He Who Shall Not Be Named

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Posts posted by He Who Shall Not Be Named

  1. Hey, I'm still waiting for the episode where Porthos has to take command! :dude:


    What would be funny is if Archer and T'Pol replay the conversation Data and Worf had:


    Archer: Tell him he is a good dog. And a pretty dog. (etc.)


    T'Pol: I will feed him.

  2. I'm one of those "simmer" types so the distinction of what is "cannon" and what isn't is something I occasionally have to think about in my role-playing as I often have to fill in the gaps.


    My definition of "cannon" is anything that is observed in any of the shows / movies (including TAS although I don't remember very much of it) that is not inconsistent with anything else in the shows / movies. When there is a discrepancy I will go with whatever is most fesible. This may be determined either by what seems to be the predominant theme in the shows / movies or whatever common sense will support.


    For example, the Warp 15 observed in "All Good Things" is inconsistent with the Warp 10 "perfect speed" observed in Voyager. The Warp 10 barrier had a full episode of Voyager that showed the problems of trying to exceed it while the Warp 15 had one line in a theoretical future made impossible because of the destruction of the Enterprise-D in "Generations". Therefore I consider the Warp 10 limit to be cannon. It is also established Trek lore that it's impossible to beam through shields so I would consider the beaming of the Scorpion attack craft through the Enterprise-E's shields to be impossible cannon-wise even though we saw exactly that in "Nemesis" (We never SAW an order given to drop the shields although we might assume that a competent crew would know to do this in the absence of specific orders to do so.)


    Another example are Romulan quantum singularity drives. We know they power warbirds and scout ships. It isn't a big stretch to say they power other ships like shuttles and freighters. However, although the shows and movies don't rule this out, it would be a big stretch to say they also power buildings. The predominant theme is the Romulans use quantum singularity drives like the Federation uses warp cores, and the idea that a stationary building would go into warp is ridiculous on the face of it. Sure, you could use one as a power source anyway, but what would be the point?


    Clear as mud?

  3. "There was a lady from Venus

    Who'se head was shaped like a..."


    At this point Data was interrupted, and we never found out how the rest of the limerick went.


    Assuming we can figure out what Data's next word would have been what do you think the next 3 lines were?

  4. OK, here is how I would do it:


    First Officer: Worf

    Second Officer / Chief Eng: LaForge

    Helm: Paris

    Ops: Nog

    Couns: Guinan. I know, she's a civilian. The military does use civilian doctors and psychiatrists occasionally. But if I couldn't have Guinan I'd just eliminate the position.

    Tactical: Tuvoc. I don't think I would have a Security officer as such. I'd probably just have a Marine contingent or something.

  5. Well I like the Enterprise E better.  It just looks like it could whoop more *buttocks*!   :)

    I still would rather live on D than E but I've gotta admit in the 'whoop'ing department there is no contest ,its :) E :)

    I don't know, I would feel a bit weird living on a ship where the military and their dependents have it better than most civilians.

  6. It's how all Vulcans are.  Spock was emotional, at times, becuase he was half-human.  Tuvok was more relaxed becuase he was very old.  T'Pol, however, is young, and to be quite honest, I think she's more emotional than Tuvok ever was.

    Maybe she has this "OK, I'm relatively young for a Vulcan and I need to prove myself" syndrome and she is overcompensating.

  7. Actually, I don't remember them doing this.  It does stand to reason that they could however.

    I think he ment the Scimitar.


    Actually the Scimitar is Reman design, not Romulan.

    Whoever it was, I don't remember any ships firing while cloaked.

  8. Just to add to what Nemesis said, what would you do if you were the Romulan Praetor or Procounsul or some other important position and were setting strategy against your enemies? Would you go in and attack your enemies with all guns blazing, use up your resources, and make known to all your intentions? Or would you use cunning and subterfuge to get your enemies to fight each other, conserve your resources, and keep your options open? What makes more sense?

  9. (wonders how many people will show up in full costume anyway) :assimilated:

    With the great group that we have here at STF.net, I doubt that we will have that problem.

    Believe it or not, last summer I went to Star Trek: The Experience with a bunch of simmers (hence my avitar). These are people who not only are fans of Star Trek but pretent they are Star Trek characters.


    Not a single person in our group wore a costume. We did, however, see people walking the strip in full costume! :borg2: