He Who Shall Not Be Named

Ships Crew
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Posts posted by He Who Shall Not Be Named

  1. My favorite scene would be right after the Enterprise rammed the Scimitar and the ships separate. We see all that debris floating into space and you just look at the Enterprise and wonder how the heck they can fly it home.


    My second favorite scene: "Oh, Sh**!"

  2. Lt. Van Roy was my chat name on startrek.com. It's also a sim character I play.


    Yes, I am aware of the irony of calling myself "Lt. Van Roy" when my rank here is Lt. Cmdr. And yes I'm aware that eventually I'll be promoted in my sim forum. No need pointing it out.

  3. My sister in law is taking classes at the local community college, one of her classes is...and I sh** you not, "Sociology Through Star Trek"

    On the other hand, regular Sociology isn't much better.


    You can take any economics paper, take out the calculus and empiracle data, throw in some inherently unprovable assumptions about human behavior with technical-sounding terms like "social stratification", and turn it into a sociology paper. But you can not take a sociology paper and turn it into an economics paper.

  4. I've heard some pretty wild and pretty interresting ideas on Kirk's death.  What about you guys?

    What I think would have been a good death for Kirk would be if he saw a familiar-looking saucer section in the distance moving towards him, growing larger and larger, until... :rolleyes:

  5. I never considered him to have worse command style then Picard, just very different. The crew was not used to a captain like Jellico, and I agree that he might have been portrayed as (and maybe he was) an (Ignore me, I'm using profanity) but his command style worked nonetheless.

    Actually, that actor has pretty much played an (Ignore me, I'm using profanity) in all his roles. He is quite good at it. :lol:


    Well, I take that back. He was an OK guy in the movie "soldier", but no one saw that movie because it sucked.


    But overall I think he was one of the most realistic Captains played. Military officers can't play nice all the time. Plus you have to remember he was chosen by Starfleet for just that particular mission. He knew what negotiating with the Cardassians was like, and what to expect if those negotiations failed. For all we know the only other person on the ship who had met a Cardassian face to face was O'Brian.

  6. First Contact: Dead. They wouldn't have quantum torpedos and the Borg were already familiar with fighting Galaxy class ships.


    Insurrection: Probably would survive. Plus we would be able to see where the Captain's Yaht on the Galaxy Class ship is. (Yes, it did have one, they just never used it in any episodes.)


    Nemesis. Dead. Even if they had survived the major part of the battle, which is doubtful, there is no way a Galaxy Class's structure could survive raming the Scimitar.