 2, but I'm retaking it next year so it doesn't really matter. I got a B on my french final! :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao: Which is surprising cause I didn't study that much and it was my last final which is usually my worst. Actually, this year my first final was my worst. Chemistry *shudders*. Oh well. At least I never have to think about it again. My schedule is fine except that I'm still signed up for Functions, Statistics and Trigonometry (all one class) even though I want to retake Algebra 2. The rest of it's fine though. I'm taking:

1st sem 2nd sem

Economics Comparative Religions

Concert Choir Concert Choir

Astronomy Government

Youth Connections Youth Connections

English Lit English Lit

Algebra 2 Algebra 2


I'm do glad that I made it into Concert Choir. NO MORE FRESHMAN!



One reason I don't drink is that I want to know when I'm having a good time.

-Nancy Astor

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I saw Harry Potter last night! It was so good!

Click for Spoiler:

When Harry was rideing the hipogrife(sp?) I was waiting for him to yell "I'm the king of the world!"



I've been really thirsty lately, and I'm not sure why. I know it's probably just the summer weather (even though I've been in my ACed house all day) but thanks to my American Lit teacher I can't help but think about this being some sort of metaphor. Water 99.9% of the time represents life and truth, so if I'm really thirsty does that mean that I'm searching for the truth? Oh well. I can't believe wasted that much time thinking about it. I tend to over anyalise things sometimes.



Today's quote is not one that I don't necessarily agree with, but it's interesting to think about.


When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.

- Oscar Wilde

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I went to see my cousin's new baby, Alison, today. She is soooooo cute! :theking: I also got 2 hours of drive time in, which was nice. Only 6 more and I can take my driver's test. I also went golfing for the first time in ages! I'm going again tomorrow with my Dad as a father's day present. Unfortunately I have to get up at 6am to do it, since we're taking my sister to SpringHill in the afternoon.



Sometimes I get the feeling the whole world is against me, but deep down I know

that's not true. Some smaller countries are neutral.

- Robert Orben

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I dropped my sis off at SpringHill today, and now I'm nostalgic so I'm going to tell you all about SpringHill and how cool it is.


There are three different sections of the camp.



This is for grades 1-3, and it makes me wish I was a little kid again. These kids get to stay in castles, farmhouses, fire stations, safari villages, pirate ships and more!


Copper Country (CoCo)

This is where my little sis is now. This is for grades 4-6. They get to stay in Forts, Wigwams, M.A.S.H. Tents, Tepees (this is where little sis is staying this year), Covered Wagons and more.

I don't know a whole lot more about StoBro or CoCo cause I didn't start going to SpringHill till I was in 8th grade.


New Frontiers (NewFro)

This camp is for 6-9th graders. It's so much fun. There isn't a lot of creative housing, but they make up for it. The camp separates the NewFro kids into two groups (for example: Hatfields vs McCoys, Army vs Navy) and they compete throughout the week. The funnest part is crud wars, where we through disgusting stuff (horse feed and water, jello, flour) at each other. Then they bring in the SpringHill firetruck and hose us down. My favorite part of NewFro was club. Each night they would take us to the gym where a Christian band would give a mini concert and then someone would teach us about the Bible, Jesus and God. This was usually accompanied by a creative skit of one of the Bible stories. There would also be silly skits to make us laugh.

NewFro also have themed groups you can sign up for like basketball, golf, BMX, cheerleading, dance, water sports, etc. If you want to see the whole list I'm putting the web address at the bottom of this post.

Now you're probably wondering "what about the high schoolers?" (well, you i doubt you were actually wondering that, but pretend you were). For 9-12th graders there is:



TST stands for Teen Service Teem. TSTs keep SpringHill running smoothly. TSTs get to go for two weeks for less money then a normal camper would go for one, but only because they work as well as play. They get to cook the meals, set and clear all the tables, clean the bathrooms (it's not as bad as you think it is!), and deliver firewood. After their jobs are done they get to go do all the activities that a camper would do.





The zipline is when you get into a harness, attach yourself to a cable and zoom through the air at about 40 miles per hour. I'm afraid of heights so I haven't done this yet but I'm determined to do it next year.



This is a giant inflated tube on the water. Someone sits on side A, another someone jumps off a ledge onto side B, and the person on side A flys off into the water (while wearing a life-jacket).


Island Burgers

It's not really and island (more like a peninsula) but of well. If you go over to the "island" (and all the campers do at least once) Island Joe will cook you up some island burgers that are the best you will ever taste. He even has veggie burger for the vegans among us.


Devotionals and Campfire

Throughout the week the campers read from the Bible and answer questions that get them thinking about God and Jesus. I can't find my devotional book right now but I remember the TSTs last year learned about discipleship.

Campfire is when the campers gather around the fire and sing songs (not all of them are dorky) and talk to one another. At campfire last year my group really got close and talked about some serious stuff.


There's also a lot of traditional camp stuff like Horseback riding, canoing, crafthouse, and the pool (that has a waterslide on it). SpringHill also has a skatepark and a paintball area for the older kids. If you live near Michigan or Indiana I highly recommend you check it out. Here's the web address.




-Me and every other kid that goes there

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I'm getting really excited for my trip to Europe next month. I was going through all my clothes to see what I still needed to get. The only bad thing about this trip is that I'll technically be an Ambassador to the United States so I have to wear nice clothes the whole time. But that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make to get to go to Europe at 16. Well, I'll be 15 when I leave but about halfway through I'll turn 16. I'm going to take my driving test before I leave that way I'll have my license when I get back. I'm getting excited about that too! Finally I wont have to rely on my parents to take me places. I'll have to make sure one of their cars is available since they are definitely not going to get me one of my own.



Life's a tough proposition, and the first hundred years are the hardest.

- Wilson Mizner

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I just got a call from Angie today. Normally that wouldn't be a big deal, except for the fact that she's in France! We couldn't talk long for obvious reasons but it was still cool. She started to talk about all the things she had been doing and that got me even more excited for my trip since we'll be doing some of the same things. A part of me wishes that I had done the trip with her cause then I would get to go to France with my best friend and get to go to SpringHill, but that's being a bit selfish and bratish of me. I was offered the opportunity of a lifetime and I should thank God for giving it to me, not focusing on what I can't have as a result. Only 21 more days till I leave.



It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is both incisive and probing when every twelve minutes one is interrupted by dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper.

-Rod Serling

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I got my contacts! :) :dude::dude: I'm so glad I don't have to wear glasses anymore. No one will see the difference unless I tell them because I hate glasses with a passion so I only wore them when I was driving. Now I go for a walk and I can actually see the leaves on the trees!

Today is a good day. I'm not sure if I just got a good nights sleep or if it's the beautiful weather, but I just feel happy today. When I got up this morning the first thing that went through my head was *singing* It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood". I haven't seen that show since I was really little. The only bad thing is I have to clean the house. My mom is having a Pampered Chief party tomorrow and since I'm home all day I get to clean. Oh well. It will only take an hour or two out of my day.



A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it.

-Bob Hope

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Now I'm getting really excited! Last night I went to a party last night with the rest of the people that I'll be going to Europe with. We had so much fun together. It got us all extremely excited because all this is starting to become more of a reality. Before, England, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland in three weeks just seemed like a cool thing to do. Now I'm realizing that in about two weeks I actually get to do it. I'm rambling, I know, but this is all just so cool! I still need to do some more shopping for the trip. It's just a few little things here and there that I need but it wont be a good thing for me not to have them.



There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes.

Doctor Who

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I feel like crap! :look: It's probably just dehydration but it sure can make you feel crummy! Me and Angie are going to Scheulers tonight. I can't wait to hear how her trip went. That's all that's going on right now. Wow, summer may be relaxing but it doesn't give me much to write about. I suppose I could write about my spiritual life, which is going through some major stuff, but that's extremely personal and I fell more comfortable writing about that in a normal journal.



If people never did silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done.

-Ludwig Wittgenstein

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Only 12 more days till I leave!



The best liar is he who makes the smallest amount of lying go the longest way.

Samuel Butler

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There's this hurt raccoon outside. :eek: I feel so sorry for it. One of it's front paws is only hanging on by a little bit of skin and it looks really sick. I got my cats inside so they don't beat it up (or get beaten up. Even hurt raccoons can be nasty) and my neighbor called Animal Control. Poor thing!

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There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes.

Doctor Who



Oh, poor racoon :eek: Hope he/she'll get better :o


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I don't know what happened to the raccoon. Animal control wouldn't come out to pick it up unless it was dead or in a cage, which is weird since there was a raccoon problem like this one last year in my neighborhood and they came to get it then. One of my neighbors put out an animal trap last night and it's gone this morning but I don't know for sure if he caught it.


On a happier note, I did some more shopping for my trip last night. I got some pretty cool stuff and now all I need is a phone card and some memory chips for my digital camera. I'm getting so excited! 10 more days!



The wreckage of man's repeated attempts to control the universe is strewn along the sordid beaches of history.

- graffiti in Ichan City

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I just got back from my grandparent's house, and I'm glad to be back. I am definitely the black sheep of the family and I hate going and spending time with them. Plus I'm the oldest girl by six years so there is know one for me to hang out with. I would have invited Angie or Melissa to come but they were both going someplace else. What makes it all worse is that my little cousins adore me and they can be the most annoying creatures on the planet. After all that little cousin time I had I desperately need to go out with my friends.

My grandparents own a farm (well, technically my uncle owns it now cause my grandparents are retired, but they still live on it and help out with the chores) and there are lots of cats around. One of them just had kittens a few weeks ago and they are so cute! :D Unfortunately I don't think any of them will be alive the next time I go there. Out of the four that were born, three are really sick and the one who wasn't sick drowned because he was too adventurous and fell into a water trough. They're mom isn't much help either. She only visits them once a day and doesn't sleep with them to keep them warm. Fortunately one of the older kittens from another litter will curl up with them when it's really cold out.



The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips then walk out the door and deny Him with their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.

-D.C. Talk

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I finlay saw Don't Say A Word last night. Really really good movie! Angie was bugging me to see it when it first came out, but up until last night I only seemed to catch it when it was half over. Starting a suspense movie half way through isn't much fun.

Not much else is going on. Me and Mom are going to get some of the last few things I need for my trip. I kinda want to get that shaving junk that you spray on your legs and then all you have to do is wipe the hair off. That's too many chemicals to be putting on my legs all the time but I figure it'll be nice on the trip cause it will save time.

I just realized something really cool, but I feel a little stupid cause it took me this long to figure it out. This is MY space! I have total control over it. I can say anything I want and it doesn't matter what anyone thinks. I don't need to care if anyone reading this is bored or not cause it doesn't matter! I can be as random as I want! :) :o :devil: :laugh: :) :) :bow: :pepsi: :)

How fun!



I loathe the expression "What makes him tick." It is the American mind, looking for simple and singular solution, that uses the foolish expression. A person not only ticks, he also chimes and strikes the hour, falls and breaks and has to be put together again, and sometimes stops like an electric clock in a thunderstorm.

James Thurber

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Not too much going on. I got my hair rehighlighted yesterday and I love the way it looks. I originally have brown hair and I got streaks of blond put in. If I can ever figure out how to post pictures on the internet I'll show you what it looks like.

I got the last few items I need for my trip. Well, all except my debt card. I was late in going to the bank and setting everything up so I'm not sure if it will get here in time. If it doesn't come by saturday then I'm going to get some traveler's checks instead. I'd rather have the card but the checks are better then nothing.



I've wrestled with reality for 35 years and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it.

-- Jimmy Stewart

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I finally packed! I now understand why Angie got packphobia right before her trip cause I'm getting it now. Packing is admitting that this is actually happening, and even though that's a good thing it's really scary! The only problem that came up was the weight limit. My suitcase could only be 40 pounds. This wouldn't have been a problem except that I need to bring laundry detergent along and that added some major weight to my suitcase. My mom is having a hard time dealing with the fact that I'll be gone for three weeks. When we were in the grocery store she want to buy me everything in the pain reliever isle because she "wouldn't be there to take care of her baby!" (her actual words). She's gonna cry on Monday when I leave. Maybe not in the airport when I leave but on the way home when it's just her in the car she is gonna cry. :rofl:

I finally got to talk to Chris after what seems like months. First he was banned from the computer till some time in early June, then lightning struck it and burned the whole thing out. He has to use the library computer till he can buy his laptop. I miss talking to him! Speaking of friends, I hope Angie is home tomorrow. I called her house on Thursday and her Dad told me that she was at their cabin or something like that. If she's not home Sunday or Monday I need to find out from her parents when she'll be home in July so I know when to call.

What else is going on? Oh! I bought makeup for the first time in forever. I've never really been a makeup kind of girl but I thought I'd buy some for my Europe trip to make me look a little prettier.



Before man came to blow it right

The wind once blew itself untaught

And did its loudest day and night

In any rough place where it caught.


Man came to tell it what was wrong,

It hadn't found the place to blow.

It blew too hard - the aim was song.

And listen how it ought to go!


He took a little in his mouth,

And held it long enough for north

To be converted into south

And then by measure blew it forth.


By measure. I was word and note,

The wind had meant to be

A little through the lips and throat.

The aim was song - the wind could see.

- Robert Frost

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This is probably going to be my last post for the next three weeks. I'm getting majorly nervous but not anything close to what my parents are feeling. They keep asking me "do you have everything?", "do you know how the camera works?" etc. It's getting quite annoying.

I went golfing with my Dad this morning and played one of the best games I've ever played. I wish I had been keeping score. The one weird thing that happened was I saw my old math teacher at the course. :hug: It didn't surprise me cause I knew he was a big golfer but it was still weird.

I just called Angie's house but got the answering machine. I hope she's just out for a few hours and I can talk to her tonight. I saw her mom in their driveway this morning so I assume they are home.


Well, that's it! See you all in three weeks! :hug:


Ang, this quote is for you. :hug:

Computer games don't affect kids. I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive music.

-Kristian Wilson

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Hey everybody! I'm still in Europe but my host family has a computer so I thought I'd see how everyone was doing. I'm in England and I'll be home in about 4 or 5 days. See you all then! I'll have pictures up as soon as I i get rid of jet lag and figure out how to post them.

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I'M BACK!!!!!!! I'm so glad to be home. I had an awsome time on my trip but sleeping in my own bed and not having to worry about what country I'm in and what time breakfast is and all that will be nice. I'd write more but it's about 1 AM London time, which is what I'm on right now, and I'm exhausted. I'm be sure to get pictures up as soon as possible.

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