Captain Bolivar

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Posts posted by Captain Bolivar

  1. I don't think T' Pau is related to Spock either. I always thought it would be great if T'Pol was related to T'Pau though. On Enterprise there is a stigma attached to mind melds etc. Perhaps, T'Pol teached T'Pau that there should not be a stigma attached to it, and thus, T'Pau developes it and becomes one of the greated Vulcan minds. Just my idea.

  2. That is an interesting point Syperphobia! I never thought of it that way. I know that Seven needed to wear her uniform. It was a dermaplasitc garment designed by the Doctor to serve some purpose having to do with her removed Borg implants. As for Neelix and Kes, at first the Captain didn't even know them so she couldn't make them officers, but later on it could have been appropriate. In fact, during the episode, Year of Hell, she did make Neelix an officer in the alternate timeline. He had a gold uniform. I think he was a security officer.

  3. I think it will be awhile before Torres' daughter can be a part of the Klingon High Council, because right now she is only a couple of years old. Besides, it's not likely that the timeline will remotely ressemble the alternate timeline we saw in the last episode, End Game. I say this because we saw an alternate timeline in the last episode of TNG, All Good Things, and it has not turned out at all like that alternate timeline.

  4. Well, that was rather confusing, but time travel always is. It really does not make any sense. There are way too many paradoxes. We tend to ignore them for the sake of the show, but if you wanna get technical, time travel in Star Trek really wounldn't work and we would have no show. Also, have you ever noticed how the rules of time travel sometimes change from one episode to another. One Picard went through time and met his self, but both could not fuction as a person at the same time. As time got closer the time Picard travelled back in time, the incoherent Picard became coherant and normal while the other did the opposite. It really made little sense, but it was an entertaining episode.

  5. Martok released his grip on his dagger. The warrior's grip on war blade was merely a means to get what he really wanted from the petty criminal: his blood wine. Knowing what a coward Quark was, he knew it would work, and it did quite well. Quark immediately surrendered the wine to him. It was clear in Martok's mind that Quark knew the first bottle was replicated; He always did angle for the bigger profit, but somehow it never worked out for him that way - Odo was always there to foil his plans. Ironically, Odo was here at this time too. The Klingon, smirking with contempt for the short bartender, glanced at Odo and shook his head to display his dislike for Quark. On that note, Martok made due with the pleasantries,


    "Odo, it is nice to see you are back. I for one am glad that you'll be around to keep Quark in check." Shifting to a more authoritarian tone, he said his goodbyes. He had bussiness to conduct. "Now, If you two will excuse me I must go see the good Captain." As Martok made his way past them towards the lift, he nodded his head at them and said "Kira, Odo" to signal that he was leaving for Ops.

  6. AH, the warm summer months are about to come to an end. For some it may not make a big difference to some, but to others it makes a big diff. For me, I will be going back to my second year of Police Foundations. i'm also picking up a new part time job for September. And once the weather gets cooler, I won't be out biking, rollerblading, and playing Tennis like a have been doing this summer. I just dread the cold.


    What will you be doing once the summer ends?

  7. I doubt that they had it planned out at that point. While reading the Official Star Trek magazine on a few occasions I found that they rarely plan much farther than half a season if even that. I think it was just there for future use in case they decided to use it.

  8. Yeah, Nemesis probably would have been better if so much hadn't been cut out of it. I really think they should have kept the conversation between Picard and Data in there. It is the deleted scene where we see Picard's instument from the probe where he lived someone else's life

  9. I've never seen the older movies in the theatre except for the fouth one, but I don't remember that experience because I was too young. But it is my guess that things are different now partly because the movies don't have the same depth. There was something special about the older movies (excpet for TMP) that is just beyond words. The TNG movies are entertaining but are lacking that element whatever that may be that makes it truely special.

  10. Suddenly, from behind Kira Nerys and the changling came a deep, throaty voice from near the damjot table, "Odo... Kira, do not greive for Mr. O'brien", the cycloptic Klingon triumphantly said.


