He Who Shall Not Be Named

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Posts posted by He Who Shall Not Be Named

  1. You have to remember that the first time we saw Spock die was about 25 years ago. Most of us were a lot younger then.


    I actually laughed when Data died - not because I saw humor in it but I saw Nemesis with my dad and his work paged him about 10 minutes before the end of the movie. He still doesn't know how it ends because I won't tell him. ;)


    The only movie I ever got misty-eyed at was Edward Sizzorhands.

  2. Actually Jim quoted the original song for the Artillery. The Army Song had the same melody, slightly different words.


    I would have to say the Marines have the best song.


    There was one time when I was in the Army I was calling cadence and I accidently slipped into singing it. I got all the way up to "We are proud to claim the title of the United Sta..." before I realised what I had done. Our Platoon Sergeant, who was a former Marine himself, didn't say anything. He just laughed and laughed with the rest of the platoon when I realised my mistake.


    Man that was embarrassing.

  3. 29. Kirk can just about drive a stick-shift. Picard sells Pontiacs during the commercial break.

    During the filming of "Best of Both Worlds" Stewart, in his Locutus makeup, had his face appear on a mock viewscreen they used for filming purposes. As a joke he said "Resistance is futile! Have you ever considered owning a Pontiac?" They had to stop filming for the day because no one could stop laughing! :bag:

  4. I picked Other for Puloski. I would have picked Bashir but he couldn't have been a good doctor without those genetic enhancements and that's like cheating.


    Notice I don't think Puloski was the best character, just the best doctor.

  5. What do you mean DID I enjoy the series? I STILL enjoy it!


    Of course movie-wise the best has to be Life of Brian. I mean how can you pass up dialogue like "Mother! You were raped?" "Well, at first, yes." :lol:


    I just couldn't help voting for the option that would turn drwho42 into a toad.