    "O'brien was a true warrior who fought without fear. If it weren't for him, the Defiant could never have won so many glorious battles. The Chief died as a warrior...", at that moment, Chancellor Martok paused to remember the fine man and then continued, "and he will be remembered as a warrior!"


    Before the two could speak, Martok caught a glimpse of the large earred Ferengi. Holding a bottle of Klingon blood wine, the towering Klingon howled, "Quark! You liar, you sold me replicated Blood wine!" As he snarled, he began to put his hand on his dagger, clutching it tightly, forgetting that Odo, Kira, are anyone else were in the bar.

  11. As Janeway inquired as to the status of the away team, Harry's tricorder began chirping with the familiar sound of the bio-sign klaxon. He was reading faint life signs in a far off section of the ship. Feeling that this merited attention, he decided to report it to the Captain right away.


    "Captain, the deck if filled with dead bodies. However, i'm barely picking up life signs on the ship approximately", Harry paused a moment to read the display, "two point seven-one kilometers away"


    Knowing full well that the Captain would not understand how the life signs could be more than the length of the ship from the outside: one-hundred and twelve meters, he elaborated further, "The ship must be using some kind of four-dimensional spacial warp device. Our tricorders are indicating that the inside of the ship is twenty-eight times larger than visible from the outside.

  12. Am I the only one he LIKED her look in the 1st two seasons. This new look has a werid sci fi retro look if you ask me. Actually, when I first saw a picture of T'pol years ago, I thought her uniform was bad, but once I saw it on the screen I liked it. Maybe I will like this one once I see it on the screen of my TV!

  13. You must be thinking, why would I vote for NX-01. Well I really couldn't decide! I love the Enterprise - E bridge. It is the best bridge from that era. The prometheus bridge looked awesome but it would have gotten dull fast if we had to see it every episode. The Enterprise - B bridge was very well done too! But alas I choose the NX-01 bridge. While I like the LCARS look better in general. I had to give props to different look of the ENT bridge. I has a solid feel to it. But it is easilly tied with Enterprise E!

  14. I voted for a traditional session for the sole reason that I have never played before. Perhaps it would be wise to do both sessions This way those who do not know for sure if they can be there and don't wish to confirm can still play the traditional one if they do manage to find the time

  15. I don't think Picard should be killed. I really don't think he should be killed off like Kirk. I think his destiny should be different so that we don't get used to the idea of the captain's dying at the end of their run. If they did kill someone else I think it should be Worf. He has more Star Trek under his belt than any cast member. And as a Klingon, it would be a fitting fate. They could make his death a GLORIOUS one!

  16. I read an article about how shocking events cause us to remember where we were and what we were doing at the time of the event. I had just gotten back to high school. Whilie I was locking up my bike I was told about what happened. I didn't believe my friend at first, but once I saw a few poeple in the halls I knew it was no joke. Other than that I don't really remember much about the day.

  17. lol, oddly I think that would make for a good show. True, it wouldn't really fit with traditional trek, but I think it is okay to do something completely wacky once in a blue kronos moon. In fact I know a way that it could be done. The person that ends up on the ship could actually be from another reality where there is a VERY similar show (after all, if there are infinite realites, it would likely have to be possible)

  18. Well I voted for Picard. For me, he is like a fictional role model. He always makes decisions with the utmost diligence in analysing the morality of his choices and their consequences. I know, you said to vote for your favorite Captain, not the one you thinks makes the best command decisions, but that is why he is my favorite. If I had to choose a second fav, Kirk would come in at a very close second. I think his acting was absolutely fabulous in the movies with the exception of TMP.

  19. It's nice to see someone posting the actual year the Romulan war begins; there are many who believe that it should be starting now instead of season 6 or 7.


    I've mentioned to several people that the Federation is formed in 2161, ten years after the lauch of Enterprise NX-01. It is my belief that Enterprise will make it's run for at least one movie to cover the birth of the Federation. It would make an excellent plot line for a movie, and it would give them 3 years to produce the film and release it after the show ends, which is the approximate time for the completion of a movie from beggining to end.